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Posts posted by Rhea


    Back for two seconds!


    I think that things are going the way of Turin or LZM today. I wish more people would post but alas, weekends seem to be slower for the site overall. I have to go for a few hours now.


    *pokes the game*

    Cast a vote. I'd prefer if it were for Turin but I won't complain if it's for me. Someone has to hang.


    I did cast a vote, LZM.



    I will  [v]Lessa[/v]. She got Harry Potter Darthe killed. It seemed opportunistic to me then and does still. I don’t like that it feels like she’s setting up Dar, another opportunistic play. I feel like she’s being defensive when she wasn’t even called out. 
    I’m willing to go LZM and could make a case that way too. But right now I want more out of Lessa. 



    I am not willing to vote for Turin today. I think he is town and I said so in my recap. From my reread I am still pretty sure about Lessa being scum. 

  2. Also, notice the emphasis on Dices I'M in that quote?


    Someone with a quicker wit than I could have caught that as his claim on D1


    I really don't know why you are making such a big deal out of Dice's claim. I have a pretty quick wit and I didn't catch it and I have played with Dice on many occasions. Any claim in this game is null to me. Even Darthe's Harry claim because we have no idea who is who in here, we don't know what claims the scum team have and we can't be sure that anyone is telling the truth. I'm pretty sure this has been said before. 


    Have we completed the Gryffindor long path now? The large chest blew up when the path was cleared, but I'm not sure what is down that tunnel.

    *holds her wand out in front and steps over the rubble to move into the path*

    Lets keep going guys!

    this path is not complete. I think I know what to do but I want someone I'm confident is town and has a spell to assist me.

    I just woke up but I'm here and I have a spell to use. Please explain the plan as I want to help! I think it is important for us to keep searching the tunnels.


    *wand at the ready*

  4. Recapping Day 1



    Daruya uses her spell Lumos.


    LZM uses his spell Alohamora to open Slytherin. Then votes Turin with no explination (day 1 joke vote I'm guessing). 


    GBen uses his spell Confundo on the Troll.


    Dice first post of the game reveals his character to everyone (though no one gets it at the time) then uses his spell Finite Incantatem to clear the path.


    Turin joins the game and starts asking LZM questions about his knowledge of HP who responds that he is very familiar. Then wants to know why he chose the Slytherin door first. LDM retorts that that is the place to weed out scum. 


    Darthe enters the game and uses his spell Wingardium Leviosa.


    DarJen posts and her first thing to do is ask a technical game question.


    Verbal posts and is on his phone.


    Elgee joins and quotes LZM agreeing that looking for scum in Slytherin is "good thinking". Daruya then agrees with this but then changes her mind because she's getting her games mixed up.


    Rhea is here! Casts Alohamora.


    Dar comes back to elborate on the traitor/snitch and how they will be in one of the other 3 houses. Now she sus of LZM.


    Verbal posts flavor here. Which will be an interesting fact later on.


    LZM unvotes Turin and votes for Dar. 


    This is where the semantics start over traitor/snitch, slytherin, etc.


    Lessa shows up asking Dar about polyjuice potion.


    Dar posts more about LZM and which door she would have chosen.


    LZM says he chose Slytherin on a whim.


    Lessa opens the chest.


    Turin  votes for LZM for changing his story. Thinks Dar is town due to her thought process.


    Turin gets a chest.


    Dice shows up again, quotes Darthe and Daruya, then votes Dar because he thinks she doesn't want us scum hunting. 


    Darthe likes the Dar votes and so votes Dar. 


    DarJen opens Hufflepuff.


    Devil shows up and gives us background on Slytherin and fandoms etc. Then opens the small Hufflepuff chest.


    DarJen agrees with Devil not judging because of the house,


    GBen votes for Dar because she's confused her games. Then he goes back n forth with Devil about making assumptions over the houses. 


    Charis posts! Appears to agree with Dar then opens a chest. 


    Ed pops in and votes Charis for no reason.


    Dice diasgrees with Devil in that there are No Slytherins in the DA and this game is Dumbledores Army. 


    Gben thinks he struck a nerve with Daruya. 


    Turin seems even more convinced that Dar is town. Goes back n forth with Dice about safe claims, etc.


