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Posts posted by Daenelia

  1. I think I need to see some more of Perrin and the wolves, tbh. It's the most interesting thing about Perrin and of all the characters so far he has had the least bit of 'wow' factor. Just the 'aw-sad' factor, which is also something. But so far ... let's say if I was to write fanfiction based on the show so far, I would probably forget to include Perrin. And that is not right.

  2. I am counting down the days till episode 5.


    Also finally figured out how toget to the shorts on the Xray thingy, on a tablet, because our tv did not respond to showing it at all. I like how they did that, the little background info. I think I also like dthe art style, but I watched it mostly for the info. My guy did not watch it, but gained a bit more knowledge by just listening to it. So that's good ?


    He still has theories and ideas. I am still not allowed to confirm or deny any of it.

  3. Well, they got me hyped up. ?


    My guy however is still sceptical and thinks it won't happen. But I think Amazon has to do something with it, and exploit this franchise to set it apart. Much like how they wanted a certain fantasy series to be their corner of the fantasy series market.


    And... there will certainly be some gatekeeping expected, seeing how many fans of the original did not take well to the last series (which I loved too, but I guess by now it is pretty clear I am pretty open minded about new takes, new angles and changes to originals... ? ?)

  4. Good moderation is both extremely hard and very much needed. And I think it is an art to be that consistent and fair, and I know from experience how hard it is to mess up. And I have been impressed with how well you all moderate and keep things flowing, respectful and just pleasant. One more point for forums in favour of unmoderated social media. Yay! ?


    But I also think that sometimes members, like me, should just check themselves and either not go into a certain thrwad, not go and reply to someone and maybe even not hit 'reply' after writing a post. I do. There have been several things I wrote that I then just did not post. Because I do not want to be at odds with my 'fellow fans and forum mates'. I hope we can do that without feeling like we muzzle ourselves.


    I am just happy to have a place I can come to discuss a book series that I forgot I loved and a tv series that exists because of the books.


  5. 9 hours ago, Deviations said:

    Sorry to disagree.....


    Yes I want to hang on to my version.  Yes I'm going to watch the series.


    I get that stories are re-told.  Hollywood has re-made movies, series and adapted books.  Which version of A Christmas Carol is your favorite?  Scrooged is mine and I can't wait for the Ryan Reynolds/Will Farrell version to come out.


    I used to visit and post on this site back when we were all trying to figure out who killed Asmodean.  We all argued about how to pronounce names and weather Jordan's writing had sexist themes...


    The WOT adaptation is a drastic re-interpretation.  I can hate it and still want to watch it.  I can complain about it and still be addicted to it.  It's my right as an American!!!!

    I never said you had to agree with me. I am Dutch. I am actually used to people disagreeing with each oyther and still be civil. ... Are you sure you are American? ? You probably have some Dutch heritage you are not aware of. ?

  6. I'm slowly falling for Thom and that is so unexpected. Which I love. I was convinced I'd love other characters more, because I am not that impressed with Book-Thom.


    I also really enjoy watching it with my guy, who has no knowledge and I have to bite my tongue to keep from spoiling or even explaining too much. He enjoys it, and I am amazed that I have this feeling of  'I cant wait to see the next episode'. Again, I just did not expect any of that.

  7. 3 hours ago, Gothic Flame said:

    I know nothing about those shows.

    But to add...as a book anti-hero I'd look to Dragonlance.  The character of "Raistlin Majere" and how he was written was an incredible example of how to garner sympathy with a murderous cold blooded character. How his story ended still gets me.

    And directly related; "Lord Soth, knight of the black rose. The writers said they had to hit the brakes on him and rewrite him because the sheer passion driving the character came too close to stealing the narrative they were writing at the time.

    (Good shows, if you do get the chance and have time, check out either one ? )

    I dont know Dragonlance ?


    But I am not talking about how to get an audience to 'like' a character that is rotten and bad. I love the film Joker with Joaquin Phoenix, I love how he portrayed the main character, I even get that he had to find something he found redeemable in his role. It's still a character I do not like and find quite repulsive. Even if I do understand where it all came from. I do not like the choices he made.


    Same can be said for Thomas Covenant: I get where he is coming from, I understand his feelings of rejection; but I dont find that to be an excuse for some of his more awful choices. And it would be good to see a fantasy show take that route for a change.


    (Mind you: even in WoT there are some questionable choices, right? Who knows how that is going to pan out in the comins episodes... might be interesting ? )


    What was the topic again? Other actual fantasy shows that are out there right now, though. There are not that many, are there? Compared to say SciFi.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Gothic Flame said:

    Because most people will see a rapist (first book) that falls in love with his daughter. (Second book)

    And what about what we saw in Mad Men, Sopranos, Breaking Bad? Anti-heroes can be very interesting. I'm not saying it is comfortable to watch and most series will always try to make you kinda feel for 'the bad guy', but it would be a great story.


    Is what Don Draper did to his various conquests any better? (okay, he did not fall in love with his daughter, but there was enough to dislike him for anyway.)

  9. If we have Mad Men and Breaking Bad with anti-heroes be a success on TV, why not Thomas Covenant? I don't think it is too dark for todays times. I think it actually might fit just right in and lift fantasy out of the murky deeps of YA.


