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Status Updates posted by Raeyn

  1. 24 pounds lost in five months; I declare this diet to be over. Bring on the Cheetos! *laughs*

    1. Raeyn


      And by that, I mean I can have a few Cheetos without obsessively calorie-counting... not sit here and eat a whole bag. One is reasonable, and the other isn't.

    2. Rasheta Ardashir

      Rasheta Ardashir

      I can picture you playing, Diablo or something and munching on a bag of Cheetos. *ggls*

    3. Raeyn


      I had a few here and there, but I've not made a real dent on the bag. And not -quite- into a Diablo swing again... maybe soon. Got more of a Pharaoh/Caesar hankering building. *grins*

  2. Thinking on those obsessed with classism, and how I realize that my lack of materialistic psycho-cravings means that I'll never get people desperate to have more money to buy more crap.

  3. Insomnia - get some... not. *sighs* Perhaps this, complaining about it on the internet, will quash it. We'll see, eh? *tries sleeping again*

  4. Cast the pearls aside, of a simple life of need...

  5. Apparently, I've won a trip to the local Health Village to see some acronym or another. I *will* figure out what's 'wrong' with me, hee hee. <3

  6. Pizza is apparently a drug - discuss.

  7. There are two single-use packs of telephone wipes on the desk. There's just something so... antiquated and frantic about them. Unless people want to be the boy in the bubble, SOME germs need to get out, yanno? And this is a home office; why would we need them? So strange...

  8. It's still chilleh! Oh wait... winter... right. Keeping an ear on the current student protest in London, if only for the amount of eye-rolling it allows me.

  9. Hooray for a change of scenery! *hugs table* Got the UK and Europe cards stamped up; just need to run to the post office and get my token package sent. :D

  10. [[profanity]] C'mon sinuses, you're supposed to be empty now. :(

  11. Domino! Victoire! I am done with the damned holiday cards... unless anyone else throws me an address, hee hee. <3

    1. Raeyn


      And desk reclaimed - even better!

  12. The sun, the sun - IT'S A LIE! Seriously, it feels much bitterer than yesterday, and yesterday was pea soup foggy. :/

  13. [[profanity]] Curse you people, what still do Dragoncave and tempt me back. Go click my poor egg: http://dragcave.net/view/KkEh

  14. I pwn you, freezing fog! Managed to drag the tiny one out for a walk without dying or freezing solid. <3

  15. Grumble grumble Mondays.

  16. I have 'La Isla Bonita' stuck in my head... you *don't* want to know the chain of thought that put it there, and I hope to forget it myself shortly.

  17. Sims 3 Legacy 4.0.0 attempt about to begin... ugh, gonna kill me some glitchy files.

  18. Oh right, if you wanted a Christmas card or something, drop me a private message. I have postage to do anywhere in the world this year, woo hoo!

  19. Huh... I might be closer to being done with Christmas cards than I think. This pleases me, though it would've been nice to realize this a few days ago.

  20. There's something both relieving and pleasing to realize that cats and babies entertain the same, just about. Makes the whole thing less stressful somehow. *cough*

  21. I'm starting to think that the deities are conspiring against me ever having a successful Legacy game in the Sims... sigh. Let's try this in another town.

  22. And finally - a proper overnight dumping of the white stuff! Time to curl up with a pot of coffee and not do anything! *grins*

  23. The sky is blowing around feather-light, tiny flakes of snow. They're so fragile, and more likely to make ice than anything. Still, so beautiful to watch...

  24. The eagle has landed, repeat, the eagle has.. wait, why am I calling my mom an eagle? I'm sure there's a potential clever correlation to draw, but I'm too busy flapping around. ><

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