    Verbal says that it is sometimes easier to find the obvious townies first and use that to narrow the pool with a quote from Dar, indicates to me that he thinks Dar is in fact town. http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/101213-harry-potter-week-dumbledores-army-mafia-game-thread-day-2/?p=3830223 Wants everyone to scum hunt. 
    Dar is sus of Devil and agrees with Dice.
    Verb asks Dar what is the point in speculating what house scum are in and thinks it is pointless conversations to look like gameplay. 
    Verbal thinks this looks like TMI.
    Devil is looking more townie to me. 
    Elgee says shes going to do a reread and post thoughts. She opens a chest and then Votes Dar for ticking two of her three boxes.
    Verbal doesn’t recall any reasons to vote Dar.
    Says she thinks Dar is town then Votes Darthe and starts that whole thing. 
    Turin thinks Verb is town. Wants to know who Verb would shoot. He choses Dice because Dice is “looking busy”.
    He is voting for Dar because he thinks she’s trying to distract us from hunting scum. 
    GBen switches his vote to Darthe. 
    It all pretty much goes down hill from there. 
    Darthe says that Bens vote on him looks ok but Lessa’s warrants some digging.
    Charis opens Gryffindor. Votes  Darthe. 
    Ed votes for Turin. 
    Turin votes for Darthe. Cause trains.
    Daruya votes for Darthe.
    DraJen says she’s going to look at things. Turin asks her for other candidates/reasons to vote for others but won’t vote for Dar because he’s sure she’s town. 
    Verbal asks for people to step back from the fandom/flavor to find scum the old fashioned way. He thinks that those who are paying more attention to the flavor of the game are the ones we should be looking at as anti-town. 
    Elgee thinks Dar is trying to get people against LZM. 
    Rhea isn’t convinced on either train. Votes Dar.
    DarJen votes Darthe.
    Dice @ Turin have you ever read me as Town Day 1? (I haven’t!) @Verbal you seem very bent out of shape over people considering flavor, kind of too much. 
    Verbal is dropping it because he’s not getting through to anyone. He thinks it will drail the game and become a minigame of it’s own, but yet dropping it. 
    Verbal votes DarJen
    Devil votes Darjen
    Darthe claims Harry
    GBen says Darthe just pops in and votes, etc…those who know Darthe in Mafia know this is normal. 
    Darthe is convinced DarJen is scum. 
    Bacn n forth with Darthe and GBen. GBen asks DarJen was she means by “incriminating and questioning” I think that is worthy of an answer, given the outcome. I’m not saying I agree with Darthe, but it would be nice to have that answered. 
    Day 2
    LZM recapping – Gets a chest. Votes Verb. Starts to think Dar is scum. Unvotes. Now thinks she is null. Says top lynch candidates for him would be Turin, Lessa, Daruya.
    Charis blows up the path and the chest. 
    There is a bedtime book read.
    And claims to be Dean Thomas.
    Verbal “kill to silence” is a valid defense? Agrees with Dar on LZM votes Dar D1 and then goes in another direction “even after the deaths of the rest of that train.....it looks weird”. I agree. 
    Verbal thinks Ben, Dar and Turin should have changed their vote after the role claim by Darthe. 
    I understand Daruya’s reasoning for not unvoting Darthe. Cloudfare is a thing and there was very little time. But if she’s accusing LZM of being Mafia then why not just vote now? Still, I am pretty well convinced Daruya is town. 
    Elgee agrees that we need to find out about Turin and Dar. Both Turin and Dar seem to be accusing LZM of being mafia “I think?”. 
    Turin has also claimed town. Rightly so, I do agree that there is not any reason to believe anyone in this game. Harry Potter was a big name to use as a claim and not likely to be a fake claim but…hindsight. 
    Turin has good answers for Verb IMO
    Turin votes Ed for lack of any real contribution.
    Lessa was not asked why she didn’t unvote Darthe (I don’t see that anywhere) and yet she is answering Verb. I find this all very odd. And then… Does this post feel like a set up? http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/101213-harry-potter-week-dumbledores-army-mafia-game-thread-day-2/?p=3831316[/spioler]
    Town read. Me, Turin, Dar
    Unsure. Devil. Verb, Elgee, Ed, Charis, DarJen 
    Scum. Lessa, LZM

    @ Verb. I don't understand what it is you need to clarify from Daruya and Turin, Verb. Why is it so important to know why they didn't unvote? I do believe Turin was asleep and Dar gave a pretty good explanation. You, Verb, were expecting Darthe to respond to Dar's post with 3 min to deadline and her to make a reply and unvote based on that reply? I really don't think there was time at that point. And now you are trying to use that to push her being scum? I think we need more than that to go on. 


