That's quite an update! I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitties. I lost a beloved dog very young and very suddenly, so I can empathize with you.
Congrats on your elevation. Many years ago, I was in the SCA, and I know how hard it is to earn your Pelican.
Your young kitties are just adorable!
My plans for this holiday are moving. I close escrow on my current home today. Then we load the truck and move it on Saturday, maybe tomorrow.
I didn't notice Dolly there! I have two kitty co-workers, and one of them usually has my chair nice and warm when I'm ready to work. The other is Reba, btw. Dolly has the gray nose. When I rescued them, there names were Dua and Due. Those had to go!
Last night we went trunk-or-treating with my grandkids, and I ate all the Milky Ways, because nobody likes them but me. They're one of my favorites, too, along with 100,000 bars.