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Posts posted by TheSociopath

  1. Just go back and look at any and all of the BA hunter POVs. Or those of any other prominent AS in the later books. Half the greens are described as wearing "deeply plunging necklines that exposed half the woman's bosam" or, they describe some other AS as "you would think she was a green," because of her neckline. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Sabio said:

    The green is about being ready for the last battle. how does the Green use looks/sex to get info?

    Do you really want me to go through all of the quotes about Greeens?

    How Myrelle married all of her warders? 


    I'm not saying that they trade sex for information, or even that they use seduction for information as much as pointing out the simple fact that many of them are often scantily dressed, and many of them are quoted as saying that they enjoy having men look. Or something to that effect.

  3. .... That is quite the question...


    well, nynaeve qould probably be more or less the same, as Rand and Lan are pretty similar personality wise.


    The entire malden arc would have to be re-written. and much of the berelain x perrin's real love interest would have changed a lot too.  Also, the two rivers would run a lot less smoothly. Faile's experience helps it along a lot.


    The Seanchan wouldn't have joined Rand's armies during the Last Battle. Although Andor would have become a whole lot stronger. 


    As for Langear... are you thinking that she turns? or Mat? both would open up a lot of potential story threads.


    Lan and Moiraine.... also would be much the same as what actually happens.


    Gawyn would probably try to assissinate Rand here, then. Or maybe neither of them would be very prominent characters. Min's mostly important by association with Rand, and Gawyn's only purpose is to be with Egwene, really.


    How about Logain with Nynaeve or someone else that's important?

  4. Well, lets try to list out everything that they would have lost and gained. 


    Darkhounds (to an extent)



    various angreal and Sa'angreal

    complete compulsion


    the fear factor

    a good deal of knowledge we never hear about

    all of the combat weaves we see Rand use at the end of the series.


    Gain: less disdain for current world.



    If Rand and his allies learned all of Lews Therin's knowledge, and the DF's only had a bit of trickle down from the BT, it would have been slanted a lot more to Rands side. Not to mention how much trouble they would have coordinating and spinning plots if they didn't have traveling. 


    Shara would be removed from the equation, most of the first book's plot would have to be completely redone, ie, no Ishamael tormenting the taveren in dreams


    Furthermore, the BA didn't have true compulsion. Both Liandrin and Verin's version had conditions.

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