    If you read my post, I said these were the 2 that posted before DL, which was after Darthe's reveal.  So yeah, there was PLENTY of time to question/unvote/whatever.


    But the second post that you are referring to is 5 min after the deadline, so I do not see your logic. 3 minutes is not plenty of time. 

  6. Popping in on my lunch quick.


    @ Verb. I don't understand what it is you need to clarify from Daruya and Turin, Verb. Why is it so important to know why they didn't unvote? I do believe Turin was asleep and Dar gave a pretty good explanation. You, Verb, were expecting Darthe to respond to Dar's post with 3 min to deadline and her to make a reply and unvote based on that reply? I really don't think there was time at that point. And now you are trying to use that to push her being scum? I think we need more than that to go on. 


    I am not sure how to take any claims when we know the scum team have fake claims to use. So Dar, we will just have to wait and see if its true or not. 


    I am still unsure about Lessa. I will try to post why later when I have more time to re-read. 


    Let's stop a moment here. 



    Zepp claims that I noted Dice's claim of Seamus. All I noted was that Dice claimed town. I didn’t even make the connection between Dice’s choice of a Seamus gif as being his character claim.



    Zepp voted for me first. Then Dice voted for me because he mistakenly believed I didn’t want us scum hunting.  Then Darth voted for me. Then Gentled Ben.



    Who, I say, who is the SOLE person still alive that was on my train?




    Also note that Zepp is NOT voting for me today? Why? If I was "worthy" of a vote yesterday, and the death of Darthe, Dice and GB makes me that much more suspicious, why vote Turin? 


    Right now, Zepp is seriously pegging my scum-meter. This isn’t about him being suspicious of me. It’s because of all of the first 4 people that voted for me, he’s the only one left alive. If I was scum, I’d never have been stupid enough to kill Darthe, Dice, and GB because suspicioun would then shift automatically to me. I don't play often but that's just common sense. Personally, I think he’s playing a clever game with his scum-buddies. And I fully expect that if I'm not lynched today, I'll end up getting killed tonight because if I can suss out one of them, they're all at risk.


    My best friend was killed last night . . . :mad: It’s time to get serious about hunting scum because we lynched one of our own yesterday and the scum took out 2 of us last night.



    So Daruya, you are claiming to be Dean Thomas? 




    I've never played this game format, and I'm very rusty to say the least. And even though it's been a year I'm still so leery of Dice! LOL I will try to put my past experience aside for this.


    Zep has explained his choice of doors pretty well and I get the thought process of both Zep and Daruya, but it still looks a bit odd to pick Slytherin right out of the gate. Just sayin.



    Can anyone move the keystone at the bottom of the pit?

    The bolded. Rhea, did you kill dice?



    No, I always think Dice is scum. Past experience is all that was about. I was even starting to agree with him here ---> http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/101213-harry-potter-week-dumbledores-army-mafia-game-thread-day-2/?p=3830215

  8. They way I read it was that you are saying that people are playing the game and then you say that is anti-town. Maybe I am reading it wrong.


    I get that you think we need to scum hunt the old fashioned way, but we are trying to have some fun. I do not agree that people using game mechanics to try and see if they can hunt that way is anti-town. In fact it may be even more townie IMO. 

  9. So, let me first say I'm not trying to defend Darthe here.......more, I'm defending the point in lynching him.


    The speculation I've seen so far is more along the lines of gaming the mod/setup/flavor than actually trying to find scum.  Step back from the HP fandom for a sec, and remember this is just a mafia game.  The 'choose your own adventure' part is just a mechanic to allow us to have fun and have some depth to the game (all of this is my opinion, not fact)......but we still need to find scum the old fashioned way.


