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Posts posted by mb

  1. Elaida seemed like-able (at least partly) until Shadow Rising.

    and her treachery/cowardliness seemed to start long before the Sanderson books.  treachery, I think deposing Siuan; cowardliness, I think mostly her commands in books 5 through 11 and into the Sanderson books (she never attempted to do any of those things herself).


    actually, each reader's reason/reasons could be different.  and I recall some readers that seemed to dislike him after his first POV; if I recall correctly, those were around books 10 & 11.

    from what I recall of the first books, he seemed to change quite a bit before his first POV; so his thoughts could have been different in his earlier scenes.


    Books 10&11?


    Mat's first PoV is chapter 19 of The Dragon Reborn when he wakes up.

    Up till that point we had only seen Mat though someone else's eyes and, except for a handful of chapters in the beginning, a tainted Matt at that.


    was referring to the things the readers disliked about Mat; not Mat's first POV.

    shall edit the post.

  3. actually, each reader's reason/reasons could be different.  and I recall some readers that seemed to dislike him after his first POV; if I recall correctly, the things those readers disliked were around books 10 & 11.

    from what I recall of the first books, he seemed to change quite a bit before his first POV; so his thoughts could have been different in his earlier scenes.

  4. Elmindreda; the girly-girl phase of Min? I can see how that would be hate-able (or dislike-able).


    Lini; main reason for a reader to hate/dislike her I would guess would be her various sayings. or possibly her trying to hitch Morgase & Tallanvor.



    by the way, I do not hate any of those characters/actions.

  5. about whitecloak hate; my impression was (and is) that the attack gave reason to hate that group.  not necessarily more reason to hate Aes Sedia in general.

    more reason to suspect; it seems to me that the attack did not change whitecloak's level of suspicion.


    about Egwene being jealous; from what I recall of those scenes, she did not express any jealousy in thought or speech or action.  I recall only concern in those scenes towards Rand.  and I do not recall Min being mentioned within any character's thought or speech in those scenes.

  6. I recall several book series that have more than 1 author.  James Bond; Left Behind (though it was co-authored); Infinity Ring; Dr Who.  and maybe Sherlock Homes.


    some chance of Robert Jordan's ghostwritten book not published by Tor/Forge; especially if any of his other books (under any name) were published by different company/companies.


    to the original poster::  could you provide the link of the Wikipedia page?

  7. the 4 month portal stone trip; the books do not explicitly tell the visions of the others, but we get hints of one other character's towards the end of the book.


    Liandrin; several things are revealed about her in about several chapters from where you are at.  and more in upcoming books.


    Fain's next on-screen appearance I think is within several chapters; but I do not quite remember.


    you are not wrong about Black Ajah; their first on-screen appearance I think was in Great Hunt's Prologue.

    edit::  the identities of some of that chapter's characters and the identities of various Black Ajah characters are revealed throughout the series.

  8. first on-screen appearance of Rand's 3rd lover I think is in book 3.  later books give more clues.

    some later scene in book 2 gives an indicator of her; chapter 37.


    about Nynaeve's hatred of Moiraine; scenes you already read kind of give Nynaeve's reasons.  Moiraine taking the boys and Egwene out of Two Rivers; and Nynaeve feeling responsible for the safety of those 4 (she was their Wisdom).  Nynaeve's arrival at Baerlon and her discussion right after Shadar Logoth are the scenes I am referring to.


    Selene; book 4 confirms several things about her.

  9. from my understanding, the Companion is based on what was originally intended.  I recall another thread mentioning some differences between Companion and books; one being Bela's fate.




    in books she dies; in companion she retires to some farm.


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