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Status Updates posted by Raeyn

  1. I'm getting well annoyed with the fact that me telling the categories to be closed isn't sticking across sessions. I've deleted cookies and the lot, and no love! :)

  2. I'm bemused by the fact that, apparently, I'm permanently in troubleshooting mode...

    1. Rasheta Ardashir

      Rasheta Ardashir

      I'm amused by that fact as well. *ggls*

    2. Raeyn


      It's a compulsion, I swear! *laughs* I try to use them for good rather than evil, sort of like how Mrs. Whatsit gives Meg her faults in 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Y'know, taking the nominally bad and making it kick-ass! :D

  3. Blah blah blah, I'm so freaking blogtastic today. But really, it's just another chore box ticked, if anything.

  4. Even without Powerthirst, I'm apparently uncomfortably energetic today. I'm still not used to even being energetic after so long, heh. :)

  5. Why do the covers Placebo do lodge themselves so firmly in my head? I think I'm going to have to repeat listen until I can banish this one...

  6. Radio show over. Now for some LotRO and domain work.. whee.

  7. Obviously, I'm brilliant, and somehow destroyed the wrong database - oh, poor orphaned Wordpress installs! I guess maintenance work is in order; at least I got -a- roleplay post done. *grins*

  8. Ali's gonna laugh at me when I tell her that I was bored enough to troubleshoot things. Well, or procrastinating on writing, same diff... >__>

  9. Mmm, might think about doing a roleplay post or two this week. It depends on how much I feel like doing it around LotRO...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raeyn


      *hugs back* I knew that it would in the scheme of things.

    3. Matalina


      Well I'm glad we can spend "more" time together hehe and with your hubby too

    4. Raeyn


      Oh, I'm seriously chuffed to share the three of you with each other, heh. I love merging my worlds!

  10. Nearly 3,000 private messages... all gloriously deleted. Did NOT want them; feels good to clear out the chaff.

    1. Taymist


      lol I'm still trying to sort through mine. Have about 1900 to go. Deletion is tempting though. :D

    2. Raeyn


      Hee, they do build up rather quickly in that capacity - I don't envy you! ^___^

  11. Oh goodie, this apparently has built-in Twitter. Color me impressed... not. <3

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