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Posts posted by NetSlider

  1. In tGS, in "Veins Of Gold," there is a reference to Dragonmount having one side blasted away. Earlier in the book Min has a new viewing which also involves a mountain with one side blasted away. She thinks that it is the Dragonmount but not sure. So, here is the question - is the reference to the Dragonmount having one side blasted away is something that has been mentioned before tGS? If it always had one side blasted away than why Min is not sure that it is the Dragonmount in the viewing?

  2. As far as division goes, I think it is clear that Seanchan are actually helpful in uniting Randland in one way or another (be it uniting people against themselves, or uniting people after conquering them and creating order.)

    Not really. Whilst they are good at creating order in the lands they hold, and indeed are uniting those lands together, all they've achieved is a bigger overall division. It's like saying that the creation of the Soviet Union was good for global unity. Sure, it stopped The Ukraine and Georgia from ever going to war (not that I'm saying that they would have done, but you get my point), but it created a far bigger division between the USSR and the USA. (Mosc and Merc, presumably, but that's a whole different debate). If Seanchan had been wiped out by the DO, Rand would have taken each country one by one, been able to spend more time on the Shaido, and probably have marched off to SG two books ago.


    The idea that trollocs can't cross to Seanchan can't be right either, there are Ways, and ground (though it is cold), and there are boats (sure Fades afraid of water but enough driving got them even into SL).

    Well yes. Although I'm not certain that the Ways exist in Seanchan, and I can't really imagine a boat crewed by shadowspawn, but the land would certainly be viable. So it's clear that the DO had no interest in conquering Seanchan then, yes?

    Ukraine actually was in war with USSR in 1920, at least western Ukraine with the Capital of Lviv (I'm from western Ukraine originally). As far as Georgia goes, they asked to be joined to Imperial Russian way before Lenin's grandfather even was born in order to get protection from eastern and southern onslaught of Islam (Georgia and Armenia are actually the only two countries in the region that are Orthodox christian). Your analogy does not simply hold because the example you gave of Georgia and Ukraine being part of USSR happened after WWI and USA did not come to the conflict with USSR until WWII.

    In anyway, the presence of Seanchan created a situation that the countries either joined them (through force, I admit, though Seanchan are perfectly OK with getting the oath without blood shed, Arad Doman) or they joined against them (look at what Little Wolf :) was able to achieve) Anyway, in regards to DO not being interested in conquering Seanchan is not very logical. Forsaken did put their hands on Shara to some degree (as far as we know it) and yet DO would let another part of land just go unnoticed after Ishy was involved in one point? Unlikely if you ask me, unless he simply was not able to spread Blight in there, for some reason.

  3. Come on, the whole continent would be more than useful to start his campaign. He needs space and resources for the armies, plus noAS, that's a big plus! Think how easy it would be to use demani for the DO's purposes. Makes no sense.

    Covering Seanchan with Blight wouldn't 'give' the DO control over the people and damane, they would all just be killed, and then you have no Seanchan invasion to cause division on the main continent.

    And instead DO would have a MASSIVE army with tone of channelers against him? Seems improbable. As far as division goes, I think it is clear that Seanchan are actually helpful in uniting Randland in one way or another (be it uniting people against themselves, or uniting people after conquering them and creating order.) The idea that trollocs can't cross to Seanchan can't be right either, there are Ways, and ground (though it is cold), and there are boats (sure Fades afraid of water but enough driving got them even into SL).

  4. What's holding the Blight in Seanchan lands? There is  no WT and yet they don't even believe in Trolocs.

    What's holding the Blight anywhere?


    It seems to advance and retreat depending on how hungover the DO is feeling that particular day. I guess he doesn't really have any vested interests in Seanchan at the moment, so he has no reason to spread out his efforts.


    Come on, the whole continent would be more than useful to start his campaign. He needs space and resources for the armies, plus noAS, that's a big plus! Think how easy it would be to use demani for the DO's purposes. Makes no sense.

  5. As to Dragonmount and how LTT caused it to be:


    Yeah, it's a volcano. How does a volcano come to be? Well in this case LTT with his over-amped One Power draw created a "China Syndrome" right there on the spot. He blasted the earth away so deeply that a huge release of molten rock (magma) formed Dragonmount. As to it's blown away side *shrugs* who knows what a volcano will do once it's formed. It could easily just be that in forming so quickly and so tall and massive it was unstable and part fell into the magma lake, WHICH if you recall Rand looked into and pondered dropping the access key into it.


    LTT did not just create a mountain which at some time decided it was a volcano.

    Still, it's kind of hard to believe that LTT unaided was able to channel (though burning out at the end) as much as Rand can with Kal (I mean, think about the amount of power we are talking about. Lanfear said that they can even face the creator with both of the key!) seems to me that either the "Veins of Gold" remark holds some significance or there is some sort of mistake as to our understanding how the Dragonmount was created.

    It isn't a mistake, LTT is Rand, and thus Rand could channel that much if he wanted to push it to the limit.  Small problem with that though, the pain it would cause is so blinding you can't do anything with it(male side) (Dragonmount was not created on purpose) and you die.  Rules out being able to use it for anything.

    I understand that part and it makes sense. The only thing that stands out is the amount of power we are talking about. I mean, the description of the amount of source drawn by Kal seems to indicate a lot more than anyone at any point even dreamed of. Seems to me that LTT would not be able to draw that much power, even in the "raw" form, without any aid.

