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Posts posted by Daenelia

  1. 2 hours ago, notpropaganda73 said:

    It's a part of the show I think has been done really excellently to be honest. The only thing I've disliked is how clean their clothes were after being on the road for so long, but other than that I thought the actual design of nearly every costume was excellent. 


    I want Rand's coat

    I think I have a version of his coat. Just nicer, but it's not handmade, is it. ? That coat, btw, is extremely easy to clean and stays clean even when I go out in a blizzard, walking to work through Dutch snowdrifts ... which, admittedly, are not that intimidating ... or anything like a real snowdrift. But still! I shall have to take a picture of it.

  2. So that is why this is popping up on my recommendations ? (literally came here to share that video, too).


    I really like Rand's coat (but that is because it is so similar to a coat I have had for decades. So I know it lasts, it is warm and useful and also looks awesome). Right now though that is the only stand out costume for me. I like the dress, too, but it is not exceptionally stunning or eye catching.


    As far as I am concerned it isnt a make or break if the costumes arent stunning. But they can step up in next season.

  3. 13 hours ago, Truthteller said:

    The premise that fans are more likely to be critical is very dubious.  These very threads prove otherwise.  The series went desperately off the rails from the first episode, and yet all these people that are being critical kept coming back, and they kept coming back because they so badly wanted to enjoy the show, giving it chance after chance.  

    Indeed, the portrayal of those that are critical as close minded purists is offensive and exclusionary, demonstrating a deep arrogance and unwillingness to listen.


    By contrast, I keep looking to read a defence of the series that is even faintly plausible so that I can enjoy the series more.  You think we want to hate the series?  I don’t, indeed while it deserves to be hated, I merely dislike it, so great is my wanting to love.


    I think from all the posts I have been rwading from people whp enjoy the show and their attitude to those who come back to complain how much they do not like it, I have the distinct impression that those who like the show just feel sad that those who do not like it don't enjoy it.


    That said: hate-watching is a thing, and you can enjoy watching a show you actually dislike. Which is fine! I do that myself sometimes! Bridgerton comes to mind... ohhh, I loathe that show. I watched it all.


    And yes: gatekeeping is a thing as well. As a long-long-loooong time trekkie I have seen the worst of the worst on that.


    I do appreciate that some of the people that are critical (or just dont like it) don't try to make me dislike the show. Most of us can agree to disagree. It leads to good discussions. And no one here is trying to convert one to another viewpoint.

    (I do not like to be told what I can or cannot like, and I wont do that to someone else.)

  4. On 12/24/2021 at 4:43 PM, Raezold said:


    Our version?

    You mean, the version that Robert Jordan wrote? The same version that you yourself have read because there really only is one version. That version?

    Oww good one!

    You do realise that everyone has their own version? You did not recieve the One True Version via direct telepathy, you know ? Every reader has their own internal version of the books they read. That is simply how it is. Fact ?


    Because I can't 'see' the same Rand you do, or imagine the same way in which the party travels, or anything that you saw in your inner-tv-screen.


    ? Allow people their own interpretation and dont be a dic ... tator. That's the word. ? Lets all just enjoy what we enjoy about the books and allow people to either enjoy or hate-watch the series.

  5. Yes! I actually read through all of your posts! Thank you! Even the ones who did not enjoy it, because I really do feel bads for peoplewho feel cheated out of their version of the books.


    I enjoyed the finale and look forward to next season. Happy to see the intention is there for all books to be used and that makes me a little bit hopeful that they may even extend the seasons to come with maybe 2 more episodes? So we have more time for the exposition some seem to need? (It could do with a bit more slowness, exposition, tiny moments, comic relief...)


    If I was not enjoying this series, I would just not watch it. So I get that. Just remember that hate-watching is still watching. If anyone seriously wants a new version: stop watching. ?


    I don't know what I liked best, but I did enjoy Rand getting more dialogue so I could listen to his accent. ? I can't tell my guy yet that the DO on screen is not the DO ... as he thinks it is. He has no clue. I have some insider knowledge. Also. Cracked seal. No good. Bad news.


    Yeah. I will have to finr time to watch it again. Might have to really drop something else to make that time. Why don't I have time?? I used to have all the time in the world to read the books! And now! ... oh right. I used to not do homework. That's it.

