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Posts posted by bcxanth

  1. "I'm an archer by trade," Raylin replied to the question. "So wherever that puts me, that's where I belong." She grinned, thinking back to how horrible she'd been with the bow at Jena's age. "16 you say?  Interesting." She moved closer as the girl had motioned her to do, lounging on the grass next to her and watching as she leaned back to stare into the sky.  "Younger then I thought, but I can tell you're mature for your age. You've done a great deal of growing up when you shouldn't have had to, and I knwo what that it like."


    Sitting up she leand forward and rested her arms on the girls knees sticking up in the air with yet another grin.


    "Listen Jena, I'll be frank. I like you, and I don't often meet people I like right away. But I have a good feeling about you. Plus it can't hurt to spend time around someone as pretty as you. So I have a proposal to make. No matter where we end up in this here army, I want you to know that you can come to me for anything. I'll be there for you. We're both far from hom, and have lost all the family we had in the world. Maybe we can help make up for that in each other. What do you think?"

  2. OOC: I posted a thread on the Band's Div board letting them know we're out here making small talk. Hopefully we'll get some company soon. :)  And I'm glad you found your way to a Div I'm part of after I posted in your newbie thread. :)


    IC: Raylin took the proffered skin with thanks and took a drink. She couldn't help but arch her brow and look at the girl again as she tasted ale instead of the water she'd expected. Perhaps she was older then she looked. She certainly had a maturity she hadn't expected, but then a hard life could explain that too.  And no parents might explain the reason she'd grown up to other things so fast, like drinking ale.


    Finishing her drink, Raylin grinned at Jena again. "Well, it certainly seems we're going to be cooling our heels for a time. But the pleasant company makes it acceptable.  I'd been hoping to be inside the Citadel by now, perhaps finding a bunk and meeting others in my new squad. But still, I won't begrudge that for having met such a lovely young lass as yourself."


    With a wave for Jena to join her, Raylin moved to the grass on the side of the road, making soft clucking noises that drew Raven to follow her. Choosing a spot she sprawled out on her back on the ground, then turned over onto her side to face Jena.


    "We may as well get comfortable while we wait.  Good ale by the way," she said as she took another swig and then tossed it to the girl. She giggled slightly as she saw Jena had already devoured the food in the packet. "I can't help but ask though.  How old are you?"

  3. Raylin shook the girl's hand gladly as she talked. It was obvious she was very eager to be here. Raylin couldn't help but remember what she was like, when she was as young as this girl looked.  And she couldn't help but chuckle softly at the casual way she talked about her coming here, as if there was nothing unusual about it Raylin was sure this girl was nothing if not unusual.


    "Me?  Oh, much the same," she replied. "I come from up in the Borderlands, in Kandor.  I lived on a farm with my father. Took care of both him and the farm in the end, as well as helping the men in the area fight off teh occaisonal raid.  My father finally passed into the last embrace of the Mother, and I grew weary of sitting at home. The farm was lonely and boring, with nothing to keep me there anymore.  I sold the farm and wandered for a while. Signed on with a couple of merchant trains as a guard. Then rumor brought me South to this place."


    Studying the girl again she couldn't help but stare into her eyes for a time. Very striking. Finally with a slight shake of her head she came back to reality.


    "You look famished from your journey. Life hasn't been treating you well, that's for sure."


    Turning, she opened her saddle bag and pulled out an oiled parchment package containing cheese and some dried beef. Taking that and her water skin she turned back to Jena and offered them to her.


    "Here, there's some cheese and dried meat in the package, and water in the skin. Get some food in your belly. I have a good eye for such things, and I think once we get some meat on your bones you'll be drawing the eye of anyone you wish."


    She couldn't help but grin at the blush she saw on the girl's cheeks.

  4. Dre arrived back to her room after her morning helping in the kitchens and quickly washed and changed into a new dress.  Estel had told her that her first lesson in touching saidar would happen today after her morning chores, and she was eager for the meeting. Looking in the mirror she only gave her hair a lick and a promise with the brush before rushing off, being sure to pull it forward to hide the scar on her face as she passed by another group of novices. She couldn't help but feel jealous as they walked and laughed together. She still had no friends of her own among the novices and felt very alone.


    Following the directions she'd been given she eventually found the overgrown path she'd been told of, and followed it. The leaves crunching under her feet sounded loud in the emptiness around her. Feeling anxious, not sure if she was really in the right place, she couldn't help but sigh and smile slightly as she sighted Estel sitting on a bench ahead. She walked up quietly, not wanting to disturb the Aes Sedei as she seemed to be resting with her eyes closed. Therefore she was quite startled when Estel spoke without open her eyes.


    “A beautiful place, don’t you agree?  And one with no small significance.  This is where I first touched saidar, where my mentor first touched saidar and where you will learn to touch the female half of the One Power.”


    Dre couldn't help but give an eager grin at this pronouncement, looking around her once more before speaking.


