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jack of shadows

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Posts posted by jack of shadows

  1. @stephen hawkwing,


    "rand al'thor only rand which means there is no part of lews therin left in him.."

    no,the correct quote is "rand al'thor--JUST rand al'thor--",meaning,the person who

    woke up is not the dragon nor the king of illian etc anymore,he is just rand al'thor.


    by the way,rand didn't feel limitless relief,if you're quoting someone,do it properly,

    "he paused,then smiled and felt an enormous relief."

  2. "two thousands years ago i took my trollocs across the world,

    and even among the aes sedai i found those who knew despair,

    who knew the world could not stand before shai'tan,for two

    thousand years the black ajah has dwelt among others...."



    approximately 800 years after the aes sedai incident during rand

    sixth flashback in rhuidean.

  3. @bfg,

    "i don't think a merge is impossible,but i think it unlikely."


    agreed,a two towers merge is unlikely,certainly not in the immediate future,there

    are too many complications,too many obstacles blocking such a move,i.e. trust issues

    (both ways),independence issues,identity issues(the white tower is thousands years

    old,the black tower is new,they need proper structure,rules,goals etc) and lastly,

    the political landscape was changed by rand,he didn't send the captured damane to

    salidar nor to the white tower,he sent them to andor,elayne complicated matters further

    by bringing the kin with her,elayne was definitely on a collision course with the amyrlin

    over this new kin-damane entity,"in her dress,elayne carried egwene's--the amyrlin seats-

    official reply regarding the kin and what elayne had done.elayne could almost sense heat

    radiating from the letter,but it was hidden behind official language..."


    meanwhile,two things happened to logain and the black tower almost simultaneously,first,

    they managed to free themselves from taim's clutches and a few days later,they lost their

    political clout when rand entered shayol ghul,now,rand was not a very good boss but he was

    an extremely powerful one,one should never underestimate the power of fear(factor).


    this situation led to an interesting conversation between elayne and logain during the last


    elayne:"did rand send you?"

    logain:"we sent ourselves."

    logain again:"we came to you FIRST.the black tower stands with the lion of andor."

    this in my opinion,was more than a battle stance,it was logain's first decision as

    the leader of the black tower,his political affiliation.


    i am absolutely sure that elayne and logain will stick together for the foreseeable future.

  4. @solarZ,

    "she wasnted to supplant the dark one himself!"


    come on solarZ,if you're dragging my beloved lanfear to this discussion,

    do it right,"...their power is beyond imagining.with those,we could challenge

    even...the great lord himself.even the creator!" supplanting the dark one was

    only part of her plan,the end game was a little more ambitious,at least she

    was magnanimous enough to give rand a place by her side.

  5. @sabio,

    you are preaching to the perverted..err,converted here,that's my point exactly.

    let me remind you that min was also kidnapped with rand,don't get me wrong,i

    know exactly why min was taken,but how do you(aes sedai) justify kidnapping an

    innocent person?well that's easy,by declaring she's a darkfriend because she is

    wearing breeches all the time,as bfg pointed out,it's a mindset,following this

    line of reasoning,one could get away with anything.


    aes sedai first oath says:to speak no word that is not true-lying by omission is

    still lying,telling half-truths is still lying,playing the ambiguity game,i.e.

    politician doublespeak is even worse,so tell me,what's the point of having the three oaths?

  6. the aes sedai's ability to make a mockery of the three oaths on a daily

    basis render them inefective really.


    aes sedai third oath says:never to use the one power as a weapon except

    against darkfriends or shadowspawn,or in the last extreme defence of her

    life,the life of her warder,or another aes sedai,yet,they had no problem

    kidnapping a certain individual "for the greater good of humanity",bah.

  7. 11 aiel clans are now part of the dragon peace...."the aiel--all but the

    shaido--are to be written into the document as enforcers of the peace and

    mediators of disputes between nations."

    rand,effective immediately,(well,post last battle),saddled the clans with

    a very daunting task of keeping the peace in randland,they are not going

    back to the three-fold land,they are part of randland future now.


    the former shadar logoth,or aridhol is a perfect place for 11 aiel clans.


    and her name is aviendha.


    "...still rand worried that these things might be humans reborn.

    aginor had used people to create the trollocs and myrddraal. was

    this the fate of some?to be reborn as twisted creations such as this?the idea sickened him."

    rand wasn't making assumptions,he was asking himself questions,for all of

    his 400 years of knowledge,rand was clearly out of his depth here.

  9. "on a day of fire and blood,a tattered banner waved above dumai's wells,

    bearing the ancient symbol of aes sedai,

    on a day of fire and blood and the one power,

    as prophecy had suggested,the unstained tower,broken, bent knee to the forgotten sign,

    the first nine aes sedai swore fealty to the dragon reborn

    and the world was changed forever."


    dumai's wells,is hands down the best scene in the entire wheel of time cannon.

  10. Demandred summed gawyn nicely,

    When demandred found out that galad had a fox medallion,he said to him"surely you don't think that its going to keep you from meeting the same fate as your pathetic brother?the dead one i mean".

    Demandred was decent enough to point out that he didn't consider rand pathetic, only gawyn(this made me laugh so hard).

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