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Posts posted by Daenelia

  1. I am still not through the whole series, even if I have reread the first 4 books more than any other series. I kinda read books 9 and 10 and then ... I just didn't.


    ... You know, i might just wait with finishing the last books until after the tv series has been done. That way I may be surprised. Or ... maybe I will be so inspired by the first season I have to read the last books.


    I did read New Spring, actually. But I don't really remember much of it... Hmm.


    Welcome! And it would be great to join in discussions ?

  2. I'm just enjoying you all discussing his. I have watched the teaser/trailer 2x now and will leave it at that. ? I did pick up a lot of your ideas and interpretations though!


    It is possible I won't like the tv series, but it won't be because it is noy like I imagined or that it doesn't live up to my interpretation of the story. One of the things I enjoyed about the books was that there were actual women in it. Unlike other fantasy-stories ... they felt like a good try to portray women as diverse and varied as the male characters. That was different, then.


    (Yes, there were exceptions, in more niche fantasy books, by writers that did not make the big splash at the time. But that is something else).


    I am also a trekkie and I have seen the gatekeeping. I don't like it. I don't think it will happen with WoT, and I am certainly not going to be a gatekeeper. I hope loads of people enjoy it and pick up a book because of it. Even if they then say the like the series, but not the books. Or the other way around. What I think is amazing about WoT is the world. And the story at its core, even if I am not always happy with the writing and telling of the story.


    I am looking forward to my chihuahua reacting to all the wolves on screen ?

  3. Proboards is still around: you can sign up an create a free forum to start out. You need very little technical skills.



    Another option is Forumotion. This is also a place where you can create a free forum and start out.



    It will be a lot of work! People don't just find forums anymore. What you could do, is create a group on Facebook, or start a Twitter account, or an Insta account, to support and show off your forum. You will need to work very hard to get people to sign up. That means providing a lot of content yourself, so that people will want to interact.


    But it can be done ?

  4. I have been reading since way before the YA label was invented, and I always considered HP a kids' book. WoT is not a kids' book. Even if the first book is still kinda tame, it does start out with the destruction of a world and a madman.


    I do not like YA. I liked HP, but it does have its flaws. Then again, so does WoT. And ASOIAF. But YA is mostly redacted reality.


    Is WoT a 'family story'? I dont think so. I would not read it to a 12 year old. I don't think it will be a show you can watch with 'your family', unless everyone is over 15. (And then: if a 15 y/o wants to still watch a TV show with you: feel blessed and grateful. Even if they cringe at certain scenes.)


    But then, I am Dutch. I watched a tv show with my parents, at age 12 (I looked it up, I was that young), about our national 'founding father' William of Orange, which went heavily into his affairs with loads of nudity, frolicking and I remember a few unsavoury scenes. And of course, my dad and I watched Soldier of Orange every year, which has really crude torture scenes. I dont know if the cultural difference with an audience elsewhere will play a part.


    It doesn't have to be gory, or full of nudity, but I do want it to feel real and tangible.

  5. 5 hours ago, thehumantrashcan said:

    Fresh me...I mean...Hello and welcome!


    Glad to see you found us!  Sorry to hear about your books.  Cracked spines are the worst!  I am assuming the trailer led you to sniff around for a Fandom?  How did the trailer meet your head cannon?  When did you last read the series or at least "Eye of the World?"


    Yes, the trailer ? I realised that it would boost interest. And that would lead to more fresh me... new fans. And new fans lead to new theories, discussions on how the book/series will be different and what is good/bad about that. I can't resist that.


    I last read the books, up to book 9, 12-15 years ago, I guess. I read the first three books multiple times. Last read of 1 must have been less than 10 years ago. So it is overdue. I'm Dutch and I did have the translation of book 1, but omg was that bad. I hope they got a new translator on the job, because otherwise not a lot of Dutch fans will be able to keep awake during reading it.


    Thank you @Elgee! Books can certainly take someone out of the world they live in and inspire. I am gutted I didnt have time to bring mine to the charity shop. I did manage to get 20 off boxes full of books to them, so I like to think some of my books will be charished by other people.

