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A Memory Of Why

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Everything posted by A Memory Of Why

  1. Cool, someone pointed out he's chanting the dark prophecy from tGH, mostly in the old tongue.. Kinda cool how he makes it sound like a satanic incantation. P.s. YouTube has better contrast, I can't see much on the Twitter one above.
  2. I came out thinking the show was good, it could have been awesome, it could have been worse.. Probably an unpopular opinion but one of the things I was excited for was seeing things we didn't get in the books. That's what we've got the books for guys! Two rivers battle, more of Logain was cool. Let's get more of Mat with the band and his dual with Couladin, show us more of the Forsaken and make them more than just an obstacle for Rand, let's see Caddy single handedly capture Taim, etc. There's also a lot of Easter eggs that were fun too. I do have some issues with season one too.. Episode 8 was not fun, enjoyed the cold opening and Fares squared was amazing but that's about it. Kinda over deus ex Nyn saving the day, like it was cool but still.. there's other cool characters they could use. But hey, I'm happy she got to scratch Lans back I guess. Amongst others but I'm willing to see if it pays off and I'm hopeful for season 2.. it's nice up here on the fence guys, we'll see πŸ˜‰ P.s. let's not bring reddit into this ay?
  3. Yeah, Barney's Mat was great, he really shined in his scenes and thought the changes worked.. his departure is a bit of a shame, I guess he didn't want to be a hero πŸ˜‡ At least they can easily shoehorn a good excuse, "the dagger changed me man, gave me this cool whimsical accent too." Really liked Logain too, dudes done an amazing job showing that arrogant confidence and twitchy madness. Keen to see how that plays out.
  4. It was a bit jarring, been thinking about it and it could be a good change, we'll see. Honestly guys, what does Lanfear actually accomplish? Other than the secret ending, for a fabled evil seductress she doesn't really get much done. And we've only got maybe two seasons to showcase how crazy she is, I'm guessing season 3 will end with the confrontation. Having her be intimate with Rand I think could work... A) it'd be nice to have more competent Forsaken B) it's a scary thought, a litteral devil on the shoulder of the most dangerous person in the world C) it'll go a long way to "show" her possessiveness and jealousy, instead of just being horny for a soul D) help show why Rand doesn't just balefire her and give him some motivation for his silly "don't wanna hurt girls". You know if he can't kill an evil woman to save his friends how can he send maidens to their death? Or some such.. I get it, I miss innocent Rand and Cairhien in TGH was fun.. 😒 What I'm saying is.. Loins girded here.. triple girded!
  5. Well that was an interesting scene, was liking what's her name for Lanfear and can totally see her pulling off the super crazy ex.. Girl totally said to take what you want and straight up did what she's wanted for thousands of years 😈 This is actually quite a creepy scene too. Look at how happy our boy Rand looks, poor dude got turned into a newt!
  6. I get why they get a bad rap but I kinda like these guys. I think it's interesting how RJ incorporates the tropey perfect princly knights into a story they dont fit in. It's not their fault they were Tarvaren'd to the sidelines where their faults overshadows their virtues. In fact, their virtues become their faults with poor chasty Galads logic and Gawyns passion causing all sorts of drama. Who knows, maybe one day someone will romanticise it all and next thing you know.. Prince Gawyn ends up stealing the heart of king Al'Thors queen, Egwene(avere) cause they found out he had an affair with his sister Morgase who was disguised as a rebellious golden haired princess, whilst he was traipsing around the country with his knights Galad and co on a holy quest over a cup.. Where they come across some dude named Lan(celotte) who just likes dules and convinced him to join then on the promise of some cool fights. Next thing you know, the kings incestuous, basstard son More-Death joins the fray and causes a rebellion that breaks the kings empire and destroys the world.. All the while some weird mystic storyteller Merryland and his mistress Nyn(mueay) pulls strings from the shadows for shits and giggles.. Or you know, some variation of events.. (Insert Merlin meme: "It was the boy!!")
  7. Yeah, Min didn't really land for me. In saying that the cast and performance is probably the best quality for the show for me, so let's see how she goes. I do miss the goofy Min we meet in Bearlon, all giddy and excitable, trying to play it cool with meeting the love of her life 😒 Though this Min does look like she could pull off one of my favourite Min quotes..