    If Darthe is scum, I'll obvious just say "lolVerbal" and tell you all to ignore me this game, but I don't think we're going down the right path with how we've been approaching scumhunting.  With all the chests and potential goodies involved, this game might boil down to a kitchen sink-type game where roles/powers are going to decide who wins.



    All that said, I'm content to see a flip, whether it be Darthe, Dar, or really anybody else.


    Do you have any better theories? You seem to disagree with me on Lessa.


    I'd submit the folks speculating so hard on which door to take, or things like that, are the ones we should be looking at as anti-town behavior.


    I'm sorry but I feel like this is contradicting what you said the post before. 


    Willing to lynch:

    Darthe: lack of effort jumping on the only real train.

    Dice: feels like he latched onto a non-game reason to go after a potential easy lynch

    Elgee: to me it doesn't look like her vote matched her reasoning.

    LZM: changing reasons for why he would open the Slytherin door.

    Rhea: feels like a lot of following,


    I will try to expand on my lunch break. or before deadline when I get home from work.


    gotta go.  


    Following what? I'm trying to figure out the best way to go. Do you want me to just jump on a train with no effort?


    I do not have time at work to go back and read so I am going by memory. 

  10. Rhea, I beg to differ on being a seasoned mafia player. If I play, it's not even once/year and I can probably count the games I've played since joining DM in 2006 on 2 hands. I don't know why people always think I'm a seasoned player . . . :blink:


    Because of that, I am not familiar with how any of you play so when someone who plays regularly says "Oh, he always plays like that" is not sufficient for me to go on.


    So that I can get a vote in before deadline, I'm going with Darthe. This isn't an OMGUS vote. He has contributed little to the speculation and has avoided direct questions.


    Vote Darthe.


    By the way, can someone refresh my memory what the html code is to do the votes other than changing the color and bolding? 


    Dar, I am sorry if I misstook you for a seasoned player, you speak in game as if you are so that was why I thought so. also maybe because all the most recent games I've played you were also in since they were all here! Ha!


    Ok, so....bottom line my theories suck! 

  11. Darthe popped in and jumped on the Daruya train by saying that he likes these votes for her, and when he was asked why, he ignored the question. He was asked again, at least once, and he ignored it again, although he posted something in agreement with someone who said they just wanted to kill people, and then, he commented that he understood why I was voting for him but not why someone else was. He was asked why he saw my reasoning, and he hasn't responded. So basically, he's just popping in, piling on, and ignoring requests to explain himself. Maybe he just wants to get lynched and be done with it, as he has his own game to mod as soon as the sign ups are finished. 


    Yes, everything is still weak, but we have to start somewhere.


    Darthes behavior seems pretty Darthey from what I can remember. The popping in, not explaining much, etc. So I'm not seeing it the same way you are I guess. 


    Folks need to stop thinking too much about flavor.  The Slytherin door has zero indication on people's alignments, IMO.



    Good morning! 


    So now we have two competing trains. 


    I'm not getting what the case is against Darthe. Can someone explain this to me? "Cause trains" doesn't exactly work for me. 


    The jist of the case against Daruya, please correct me if I am wrong, is that she is causing confusion, mistaking Trolls from one thread to another, and arguing semantics. Yes?


    All the cases are weak. Honestly, I was leaning more towards voting Lessa for her Polyjuice posts, going along with Dar then voting Darthe. 


    Why Lessa?  The polyjuice posts are irrelevant at this point.  Going along with Dar, and then voting somebody (Darthe) who was ok with the Dar votes, doesn't seem like much of a stretch......so what's the issue?


    I don't think anything is irrelevant. There were/are other people on the Dar train, and with her buddying up to Dar then voting Darthe doesn't it feel like she's trying to get the pressure of Dar? It also looks like it's working. But that is just my thought and I know it's thin, I'm just trying to think this all through. 



    PS. I am at work now so I will be spotty today. 

  12. Good morning! 


    So now we have two competing trains. 


    I'm not getting what the case is against Darthe. Can someone explain this to me? "Cause trains" doesn't exactly work for me. 


    The jist of the case against Daruya, please correct me if I am wrong, is that she is causing confusion, mistaking Trolls from one thread to another, and arguing semantics. Yes?


    All the cases are weak. Honestly, I was leaning more towards voting Lessa for her Polyjuice posts, going along with Dar then voting Darthe. 

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