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Posts posted by grayavatar

  1. 14 hours ago, Guire said:

    The Seanchan guarding the beach (allowing Lan a moment) but not guarding gates or land approach aint going to cut it.

    Yeah this is one of the scenes were I was laughing. The soldiers enter the beach and see a couple standing on the beach about 1km away from the town that is being attacked. From 500 meters away they start screaming and waving their swords while charging. What? Why? LOL This is like creating a tidal wave to kill a child all over again.

  2. I have previously accused the show of misandry but on reflection I believe it has been rather fair in destroying most characters male and female.


    I don't think any male has escaped being portrayed as a wet noodle but many of the woman also seem less in many ways. Moiraine is annoying to watch, the less she talks the better. Nynaeve should have had a "badass" moment in Falme. Min is terrible. The Suldam are longwinded and hopeless masters. The Forsaken seem like just regular people off the street when they should be presented as supernatural boogiemen. Even Trollocs are just misunderstood creatures. Everything is just flat.

  3. Rand does go super saiyan at Tarwin's Gap because he is using a well of Saidin called The Eye Of The World. It temporarily gives him incredible power which allows him to instinctively do what needs to be done. In the end he barely remembers half of what he was able to do. This was prepared for him along with the Dragon Banner by ancient Aes Sedai and makes for a far more interesting story. The dragon banner could have been used to tie the events of season one with season 2


    What is Egwene and Nynaeve's excuse for going super saiyan? Linking with a couple of low power women that weren't accpeted to the tower??


    Killing Turak with the power was a copout, weak and boring compared to what it could have been. Rand SHOULD be using the sword to fight at this stage precisely because he hasn't mastered channeling yet.


    One big problem with this show is that it lacks progression of the characters. Everyone has been aged up and acts more like the confident characters at the end of the books rather than the scared Emond's fielders from the beginnings of the books.


    It's like someone read the books and then went and wrote the show based on the characters as they last remembered them.


    Rands power progression is using flame & void for bow and then sword, then fire sword, fireballs and lightning outside Cairhien and later due to Lews Therin memories, balefire, death gates and (i think they were called) fire blossoms and then even more advanced stuff . The Eye of the World should be treated as an anomaly,


    Regardless of Rand's power levels this show will always choose the shortest path to skipping diminishing and supressing cool scenes. I think it thinks some scenes are cool, like Rand's mother being a "badass" but a woman taking on even one trained soldier while she is in labor is silly. Tarwin's gap was cringe. The fight inside Falme was very generic. The Aes Sedai politics were boring and childish. The warder drama was inconsequential. The fight on top of the tower was a writer believing they were clever but instead gave us something mundane to stare at...


    The books were not just popular because of the story but for cool concepts, ideas and themes that have been scrapped or diminished in the show.


    All that's left is just boring slow rubbish for 2 seasons.

  4. I feel that anything that could be changed was changed and even things that should not be changed were changed.

    There is not one scene from the books.

    No character has retained their personality.

    Motives of factions have changed.

    The magic system has changed.

    The world history has changed.

    The events have changed.

    Characters abilities and skills have changed.

    Consistency of world rules doesn't exist.

    The Aes Sedai seem like stupid squabbling children

    Mat's dagger LOL

    All the misandry

    Suppression of everyone's favorite bits from the books only to glorify the mundane. It's like they purposely set out to make a dull story


    All they had to do was cut some scenes out and only add new stuff when larger gaps needed to be bridged.



  5. My metric is my experience watching the show. It was slow and boring, also illogical, inconsistent, cringy and ridiculous. Season 2 was even more so. Long overly dramatic emotional scenes about nonsense took up most of the season when it should have had a much faster pace. It was a drama when it should have been an adventure.


    Also I don't put much stock in sites like Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB ratings and neither should you.

  6. No S2 is not an improvement on season 1. Are we trying to compare which turd is shinier here?


    None of the characters are the same as in the books.

    Though I did like Verin and Elayne. They were not the characters from the books, Verin should be ignorant of her surroundings and less social. Elayne should be more stuck up and smug but still polite and diplomatic.


    Moiraine bothers me the most. She should be serious and focused on her mission but remember she danced with the boys in Baerlon? That is who Moiraine really is. Compassionate but unrelenting. Instead we got to spend way too much time with her family and we discovered she was also aged up. The rest of the cast was aged up a few years, but Moiraine was aged up about 60 years. Her attitude however seemed spoiled and childish in this season.


    Lan is a soppy mess


    Aviendha talks too much and smiles too much.


    Did you see the bit where Alanna's warders where instructing Sheriam on how to deal with novices!


