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Posts posted by TheSociopath

  1. sure, there'd be some leeway, considering that the giagantic battle that just happened, but, there isn't a chance that Rand wouldn't ever be hunted. While it could take a while, eventually, he'd be hunted down.

  2. 12 hours ago, Sabio said:

    I can't think of anything that would be worse then a whole book on nothing but Faile's kidnapping or Elayne taking the throne.  The pacing has always been an issue, the first 6 books things flew bye and then it

    slowed to a crawl, and then it seemed as if it was a rush in speed to get it done.


    In the end it still seems like more time should of passed from Rand being found to the LB.

    I heartily agree with your thoughts about Faile and Elayne.


    But yeah, I wouldn't have minded the last few books taking a slightly slower pace. 


    As to the idea about various arcs having their own book, the only one that I particularly agree with is the mat/tuon arc. Even after multiple rereads, I still have no idea which book thats in. I think it starts in 6 and lasts through 7?

  3. I'm pretty sure that he's refered to as a forsaken at one point. Yes, nobody knows he's actually Ishamael. But, Nynaeve and Moiraine know that he's a forsaken, and neither of them are in on Rand's switch.

  4. So. At the end of the series, Rand gets a new body, and can go frolic wherever he pleases.

    But, isn't that the body of a FORSAKEN? Why is there not a panic as the world tries to catch ISHAMAEL?

    Also, as Elayne was the only one of Rand's lovers to actually get his kids before he got a new body, how do any of the other Dragon lineages get going? Maybe they just don't in this timeline, but if they did, how does anyone accept that?

  5. even before she bonded him as a warder, back when she was with the Aiel, in what book 6? She was still expecting him to change without changing herself. 

    The prime example is Rand. He hated him, She thought he was like a brother. She forced him to come to her side on the matter. 

    Even though in this particular matter she was right, that doesn't change the arguement.

  6. 1 hour ago, Sabio said:

    Ughh poor Perin gets screwed again.  First he has to deal with Faile and now you want to stick the poor guy with Egwene?

    .... Thats true....


    However, I do think that Egwene could force Perrin into being even more subservient that Gawyn, and that forcing him to serve her even in their sleep would be right up her alley.

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