  8. @SinisterDeath pretty sure RJ said it would be a trilogy but the publishers, who knew him said he'll need six books. I swear I read that on a theoryland interview. As for the heretical changes described above, I'm holding back and seeing if they pay off. Some already have in my opinion.. Matt's delinquent change really worked for me, he's a bitchy annoying side character for two and a half books. Barney & co really did make it feel like mid book Matt early on which I can appreciate. Nyn though.. this one bothers me, her growth throughout the series is something incredibly special that the vast majority of fans can agree with. Having her be "the bomb" early on really detracts from this growth and IMO could really hurt the character. I love hearing new peoples perspectives of her change as they go through the series and even on reread. And with the show.. well, it bothers me is all. Maybe they can pull it off.. maybe.. but I feel it isn't a reflection of Nyns "growth". P.s. "no need to scream like a cat!"
  9. Someone picked up the patterns between the star points are different and could indicate the Forsaken. I think they could be onto something, looking at the patterns above like an analogue clock.. 1100: looks like a spider crab, 8 limbs - Moggy 1200: no idea, though could be a spider Web? 0200: kinda looks like a snake - 0300: evil face, big brain? 0500: looks like angel, something with wings..? 0630: ahem.. kinda looks like.. female anatomy - Graendel 0800: maybe a bee - Sammy, though bees don't make sense for his backstory 0930: evil face with a circle it's chest..? Thoughts?
  10. Yeah, it's the DF social we see in the trailer. Not a Forsaken scene I was expecting, we see from under tha table an AS ring with a black stone, Seanchan nails and such from the hooded guys. The lil person is a random child ishy gets to play with. Noticed an eight pointed star with the AS symbol in the centre which could support the eight Forsaken idea, though I still feel that's a misdirect. Fun little scene, not long now.
  11. Remember in the 90s we had those cool snap on wrist bands? That, but with magic πŸ€—
  12. As much as I liked this trailer, I feel it's a terrible missed opportunity not to incorporate the flicker concept into it. Regardless if we get the scene in the show, though based on a couple of shots I think we just might be in luck.. a trailer would be a perfect place to pay this homage with the flickers between scenes.. which, IMO would just be super cool. flicker flicker!! I know this may sound petty, but it kinda bums me out. Maybe in the next trailer..? πŸ₯Ή
  13. Trailer song was good, I'm not to fussed with music in trailers. I'm more interested in the visuals, music should complement it thematically, which it does. Really enjoyed the old Tongue music we got in season 1, not sure how I'd feel about modern songs getting thrown in.. maybe make them renditions with the old tongue πŸ˜‹ In saying that, I found this banger the other day.
  14. I keep hearing about this little person but honestly I missed it, so most likely a Lil greyman πŸ˜‰ If I had to guess it could be one of those.. somarra? The mind reading shadowspawn servant things, making them children would be a bit creepy. Though it's probably something obvious, like...
  15. I've been thinking this is a Forsakin gathering since the teaser and this is just making me feel more stubborn about it. I noticed two that appear female in the bottom right aren't cloaked (5 & 7). 5 is a darker skinned woman with big red hair - possibly Semihage? 7, long dark hair with a red dress - ??? Not sure. Makes sense to cloak the ones we're not going to see for a while, don't need to worry about actors and they can hide their aliases. Fun trailer, quite enjoyed it. Gives me a bit of hope they're stepping up their game moving forward.
  16. I know that look.. Poor dude just stubbed his toe after a bad day. You know when you straight up know cussing isn't going to help and the best you can do is sit where you're at and just feel and have a bit of a cry. Than you get yourself together with some breathing exercises, stand up and to make up for it mumble some cusses while telling yourself; it's ok, these things happen, you'll be right. So you find yourself a good stick, a nice solid walking stick and for some reason that really helps. Maybe you were right, things will be ok. Next thing you know you see a couple of Princes acting all Princy and thinking they're cool...
  17. Yeah, I reckon If you get rid of those lil towers at the base of the main central tower I'd look bigger and there'd be less complaints. Honestly, should be a bit concerned about that bump on the accepted wing though. Recommend getting that looked at, better to be safe than sorry when the DO is about..
  18. Turak may be a Blademaster but he totally underestimated Rands sexy calves πŸ˜‰
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