  6. Just now, WheelofJuke said:

    I came of age in the early 90's...classic rock and thrash/metal were my main touchstones  of the time. 


    The thing that has changed is, less metal and *waay* more Prince. Prince just was...an enigma...lol...to a young white boy in rural Indiana. Now one of my faves. 

    Maybe we always catch up to what we missed the first time round ?

    But omg, I hear Prince and I think: how can we have taken that kind of genius for granted.

  7. 3 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    yes. that could have been a better conclusion to my initial argument.

    tv is not well suited to adapt epic fantasy, but it can do a good job provided we look at it as another mean to bring us a story.


    or maybe not. still feels too close to "this is mediocre, but it's the best possible with this medium so like it anyway"


    let's try a different way: it's a story that must be told in a different way, and this different way has strenghts and limitations which you may or may not like. feels better.

    Still. One can dream about trying to make their own version, as close as they can, as it is in their own heads. Dreaming of unlimited budget, no limit on which actors to contract ... and imagine then: we get to see ALL those versions ?


    I am already overwhelmed by Youtube videos... ? I'd never have time.


    But yes: there are limits and there will be things presented differently because of either limits or choices. And you can like it or not. No one owes you your own version of the story. And no one version of the story is objectively the correct one. [controversial mode on] Not Even The Author's.[/controversial mode off]



  8. 9 hours ago, EmreY said:

    Books or films set in modern-day New York or Riyadh (there must be some) or Beijing rarely include a discussion of food sources (or, for that matter, toilets) either. ?  



    ? I am now in need of a scene of either Moiraine or Lan using a chamber pot. I mean, we got a bath scene. Would they be close enough to use the toilet in the same room?


    For that matter: is that the sign of over-familiarity, when you are not shy about going potty in front of your partner or best friend...? Or ... am I making clear that there is a reason we never see toilet scenes (except when a long neglected child finally takes revenge on the father with a crossbow...?) ?

  9. I had to do a quick google search for female blacksmiths in medieval; times to combat the ridiculousness.



    There. There were female blacksmiths. Go figure.

    "here are several primary documents that prove the existence of female blacksmiths during this time period. The Holkham Bible of the 1300s, for example, includes an image of a woman forging a nail (above). It is assumed that this woman is the wife of a blacksmith and that is why she is shown working at the anvil, but regardless of her position, the illustration provides a glimpse into the work of women in the middle ages and their many roles."


    Oh my.


    Add that to the fact that we're talking about a fictional fantasy world, with fictional fantasy technology, fictional people and fysiology and fictional materials ... come on. Let's give up on that. Or I WILL have to challenge you to armwestling.


    But back to topic.


    TV is basically incompatible with personal theatre of the mind, which we use to imagine worlds and people. When we reasd we are both in communication wit the author as well as totally alone in the world we are offered. TV can never ever do what your mind can conjure up. It's not possible.


    Given that we all have different backgrounds, different knowledge and frames through which we see a filtered version of the story the writer gives us: no tv show will ever ever EVER come close. Not even when you have the chance and unlimited budget to do it yourself.


    But! If we look at tv as just another means to bring us a story, more structured and less our own, than you can do any epic fantasy you like. As long as the viewer can supend disbelief, and not get trapped in discussions about how strong women have to be to lift a hammer.

  10. I can see that it breaks the immersion for some people. But I am actually okay not knowing all the details.

    If it is important to the story, then yes: I enjoy explanations of where food comes from...


    (did Vulcans bring replicator technology? Arent we humans already en route to that with our grown beef and building food out of thin air?)


    ... anyway. And then where do you stop? Is it enough to show one farm with food, or do we need to count how many farms there are, what they grow and how long the transport to the city is? Mind you, we don't know about city gardens. Apparently even now, cities could theoretically grow their own food within the city boundaties! Mind. Boggled.


    I do take into consideration that year-long ship journeys were perfectly dable without restocking too much. And there were no farms on the ships. Though maybe some chickens for fresh eggs? Everything else was just pickled for preservation. Or caught, if they were lucky.


    There is quite a lot you can do to extend shelf-life of food. But I also don't find it necessary to know every little detail, as I said.

