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Status Updates posted by Raeyn

  1. It's Whitney's fault that I have this awesome song stuck in my head... again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-YfmmsidRs

  2. Grumble, my guts are ultra icky-sicky today. I supsect it's a one-day bug though, so that's fine!

  3. Dear nails - quit being so easy to bite off. I blame you, not my nervous, twitchy disposition. Hrmph! <3, me.

  4. In the immortal words of Socrates - I feel toast.

  5. You get so used to something being broken that it surprises you when it works - hah!

  6. I'mma velociraptor! Revel in my tiny waggling arms, and acid-spitting awesome-os-ity!

  7. I feel the blade in my spine... very interesting. *rubs back* It's the sound that bothers me the most, though.

  8. Dear Monday - I don't trust you. I never do. Maybe this is why you manage to bite me butt with alarming frequency. At least there's sunshine for once, eh? <3, me.

  9. Brain fizzles hiss spit... mrrrrmph. At least I have pretty much all my 'big' things done, eh? :)

  10. Gah, why do the best ideas come to me in the bathroom? I got out of the tub TWICE to come type things out. Oh, my poor moistened desk...

  11. Unrelated: this shirt makes me feel like a beatnik. I just need to fish out the cabbie hat, and I'm in business! ^______^

  12. It begins! Well, the intro fluff for my Arches, at least. Filling Arches... *shudders* It remains to be seen IF I fill them, heh. :)

  13. I think... yes. I think that I might just give Civ 4 a fair chance afterall, nevermind that Colonization and Alpha Centauri are inferior products. Even so, I still play those sometimes!

  14. Leg lifts - apparently, I am your bitch, not t'other way around. Man, my abs ARE totally out of shape. xD

    1. Rasheta Ardashir

      Rasheta Ardashir

      *ggl snorts* Poor rae and her legs.

    2. Raeyn


      Nah, the legs are fine. I just can't do the leg lift exercise 'cause my abs are fragged. *laughs* It'll get better if I keep doing a little bit every day.

  15. Merf, too tired to write - come back later.

    1. Raeyn


      Also, cold. Very cold. Might have to bust out the fingerless gloves!

  16. I'm honestly much too excited about the reconfiguration/upgrade of our office printing/faxing/scanning scenario. I'm going to totally fax everyone porn, 'cause hilaaarious. <<

  17. Victoire, I am the master of balancing! But really, the previous manager was just kind of crap. *giggles*

  18. Oh yes, and I'm on the air tonight - http://radio-kol.net 7-9pm BST//2-4pm EDT

  19. Milagre - two posts in one day! Let's go for three or four and make a record. :D

  20. Having a stress-tastic meltdown usually indicates that yes, a change of pace is needed. Perhaps we'll go take a trip to the mainland... :)

  21. Long day... long day. At least it ends with chocolate!

  22. An hour and a half... all to myself?! Blow me, I'll take it. <3

  23. Hysterically pained teething-faced baby = no writing today. Better luck tomorrow, eh? :D

  24. A modern-day miracle: I have empty drawers. Yes, I HAVE managed to unpackrat enough to get rid of some clothing, yay!

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