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Posts posted by TheSociopath

  1. First, at that point in time, nobody really knew who it was who Rand was fighting. Rand thought it was the DO, and most people still seemed to think that to some extent.


    Second, look at what they knew about Lanfear: liked Lews, choose her own name, was powerful. No descriptions.

    Bel'lal: netweaver, blademaster. beat Lews at stones, once. No descriptions. 


    Those are the only two that I can remember the books giving us a full-blown description of everything that the light knew about them pre-rand.

  2. yeah, but at that point in the series, the seanchan controlled Altara, Amadicia, Tarabon, most of Arad Doman, and everything in between. 

    Further, more, there would be a bunch of damane in random army camps that are unknown to the ones doing the traveling. In fact, a large amount of the damane in Ebou Dar probably haven't been to many of the other main cities they control.

    And in addition to all of that, it would take even longer for the Seanchan heads to figure out which damane have been where, and are strong enough to travel. 


    Also, if they just open a gateway in the middle of some palace somewhere, it is very likely that there could be some casualities before everything gets straightened out.

  3. scenario 2 I think the person is dead. As evidence, I would put forward how in aMoL, when Taim balefires a bunch of AS, there are suddenly more Sharans, and even less AS.


    Scenario 3, I would think the man is also dead, for much the same reason.


    Scenario 4, I don't think so. I would draw this from the brief explanation we get of cities being destroyed. it says "ripples" that implies that the chain of events would continue beyond the first person.

  4. 8 hours ago, Dagon Thyne said:

    No, he hates plenty of nobles, especially the ones in Tear, who literally see common folk as sub-human.

    Well, some of the nobles that he gambled with in Tear joined the band, and Mat doesn't seem to have a problem with either Estean or Edorion.

  5. 3 hours ago, agreddon said:

    I would suggest that the fact that the Dragon Reborn's death didn't occur until several, several years after the initial diagnosis the foretelling of the Dragonborn's death was no more important than the foretelling of Joe Schmoe's death who may die today or die 15 years down the road.  Also, in as far as the death sentence for channelling, I think he moved to acceptance rather quickly on that one and was more concerned with keeping the damage solely to himself and not to other people.

    Whether or not it is of particular importance, Rand believes it is important. He is told by the finns that "to live, he must die", he gets in plenty of arguements about how he expects to die, with the various women around him. In Rand's perspective, he has been given an end date to his life.


    Furthermore, while Rand did accept that he could channel and probably was more concerned with keeping the damage to himself, he was still forced into the realization that he most likely wouldn't live for another five years.

  6. 7 hours ago, agreddon said:

    Finally, I must say that the Kübler-Ross  model is specifically aimed at a terminal illness.  Unless you want to call living a terminal illness and then you've abstracted it to the point of useless.

    While I agree with the rest of your points, I would like to point out that Rand's death has literally been fortold for centuries. In fact, even if he wasn't the Dragon Reborn, he could still channel, which would also be a death sentence. I don't think its been abstracted that far.

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