  11. Banished. I am so smitten with this game, I played it way too much.


    It's a very simple simulation of building up a village, managing resources and handling trade. I made a mistake in accepting about 50+ new nomads who wanted to settel without having enough food and that was the start of the downfall of my village Soopville. I tried to rescue it, but hunger set in, and I could not keep producing the food and wood I needed. It was horrible... I am abandoning it. New village!


  12. 11 minutes ago, WheelofJuke said:

    Respectfully disagree.


    One may feel that sex does NOT necessarily cheapen relationships, and at the same time feel that delayed gratification through a tense, uncertain build up of romance *adds* to the relationship. 


    I'm far from a prude. But I found the "cheapening" of the slow burn of their feelings for each other in the books unfortunate; as the tension created from the uncertainty of whether or not they would be able to realize their love for each other brought much to their characters.  


    It's a personal thing I suppose. I think for Nyn to take the lead and go into the bedroom knowing full well what she wanted was a great thing.


    I am not one to pine and long and be wishy-washy either. I've been in a long distance relationship and trust me: pining and longing is way way way overrated.

  13. I really really liked it (and got the chance to watch it over lunch, during the break in working from home ? ).


    Everything I thought that would be explained, has been explained so far. So I have confidence that there will be more things explained as we go along, and we get a better view of the world every episode.


    I loved the over the top fighting, love some slomo scenes ? and yes, of course normally a woman giving birth would probably not be able to do all those things. Then again, some women only take 20 minutes to give birth, and are chipper and talking and walking right up until that moment. (Actual example. Also. That woman did have red hair. There maybe something ... Hmm. But no, she was not trained in fighting. If she had been, I have no doubt my friend would have kicked butt in a similar way.)


    Part of me was sad that Lan/Nyneave was so quick, but realising we have limited time, I am happy they had that scene so early.


    The one thing I a happy about is that Rand is now confirmed so we wont have to have that debate anymore on the forum. We can all be happy now. ?

  14. I love that it reminded me of how much I loved the books (as perfectly imperfect as they are: I am transported to my younger self). I love that it made me realise I could register for this site and that forums are still a thing!


    I love watching the show with my guy (non-reader) and that he loves it and absolutely does not want my input or theories or even innocent questions, because 'I might spoiler things'.


    I love the show for what it is, and it is a perfectly fine show so far, as can be expected, for me. I know it could be better, I know there is improvement needed, but it's of to a good start. And I love love love discussing that with y'all!

  15. Nothing wrong with Cesar, I enjoy how he handles his dog pack. But it's not suitable for every dog. I'd say his method is very good for dogs that have issues - with trust, or people, or with habits that aren't helpful.


    And I always think of puppies as students: the more you can teach them before they are 1 or 2 years old, the better. For my chihuahua, I made a list of things he needed to be exposed to as early as possible. I wanted to bring him on public transport, for him to travel to cities, show him the sea, also take him to busy places such as shopping areas, ideally I wanted to expose him to children and that last thing is the only thing that failed.


    To this day: my chihuahua dislikes children. He had one favourite neighbourhood kid and no one else. It did not help that one or two young kids had fun trying to scare him. And that their parents thought that was funny, while my little pup was terrified of them.


    So look ahead what you want your pup to be comfortable with and plan to do those things, with lots of hugs and smiles, and treats. Treats are key! (This concludes my puppy-training segment ? )


    I dont know if you have fireworks going off around new years, but stay calm and play some music in the background and ignore the noise as much as you can.

  16. 13 minutes ago, Vartija said:

    I can't get over the fact that he's carried that blade for 6 episodes and done nothing with it so far. 

    I imagine he used it to shave. Or to pick under his fingernails. Just because we have not seen it, does not mean he has not done anything with it. Right now he is terribly unskilled. And no, it would have been a bad idea to insert scenes of training in the last few episodes.


    At the end of EotW (the book) Rand is still not very skilled with the sword. I think they will make that up somehow in the show.


  17. There is a lot of action at the moment in the tv series forum, so I don't think anyone will hold it against you ? At least, I always enjoy new perspectives to discuss.


    Have read the books myself, but that's not important! I'll try not to spoiler too much. Beware, lots of things that book readers discuss may or may not be actual spoilers. Especially when we are discussing things that have been left out or that people think will change the outcome in future episodes. Just assume the book readers are wrong ?

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