    No fantasy books in the bookstores around me have any fantasy books in a general SF&F section anymore. That just vanished 20 years ago and got stickered over with YA. Anything fantasy is now YA, in the opinion of most bookstores and publishers.


    Also Xena is tier A or at least B. Xena is great story telling most of the time.


    How does WoT hold up against anything fantasy on tv? Very well, imo. But that is based on 4 episodes. I can hope it continues to improve so that it does become a standard on how to bring fantasy to TV. I do keep in mind that fantasy is still an niche genre, much more than SF. And niche is difficult to do. It's when it rised up from niche and it transcend genre that we really have a winner. And I think that is what GoT did, in the process losing some of its niche-ness and fans.

  10. It's been on and off, but there happen to be lots of rumors about a Stargate reboot, although it would probably be a new show with Sam Carter as the general leading the new Stargate command. Which would be great!


    But it's been rumored for so long, I don't dare to hope. Not much. Just a little.


    The sale of MGM to Amazon is a cataclyst, it seems. Apparently there are plans for a new series that have been put on hold for the take over and would probably be one of the franchises that Amazon could use for Prime Video.


    Any fans or semifans here with ideas and opinions?

  11. I think Thom not having a moustache is one of my favourite changes ? ... I was much much younger when I read the books. And I did not fancy Thom then, too old. but ... I caught up with him ? (Actually, I kinda overtook him, tbf). But now, he is exactly the right age and exactly fanciable enough for me.


    Do you know how much food and drink gets trapped in moustaches? Hm? And how few men are hygienic enough to wash them properly? Sounds like WC to me. Not Thom.


    I dont think I've seen enough of the WC in the series to determine if they are bad written. But their evil facial hair is spot on.

  12. I did see the pic and I did feel a little twinge of disappointment. But a choice between a shorter ogier and no Loial scenes ... If the actor can make me believe he is Loial that is all that matters. And this is a critical character for me. He's one of my favs. So it's gonna be hard, and I need to temper my expectations.


    Because I do want to utterly adore him.

  13. You gave it a fair try and I am hopeful still, that either you will give it another try when season 2 comes along or even 10 years from now. Or, if that suits better: there will be another interpretation in 15 years, because this was succesful enough and we get a sort of reboot with things that suit you better. Maybe this is just the start.


    Either way: you have your own version in your heart and mind and no one can take thatr from you.


    You need to stick around though. How boring would it be without you.

  14. The obvious solution to the catfood problem is: make it yourself. I have made per food from time to time to balance out 'bad' petfood in stores. It's really simple: some boiled fish, or some chicken perhaps with somethig green. My dog btw loves broccoli, so I often give him broccoli as an addition because it is good for me.


    We, as fans, we have the option to write fanfic ?

  15. I can totally get behind the idea that I do feel a little bit cheated out of time to establish anything. I would have loved a 2 hour intro. BUt I also think it would have turned off many people who do not know the books.


    If this had been the late 90s, we might have had it, as everything was slower paced back then. And right now I am already seeing people saying that it isn't fast paced enough ? Different times, I guess.

  16. This is fun ? I am usually the one being quite negative about things. And I have to say, I feel much better when I can actually enjoy things, the way I am enjoying the series.


    My biggest fear was that I'd hate it and my guy loved it. Turns out, we both love it, even if I seem to be enjoying it a bit more, due to really having fun with him not wanting to hear my theories and stuff I know from the books.


    I also like not being able to rely fully on my own knowledge of the books. But there is a lot I can see from the original story, and for me it does ring true to what I read.

  17. Had a great time reading all the opinions once again. And again, I am super happy with this episode!


    As for what RJ would have wanted or liked, it is kinda irrelevant because in his heart I think he'd want people to be entertained by the series and I think a fair number of people are. If he had not wanted his material out there, he would not have published it. There are very few authors who ban people from forging their own stuff out of their world.


    There were moments I was grinning (most of the Nyneave/Lan scenes) and moments when I was getting a bit emotional (Perrin's pain). But all in all, yeah: loved it.


    So did my guy who is drawing some conclusions which I am not allowed to comment on. He won't even look at me when he talks about possibly foreshadowing some stuff that was obvious to me. Because I would confirm or deny in a second with just my eyes. And he likes to be surprised.


    As for slow-burning, I dont think so. I think they are racing through the material quite nicely, at the right pace. I love that they take slow moments when they can and then throw the audience in a frantic battle. I am (almost) happy with the weekly episodes, because I would just sit and watch them all in one go and that can't be good. I don't like binging at all, so I am happy to be forced to wait 7 more days.


    Seven. More. Days. With everyone's support here, we might just make it.

  18. Nutrition would affect puberty starting later, I think. Growth hormones in food (meat) does affect it to start earlier, in both genders, I am sure. Phew. I really need to re-check that, but that's it. Boys can also start puberty much much earlier than 12. It's just a little less dramatic for guys, I imagine? I mean: imagine just suddenly bleeding. It's a wonder us girls remain anwywhere near a bit sane at all during puberty.


    Back to topic though. Episode 4 and Perrin. The pointed questions of the Tinkers kinda help with the whole 1st episode thing. It was like they talked about why not to pick up a weapon and Perrin just almost physically showed pain. Like they were poking a wound.


    For me, it continues to work. Has it made some people change their minds, or does it still not work for some?

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