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Posts posted by TheSociopath

  1. I believe that the BA member who manipulated them into killing Sierin Vayu was Galina.

    Also, if this was over their entire existence, of 3000 years (how long after the breaking was the WT founded?) thats only 3 or 4 a year. The vast majority of the members probably wouldn't have had anything to do with it.


    To be fair, a lot of the women seem to think the same about men - that they are irrational, hot-headed etc. - but they very rarely take it this far. As in, following a man around because they believe him a fool, or not trusting him to follow his own path for a time. There are exceptions, sure, but the women are not so day-to-day-controlling as some of the men seem to be. (Some of them do give over, though, such as Perrin realizing Faile is competent to handle diplomatic / ruling matters, more competent than him, but that is an exception too.)

    um.... rarely take it that far? does the AS deciding that the Dragon Reborn should basically be their pet to bring out for TG count? 

    How about Cadsuane or Nynaeve following Rand around in KoD or tGS (not sure which, or if it was even either of those,) and repeatedly telling him that he's an idiot, a woolhead, a fool, a mannerless fool boy, or something of the kind?

    I mean several women throughout the series say straight out that they see their job as making sure Rands head doesn't get too big. 

    One could even say that the story started on a woman going to far greater lengths than mat ever does. Did he seek out some young girl for 20 years?


    I get your point but I disagree with it.


    In general, a lot of the men seem to think the women are idiots who need to be watched constantly, and Mat in particular seems to think the women should sit locked up in a tower somewhere so they "wouldn't get themselves into trouble". Again, extremely patronizing. Does he think Perrin is a fool who gets himself into trouble? Or Juilin? No. He is constantly annoyed at the women for doing stupid things so he has to "save" them - not even considering for a second that they might not have needed his help. In his eyes, they are all his charges who need his protection. In this way, he is the most sexist character of the series - in other ways he's not (such as in him at least partly recognizing female warriors as equal and with him not seeming to judge women for sexual behaviour). And both him and Rand expect the women to do as they say and are annoyed when they don't - such as when Rand tasks Mat with "bringing" Elayne to Caemlyn, and Mat complies, and he honestly excpects the girls to just go "oh, okay", none of them considering that the women might have their own plans and that Rand's need to keep Elayne safe is not their chief concern. 


    Also, "might not need his help"? In one instance, they very much needed his help, like when he gets them out of the stone of Tear.

    As to bringing Elayne to Caemlyn, If the most powerful man (Who has several methods of killing you if he wished, and is also well known as unstable) on the continent appeared in your bedroom while you where sleeping, and insists you help his girlfriend.....

    Can you honestly say you would refuse?

  3. my least favorite characters are Elayne and Egwene by a large margin. Everything that OlwenaSedai said about Mat is also very true about them, and not just towards Mat/other men. They act like that to more or less everybody, with brief exceptions for Aes Sedai & Wise Ones. Elayne even does most of that to her own warder!

    While I understand how people can not dislike her, I don't understand how they can say that they did like her.


    Everyone else that is getting mentioned in this thread I like well enough, except for Eladia. 

    Perrin and Faile just got an absolutely awful story arc for a third of the series.

    Galad, I see his opinion of others as "unenlightened" as something that everyone thinks about others at some point in their lives.

    Tuon, I've seen no actual reasons to dislike her other than that she leads the Seanchan. Personally, I find them as one of the most interesting nations in the series.

    Mat, is my favorite character, as most of his dislike-able qualities (like the griping) are actually fairly exemplary of this entire race.

    Fain, is another top. The unexplained parts of his power-set, the hilarity of his madness made him endearing to me.

  4. The parts that irk me throughout the series are mostly covered already, but I'll go ahead and repeat them


    1. How in the end of the series everyone keeps trying to stuff down your throat how important Aes Sedai are, when they really are just basic cannon fodder, like the ayyad, the dreadlords, and the ashaman, and Wise Ones. Throughout Egwenes POVs in the last few books, she goes on about how the shadow shouldn't have dared infiltrate the WT and so on. 


    2. How BS overdoes the various things RJ hinted at in regards to Mat. Mostly I'm talking about how he blames the redarms for corrupting Olver, when it was really him. RJ implied this, but didn't make it nearly so blatant.


    3. Elayne. Does anyone like her?


    I'm not sure I can think of others who" fell in love with men all of a sudden"...


    Egwene, when she has virtually no interaction with Gawyn, gets laid in his dream, and then hes the love of her life when they meet like the next day. I guess he just wanted egwene to have a love interest.


    Also Rand and Elayne. He literally met Elayne one time for like 15 minutes when he fell over the garden wall in EotW, and then when he met her again in the Stone (they were both in Falme at the same time but i cant remember if they met), theyre suddenly love birds stealing kisses, and this is after Elayne has already been talking about Rand incessantly, and was ecstatic that Egwene surrendered any claims to him while they were in the white tower. they met for 15 minutes. The rest of Elaynes horrible character is about how she has to try and be strong and composed to be a good queen and follow in her mothers footsteps. And I really hope that Rand's taveren powers werent used to bend the fabric of reality around him so that he could get laid. Cause that would be pretty awesome lame.


    Lan and Nynaeve were pretty quick too, but for some reason I believed that more. They were both strong people, although Nynaeve was aggressive and Lan was quiet. As soon as Nyneave was proud of her tracking skills in EotW, and then Lan managed to sneak up on her, and they were both mutually impressed with their skills, I knew they were gonna hook up at some point. plus who else would be able to put up with Nynaeve. I guess I get it from Nynaeves side, but i dont really get it from Lans side, so I guess that doesnt really help my argument lol.


    I think I was thinking less of actually falling in love, and the being in love. Like all women of all personalities reacted to being in love the same way (besides avihenda and Faile). Min, Nynaeve, Elayne, Egwene, Theres all times where theyre doing important or unrelated things and he describes them as having to push off sexual or otherwise romanic thoughts about their men, and then angrily insist that they wont let Rand/Gawyn/Lan interfere with their work or make them act like fools. The guys obviously have thoughts of their significant women all the time, but it seems to make them be better. taking more caution, doing more heroic things, making the tough sacrifices. The way love changed peoples lives was it made men into bigger badasses, and made women have to fight off weird thoughts and try to deny they were in love at all unless they were behind closed doors. At least thats what I thought I picked up


    Faroresdragn, from some of your other posts, I'm not sure if you've finished the series or not, so if you haven't don't keep reading.



    don't forget Siuan, she completely falls into what you're describing

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