  6. As to Dragonmount and how LTT caused it to be:


    Yeah, it's a volcano. How does a volcano come to be? Well in this case LTT with his over-amped One Power draw created a "China Syndrome" right there on the spot. He blasted the earth away so deeply that a huge release of molten rock (magma) formed Dragonmount. As to it's blown away side *shrugs* who knows what a volcano will do once it's formed. It could easily just be that in forming so quickly and so tall and massive it was unstable and part fell into the magma lake, WHICH if you recall Rand looked into and pondered dropping the access key into it.


    LTT did not just create a mountain which at some time decided it was a volcano.

    Still, it's kind of hard to believe that LTT unaided was able to channel (though burning out at the end) as much as Rand can with Kal (I mean, think about the amount of power we are talking about. Lanfear said that they can even face the creator with both of the key!) seems to me that either the "Veins of Gold" remark holds some significance or there is some sort of mistake as to our understanding how the Dragonmount was created.

  7. Another question :).

    When Avi runs away through gateway and Rand follows he does something to it and ties it off for like the whole night. Now, Perrin cannot travel bc ashaman are tired. Why not make a gateway and instead of holding the weave just tie it off? Perrein told that they can open the gate but will not be able to hold if for more than couple hours at the most. But what about tieing them off. I mean, you can make like 10-20 or more gateways and just tie them off for whatever time you need (or at least couple hours). Is this just me or the whole ashaman tired thing is just an excuse to sync characters in time of the story?

    Gateways can not be tied off.

    Than how did Rand do what he did?

    Rand wove Fire/Spirt/Air and forced the gateway to stay open.  Only a few people, including the Age of Legends people know of this weave or have the dexterity/strength to do that.


    Still seems like a very thin reason. A lot of things were not know from the age of legend that are know now (and some were discovered in the 3rd age). I just think that Perrin's time line is being stalled.

    Unfortunately that is not correct, none of the Asha'man, or Aes Sedai currently with Perrin have the ability to block a gateway from closing. Asmodean mentions specific names, but I don't have TFoH on me to give them, since I am at work, I can provide who he says can once I get home.


    Did Rand find out about the Seanchan's attack on the White Tower before his attempt to attack them?


    What attack, you mean at end of TGS where he was going to wipe out everyone?  If you mean that attack, then no. Rand hasn't heard about the issues with the White Tower yet.(Seanchan related or Ewegene being Amyrlin)

    Thanks for the response, I'll look into it. I guess it makes sense, but I just wish Perrin had another reason not to travel rather than tired ashaman :).

  8. Another question :).

    When Avi runs away through gateway and Rand follows he does something to it and ties it off for like the whole night. Now, Perrin cannot travel bc ashaman are tired. Why not make a gateway and instead of holding the weave just tie it off? Perrein told that they can open the gate but will not be able to hold if for more than couple hours at the most. But what about tieing them off. I mean, you can make like 10-20 or more gateways and just tie them off for whatever time you need (or at least couple hours). Is this just me or the whole ashaman tired thing is just an excuse to sync characters in time of the story?

    Gateways can not be tied off.

    Than how did Rand do what he did?

    Rand wove Fire/Spirt/Air and forced the gateway to stay open.  Only a few people, including the Age of Legends people know of this weave or have the dexterity/strength to do that.


    Still seems like a very thin reason. A lot of things were not know from the age of legend that are know now (and some were discovered in the 3rd age). I just think that Perrin's time line is being stalled.

  9. Another question :).

    When Avi runs away through gateway and Rand follows he does something to it and ties it off for like the whole night. Now, Perrin cannot travel bc ashaman are tired. Why not make a gateway and instead of holding the weave just tie it off? Perrein told that they can open the gate but will not be able to hold if for more than couple hours at the most. But what about tieing them off. I mean, you can make like 10-20 or more gateways and just tie them off for whatever time you need (or at least couple hours). Is this just me or the whole ashaman tired thing is just an excuse to sync characters in time of the story?

    Gateways can not be tied off.

    Than how did Rand do what he did?

  10. Another question :).

    When Avi runs away through gateway and Rand follows he does something to it and ties it off for like the whole night. Now, Perrin cannot travel bc ashaman are tired. Why not make a gateway and instead of holding the weave just tie it off? Perrein told that they can open the gate but will not be able to hold if for more than couple hours at the most. But what about tieing them off. I mean, you can make like 10-20 or more gateways and just tie them off for whatever time you need (or at least couple hours). Is this just me or the whole ashaman tired thing is just an excuse to sync characters in time of the story?

  11. I'm going to re-post my question from another post here as it seems people actually get some answers. How the hell LTT made the Dragonmount? Rand had Kal with him in "The Veins of Gold" and the amount he draw was equal to when he cleansed saidin and created the Dragonmount (that's according to Rand himself). So, was the LTT so powerful that he could have drawn enough power to make the Dragonmount? Or was he using some sort of sa'angreal? Or, and this is a very long shot theory but someone mentioned it somewhere more than once, the Creator helped him to create the Dragonmount?


    And another quick question - the Dragonmount always had that gash on the side or was it something introduced after the rebirth?

  12. A while ago I've asked a question about the blademaster that Tam killed. And than one thing popped in my head. This is a long shot, but at the same time would be a cool little twist.

    I dont remember the name of the greatest blademaster every lived (first time mentioned in the tDR) but he was only defeated once, by a farmer with a quoter staff. As far as I remember it is never mentioned when he lived but would be cool if the farmer turns out to be Tam?

    I think this is not the case, but than RJ sometimes pulled these kind of twists.

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