    Siuan Sanche is dumb and not the person is has a single focus all her life. She should be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goal. Now she is wishy-washy flip-flopping indecisive.


    Lanfear prancing through the streets setting fires to buildings? Languishing in Ishamaels bed?


    Who is Rand. We can barely tell who one of the main characters is. He is just there most of the time, usually on his knees. When he met Elayne he actually looked bored.


    Mat also spent a lot of time on the floor usually under duress. Mat should be a free spirit who is only constrained by his own morals.


    Perrin also spent time as a prisoner. I'm seeing a theme here. The best thing about Perrin this season was Hopper.


    Hurin is Elyas and vice versa, the end result is nothing like either of them.


    Renna has too much dialogue but I liked the actress. I think she should have been cast as Nynaeve.


    Ishamael was cuddly.

  7. You really can't see how a good director can show that on screen? Rand is being pushed back, then you cut to the heroes being pressed and surrounded. Rand pushes back and then you show the heroes rallying. What is so complicated about it?


    Rand fighting in the sky would be literally an unbelievable thing to see. can you imagine a couple of giants fighting in the sky above your city? People would be talking about it for years. Instead what we got was a crappy CGI dragon. What even is the "banner" at this point in the show. It has no meaning. I think only fans understand half of what is going on.

  8. The explanation for why the story doesn't stick to the books is limited time and limited seasons allocated. This meaning that more than one book will need to fit in each season. But is this true? I feel that these two season demonstrate that they had the capability to stick much more closely to the books.


    Many people were saying "Lol, these fans expect the story word for word". If anything I feel that we got too many words.

    I truly feel that if you took most of the dialogue from the first two books you would end up with less dialogue than what we got in the show. The books are thick but it's mostly descriptive text.


    For most of the 16 episodes approx 16 hours of runtime what we got was a meandering Days of Our Lives drama. Warders lounging around and chatting, almost every male character being emotional or weeping on the floor. Darkfriends and Forsaken frolicking with Trollocs and chidren showing what nice guys they really are. Ishamael and Selene flirting? c'mon! Falme was the time for Nynaeve to shine, instead she spent most of the time staring at Elaynes leg. Selene and Liandrin had way too much screen time.


    Where is the urgency, the tension? Where are the stakes? Is the importance of the prophecies understood by the audience? Ishmael's actor should be an extra at this point with very limited dialogue. Anytime he is shown he must be menacing. (Think Darth Vader) Suroth should have been flat on the floor begging for mercy, instead she was trying to boss one of the Forsaken around. You can't have a story like this without actual bad guys. The Seanchan where almost portrayed like good guys, which at this point of the story they should not be. The Whitecloaks were the towns liberators. Where was Ingtar's reveal and redemption?


    One very great issue with this show is that they take too long to establish some concepts while the rest of the story lags.

    What are Damane?

    This should have taken 10 minutes at most. You could establish this by putting Eqwene in a 1 meter wide partition in a room with many such partitions. Have her pull at the adam bracelet like it is Marvel Thor's immovable hammer. Have her given a pet name and be patted on the head. Have her punished/ rewarded with the adam like training a puppy. I could demonstrate this in 5 minutes or less across 2-3 short scenes. Renna had way too much screen time.


    What are warders and what does the bond do?

    Have one of the boys, while training with Lan, ask "why not just have an army of warders?"  and then Lan succinctly explains the benefits and limitations. I think this one scene alone would eliminate about 4 episodes of show content. Maybe more !



    Many of the actors that played roles of background characters should have had limited dialogue and been little more than extras. Alanna's warders should be seen and not heard. Verin's warder was portrayed well.

    I feel way too much effort was put in to practical effects for the Ways in season 1 only to CGI it better in season 2

    The adam don't need to be CGI'd to this extent. Show the leash, have the sul'dam tug on the leash, this will have greater effect on screen. How are damane supposed to report to their masters or beg for forgiveness if they have a sucker in their mouth? The blonde Seanchan damane almost seemed like she was giving orders with her stance and attitude. Head held high, shoulders back.

    The novice quarters in the White Tower are ridiculously large and elaborate. They should be almost cells.

    What was that giant throne on top of a pyramid that was somehow dragged in to a forest where there are no roads? LOL. Does it have a retractable bulldozer. Completely unnecessary.

    Building an entire village on that river where Perrin gets captured? As people move to cities there are many underpopulated vilages and towns in europe. There are many cowboy western sets in the USA that can be repurposed. Not every house needs thatched roofs. Even Emond's Field had some roof tiles. In Rand's dream where he was married to Egwene how much did it cost to build that house with the round timber roof?

