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jack of shadows

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Posts posted by jack of shadows

  1. @solarZ,

    "mat himself had no ability to corrupt anything."


    that's true but only up to a point,like you pointed out,mat was not mordeth,he was "just"

    carrying a tainted dagger so the incubation period was longer(sabio noticed it too),fortunately,

    moiraine arrived just in time and was able to contain the shadar logoth taint before mat became

    contagious,"...but now the battle inside him is almost done,and he almost defeated.soon if it 

    does not kill him first he will spread that evil like a plague wherever he goes."(eye of the world chapter 41).


    you had to drag tolkien into this ah?

  2. riding in a cart on their way to caemlyn and barely able to stay awake,rand

    and mat had to listen to almen bunt's endless monologue about caemlyn,

    morgase,elaida,luc,tigraine etc...reading eye of the world chapter 34 i said

    to myself,wonderful,rand and mat are out of their depth,hungry,tired,hunted

    by darkfriends and this almen bunt won't shut up.

    when i learned that shaiel was actually tigraine,i returned to the eye of the 

    world chapter 34,reread it very carefully and was impressed by robert jordan's

    ability to tell us about rand's family tree during a seemingly insignificant cart ride to caemlyn.

  3. we are talking about two different issues here,i'm well aware that lanfear

    wasn't behind the trolloc attack at the stone and  she certainly didn't bring

    trollocs to defend rand,but she probably twisted a certain trolloc's mind

    to kill another trolloc to save rand,(she also caused two myrddraal to fight

    each other to protect rand),this,in my opinion, was her doing.

  4. during his fight at stone,rand noticed at least twice trollocs battling trollocs

    and correctly assumed that a myrddraal had lost control of the trollocs and

    their blood-lust took over,a little later,rand was pinned down by a trolloc's body,

    a second trolloc with an axe tried to take advantage of rand's predicament

    but was killed by a third trolloc,when rand managed to stand up,he heard

    lanfear's voice just behind him,this was her doing.


    cross,"if i take credit,you will expect it again,and that could be deadly.

    you can expect no open aid from me."lanfear definitely helped rand.

  5. whether we like it or not(and personally i don't),the seanchan empress signed

    the dragon treaty,this alliance,is at best uneasy and fragile,but it's still an alliance,

    so if tuon intend to quell the rebellion in her homeland,all she as to do is formally

    ask the white tower for help with a few huge gateways to let her army enter the

    seanchan continent,as for letting the seanchan army return to randland,well,that's

    an entirely different story LOL.

  6. @solarZ,

    "..only a few very strong channelers would be able to open a gateway to the 

    seanchan continent."


    not really,with the ability to link and form  circles ,individual channelers strength

    is meaninless,randland channelers would be able to open gateways to the

    seanchan continent at will.

  7. not only the heroes of the horn recognised rand,rand recognised each and every one

    of them,robert jordan hinted(more than once)that rand/lews therin is a hero of the horn

    when he is not doing his dragon duties.

  8. @wotfan4472,

    "i think that RJ meant for the three girls to be rand's warders,not the other way round."


    this is exactly what happened in the last battle,"i need you,aviendha,i need all three of

    you to watch,to be my hands--my heart--during this fight.i am going to send min to egwene.

    something is going to happen there,i'm certain.elayne will fight in the south,and you...

    i need you in the valley of thakan'dar,watching my back".

  9. @solarZ,

    "only by author fiat did the borderlanders choose to even contemplate opposition".


    irrelevant to the field of merrilor meeting,sure,the entire borderlanders arc from the

    path of daggers until towers of midnight is incredibly stupid,but it was settled one day

    before the field of merrilor meeting.


    "if egwene had not been a complete moron..."


    LOL,well,egwene had a tendency to behave like a moron occasionally,okay,seriously,

    brandon sanderson knew that moiraine was supposed to save the day but he was too

    lazy to manufacture a real crisis so he dumbed egwene down(not much mind you) just

    for the sake of drama like you said.


    the real reason why do i rate the field of merrilor so highly is because the dragon peace

    is a crucial treaty for the future,winning the last battle was only part of rand's plan for randland.

    i have read the field of merrilor scene more than 100 times,and even after 3-4 years i'm still

    perplexed how badly it was planned and executed,instead of writing  a serious political

    summit,brandon sanderson completely ignored some major issues and concentrated on

    egwene's antics,aviendha's stupid ultimatum,roedran buffoonery etc,but no matter how

    bad the field of merrilor execution was or how incompetent brandon sanderson is as a

    writer,the field of merrilor was crucial.

  10. @solarZ,

    "from his 3 books,only 2 events mattered..."


    there are a few more key events in the last three books,rand's dragonmount epiphany,

    in my opinion,it was hands down the most significant event in the last three books,aviendha's

    sequence of flashforwards at rhuidean,although brandon sanderson botched the field of 

    merrilor meeting horribly,it was an incredibly significant political summit,unfortunately,brandon

    sanderson possesses a political awareness of a 5th-grader regarding randland(no offense meant

    to all 5th-graders).

  11. rand did more than just hope,he opened an academy in chairhien, and issued a decree

    as part of the dragon peace treaty that required the opening of a great school in each

    capital,fully funded and with doors open to those who wish to learn.

  12. @solarZ,
    "The two rivers is a fairly prosperous place".

    The two rivers didn't pay taxes.
    Between 1100-1600 in europe,the average tax paying peasants would had to pay the equivalent of 2%(annually)of the value of their farm in england, up to 15% annually in some countries e.g.sweden,ruinous taxation drove peasants to bankruptcy, starvation and revolts e.g. flanders 1323, estonia 1343,france 1356,england 1381, galicia 1431 and more..a lot more.
    Incidentally,the two rivers didn't finance a militia or a group of mercenaries because they didn't have either,their mayor has a "day job" as an innkeeper,in fact,the only one who doesn't seem to have a paying job is nynaeve.

  13. @faroresdragn,

    "I don't think it was a sister bonding.."


    I re-read the 4-way bonding yesterday, winter's heart chapter 12,and there's an explanation how they did it,i.e. elayne and aviendha linked,creating a weave based on the weaves used in the sister-adoption ceremony,next,they laid it on each of the three of them,then,elayne extended it to rand,changing it(on rand's end) into a warder bond,basically,this new weave was an amalgam of a modified aiel weave and a warder-bond weave.

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