    "Yes, it is very beautiful here. I've always loved trees and forests. They always seem so peaceful and serene. But," she continued, a note of hesitation creeping into her voice. "What if there was some kind of mistake? What if I fail in touching the source? I still have a hard time believing all this is happening."

  5. Raylin heard the newcomer coming up behind her, a person on foot leading a horse.  She didn't turn from the guard she had addressed, though he seemed to have no inclination to talk to her.  After giving a curt answer that she'd found the right place, the guard had sent a messenger into the Citadel and then began to completely ignore Raylin. Not something she was used to at all.


    Finally the new arrival came up beside Raylin and stopped before speaking. "May the light smile upon all those here,” she said.  “Is this the Citadel? And if it is, does anyone know where a recruit can sign up?"


    At this point Raylin turned from her study of the guard and looked down at the newcomer.  A new arrival indeed from her words, just like she was. The girl looked young, and seemed to have seen better days from her thin and haggard look. She was short, with a hat that hid her face from the height Raylin sat at, but she still seemd rather pretty for all that.  Swinging her leg over she dismounted to greet the other woman on a more equal level.


    Dropping Raven's reins, knowing the horse wouldn't budge as he'd been trained by her father, she approached the girl with outstretched hand and a smile on her face.


    "Hello there.  Yes, this does seem to be the Citadel.  Quiet boy there said it was at least," she added, noding to the nearby guard. "He sent someone inside to fetch whoever is in charge of talking to newcomers.  My name is Raylin Du'Notin, and I'm newly arrived here as well. What's your name, and what brings such a pretty lass as yourself to join the life of a soldier?"

  6. Lilly is awesome and really helped get me thinking about ideas for my characters and really think about having some fun with this when I returned to DM.  Even though we still haven't gotten to RP together (and she never talks to em anymore :( ) I still think she's great. :)

  7. So we're just talking about whipping up a few NSW characters here, right?


    This is what I think we're looking at so far (correct me if I'm wrong).  Two sets of grandparents, a mother and father, and then two kids?  Just trying to make sure I have it straight. :)

  8. I don't have MSN no, but I do have Skype messenger.  bcxanth on there.  Right now I'm just doing filler RPs with Kopair while I wait for my Mentor to get back from her LoA. :P  Then we've got a little plan for the next training req that we're trying to get a Tinker party together for in order for Kopair to interract with them.


    Then besides some long-term plans with Nephie for Kopair's future Gaidinism, I don't really have any other plans for him.

  9. Most of my friends are gaming nerds, as well as the people I work with.  So that's nice. :)  But my family on the other hand, that's another story. You talk about gameing or role-playing, and they look at you like you've sprouted horns and a tail and are carrying a pitch-fork.

  10. Kopair listened with mild interest as Conor talked. He certainly seemed to have some hard feelings towards more then one Tower Guard. He was interrupted in his listening though as someone bumped into him from behind. "My apologies." he muttered absently as he gaxed around the room, then without looking back walked off to a table by himself.


    Kopair watched him for a minute, then finally realized why he looked familiar. He was one of the new Trainees that had arrived recently. He watched as the newcomer placed an order for wine and pulled two very lonely looking coins out of a very empty looking purse and paid with one of them.  He felt the heavy belt pouch against his leg and couldn't help but feel a little bad for the guy.


    Signaling to the waitress as she left the other's table, he slipped her payment for a couple of drinks at least and told her he was buying for the other. When she returned to the Trainee's table she gave him his wine, and his money back, letting him know his tab was covered.  The man leaned back against the wall and seemed to make a study of listening without appearing to.  Kopair chuckled and walked over to him.


    "Greetings.  My name is Kopair Rialyn, fellow Trainee in the Yard.  You're new, right?"

  11. Well James, I do see what you're saying there.  But then I don't know what I missed during the year I was going that might explain the point-of-view. However something needs to be done to get the good stuff going. So I figure, barring any better ideas, it's worth a try. After all, it seems like the worst that can happen is that nobody does the job and we're right back at the point we're at now.

  12. Kopair chuckled at Sahra's comment and took another long drink of ale. He then listened on as Sahra attempted to see who would be up for a prank.  He thought for a moment, considering the options, before speaking.


    "I'm not sure if I can join you there, though I'd love to.  A part of me says that he wouldn't report us to Thera if he caught us, because he's a prankster himself. On the other hand, if it did get back to Thera, I'd be facing being turned out. She told me not one more foot placed wrong, and I believe her. She seems to be a tough one.  Yet I still can't help but be intrigued by the idead."


    Kopair cupped his drink in his hands, but didn't touch it to his lips again. Instead he leaned forward to rest his chin on the back of his chair and looked thoughtfully at the table top.

  13. Oh great!  Now look what you've done!  You've made her more powerful! Now instead of a physical being we can thwack with a slimy trout, she's a ghost!


    And Eqwina, get better soon! :D  You need to bust the new ghost.

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