  6. 1 hour ago, DojoToad said:

    I would recommend finishing the series.  The books pick up again after Sanderson takes over.  Some people don't like him (I do) but anything is better than those middle books.

    I don't mind Sanderson so much. It's an alright writer ? I think he will get better though. I accidentily started reading a book by him I already had read and I did not notice it until I was 5 chapters in.

  7. I will be feeding the next trailers to my guy and get a sense of how a non-fan will react. He's been more into GoT/ASOIF, and as mentioned he could not get through TEOTW. But! I got him hooked on Blake's 7, which is an ancient SF series from the late 70's/early 80's. So it has not been unprecedented that he will like something unusual for him.


    As long as the story holds up. I actually think that the series might stand a better chance of presenting the story in a very coherent way. TV is a different medium, and it will undoubtedly have to tell the story differently.

  8. We are watching a few series at the moment. We just finished Breaking Bad (yes, okay, we don't keep up. But we watched it now. We can now get on to Better Call Saul.) And we are watching The Expanse, which is really the best scifi show out there right now. It's the BSG reimagined of its time. Of course we find time to watch some Star Trek, be it old episodes or Lower Decks at the moment. We are also catching up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and House (we're kinda ecclectic?). And Saturdays is for nostalgia, so we watch Blake's 7. First time for my guy, I have already seen all of it. But I was 11 at the time.


    But the thing we really can't stop watching, second time for me again, is The Blacklist. It's not that the stories are so good and well crafted: they are not. But James Spader is just so good to watch. I could not tell you what the episode is about, but I could tell you the anecdote that Red has told, simply because Spader just captures your attention.

    Also, it is the one series I can't spoiler to my guy, because I still have no clue what is going on.

  9. Asking for a friend.

    Well, my guy and me love playing D&D. We have several different systems that we tried aside from the standard D&D system. We even dabbled in creating our own, that did not rely on a GM but used dice rolls to determine events.


    So WoT is a richer world than any I have encountered in fantasy - with the possible exception of LotR. I think it has potential for playing a dice/pen/paper game. Are there any that anyone is aware of?

  10. It took me by surprise ?

    So I liked what I saw. It looked familiar in a good way, but with the feeling I will still be surprised. What surprised me, pleasantly, was a lot of focus on ... everyone. I did not get the feeling it would be focusing on one character, so if it turns out to be an ensemble cast show I will be so happy.


    Then I asked my guy what he thought of it. He never finished reading The Eye of the World, and is definitely less enthousiastic. But he will watch it because I will watch it. He said it looked good. But there was too much happening, too quickly, to get a sense of what the story will be about. That won't matter. There will be new fans coming in. And frankly, that is what I am most excited about.

  11. Eye of the Dragon was great (and imho better than The Dark Tower, but hey...). I don't think I want to re-read that. I read it at the best age of 14. It was published n 1984, so...


    I think I would like to re-read some of the short stories, or the Bachman books. I think King is best in his shorter stories. I wish I had the guts to start on The Stand or It again. But I just can't.

  12. That depends on what you want to do.

    I've been part of forum RPG's that are played out on a forum (much like this one). But I have also roleplayed through email and on sites that run on other software than a forum.


    What is your goal? Do you have a group of players already? Are you starting out? Have you ever join an RPG site?


    And also: what is your experience and skill level with running a site on the technical side?

  13. Hi all, call me Dae.

    First, I must confess. We recently moved and I had to cull my 3000+ book collection. I looked at my WoT series and decided to only keep the first book. Because of sentimental reasons: it has the awesomest cover and I really enjoyed reading it. But the rest of the series was mismatched and looked aweful: I had given the books to someone to read and they had ... cracked the spines! Every time I looked at them my heart broke. So ... I threw all of them away, because I had no time to donate them.


    *cringes* Now you know me at my worst.


    The good news is that now I have some space, not a lot, to get the whole series in a matching set! Which is great, because right now the books are all out in new covers. And though I still think the forst book is the absoluut best, the rest of the books hold a great story, but are not always written consistently well. I think, anyway.


    So here I am. Ready to get ready with you all for a new influx of fans. You know they are coming. You know that. I want to welcome them ?

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