    Barthanes, a very minor character in the books is the second most powerful lord in Cairhien, yet an entire set was built for him to sit and eat among the kitchen servants? Really?! As far as I can tell this is the only time they used this set. I hope they didn't build the location for the party in Cairhien because that scene was so inconsequential (and slow and boring) compared to the books.



    The first season should have been a desperate escape from Emond's field via Shadar Logoth, reuniting in Caemlyn and rushing to Fal Dara. Tar Valon should not have been shown yet as it bogged the story down.

    Season 2 should have been an adventurous gut clencher chasing after the horn, "Lord Rand" should not have been glossed over. Culminating in Falme with Min rather than Avienda. The scenes inside Falme with Ingtars party should have emphasized stealth with the battle happening later OUTSIDE the city using CGI to multiply the soldiers on each side in to 2 large armies. The battle took the whole final episode in the show but it should have only been about 10 minutes at most. Mat on a roof facing 2 dozen Seanchan waiting in a line to charge him was utter nonsense. I laughed so hard at this and then I laughed harder when the heroes appeared. It was filmed like a high school production and then some high school productions might do better. Very much an unimpressive anticlimax. Birgitte should have been CGI'd riding through the clouds and shooting  arrows that set ships on fire. Instead we got some no-personality cosplayers standing in a line.

    Season 3 is where the white tower should have been introduced. Hunters for the horn. Faile. Mat with Gawyn Galad. Everyone heading to the stone and meeting Aiel along the way.


    I feel the story has been mixed like a salad and landed in the same spot as in the books, only the plot has been sacrificed along the way in exchange for a strong focus on what should be background characters. There is just so much that could have been cut out of the show and replaced with actual story.

    Many of the more interesting aspects from the books have been suppressed while bolstering all the boring stuff.


    There was so many times the story was bogged down in useless drama where I wished I could physically give it a push to move it along.


  9. 7 hours ago, Sir_Charrid said:

    Not this one, a proper bottom of the internet rant, shocks me someone like this can actually claim to have read the books. 



    Thanks for that link. He was a bit harsh on the Lews Therin scene but overall he was correct on most things.

    His best line "Where did the money go?"

    After watching season 2 of the Witcher which had the same budget and similar covid filming conditions I was blown away at how good it was.

  10. Did anyone notice at 11:37 Rand walks a tight circle right behind Ishmael's back (stabbing distance) and Ishmael doesn't turn around immediately. This felt really awkward to watch. It felt like a scene in a soap opera but the area they are standing in is so cramped they have no space to move.

  11. 2 hours ago, Raal Gurniss said:


    Many people prefer the show to the book…Weird I know, I personally don’t understand how unless they haven’t actually read more than a chapter or three of the book,  just like the show’s directors.

    I still wonder at how people say the show is good in any way. It makes me feel like I am insane.

    For Example. People say they liked episode 7. What I remember of it is that they escape the ways and meet the Lord of Fal Dara who is upset at having an Aes Sedai in his city when Trollocs are about to attack. Then they all have a bitch session after dinner, love triangle YA BS included. Lan teleports and then Nynaeve gets promiscious. Nynaeve! Then there is a tiny bit where Rand says, "Oh BTW I'm the Dragon Reborn" They ruined the entire season for this pathetic reveal! A ONE HOUR episode and almost nothing to move the story along!

    Next episode Lan is still standing around spouting poetry when in reality he would have been on a horse, racing for the Blight. If it were me I would have had Lan go in ep7 and then started the Trolloc siege on Tarwin's gap immediately in ep8.

  12. On 12/24/2021 at 1:27 PM, CaddySedai said:


    But way I see it - I have no idea what will happen now. 


    That's the problem Caddy. Anything can happen with no rules. There can be no cliffhangers.

    You think Loial is dead? NOPE Egwene will heal him with the power of friendship! No doubt she will bring back all the dead characters at the beginning of season 2.

    When do you think Moiraine will go away? SHE WON'T she will continue to be the main character throughout all the seasons.

    Do you think Saidin will ever be cleansed? Of course, Moiraine, Egwene and Nynaeve will hold hands and scream and 10 seconds later the taint will be gone. No problems. Feel free to get invested in any character.


  13. 3 minutes ago, Sabio said:

    Ok here is problem, why didn't Ishy break the seal himself?  If he was right there then couldn't he have blasted it himself?  or did I miss something?


    Watching it makes me think Moiraine is shielded. the issue with her being shieled and if it's tied off then only Ishy can remove it.  By book lore even if Ishy died the shield should still hold. Or a whole hell of alot of balefire.  Guess Rafe could change that.  If she's stilled they could have wonder Nyn heal her.

    If it is tied off you can eventually break through it. That's why they prefer not to tie it off with Logain.

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