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Posts posted by Rhea







    Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


    It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


    As for those who have votes on them already...


    Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


    I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


    I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


    Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q



    First bold:  opportunism from a more seasoned player - I don't like it


    Second bold:  what choice?  Going into the Slytherin door?  Why?


    Third bold:  I didn't like that theory years ago, and I think I like it even less now.  Ignore it.



    First bold: You dont like it because it's Dice who's latched on to the semantics? While I see it a different way, that if Daruya hadn't started the semantics there would have been nothing to latch on to. Dar's post were nothing but confusing to me (and others from what I've ready) so just the fact that Dice is a seasoned player doesn't match up. Dar is a pretty well seasoned player herself. 


    Second bold: Yes the Slytherin door. Why you ask? Because to me it appears that he honestly felt that weeding out scum would be best suited to searching Slytherin house. I agree that it was a sketchy choice for the first door to open but the more I sit here thinking about it the more I think that anyone on the scum team would have avoided Slytherin for the same reasons. I could be completely off base here! LOL


    Third bold. I will do as you say! I will ignore it. But I'm wondering if it wasn't part of Lessa's thought process when she chose Darthe out of that list. 


    We still have until tomorrow night? This is a very long day indeed!


    *runs to keep up with the group*

  2. myself




    Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


    It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


    As for those who have votes on them already...


    Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


    I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


    I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


    Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q

  3. I'm confused. 


    This all sounds like a lot of WIFOM. 






    Ben, you haven't struck a nerve. Granted, I don't like your vote but at least you are trying to reason it out, which is more than Darthe has done. 


    I'm actually a bit suspicious of Devil's Advocate at the moment. All of the "let's not judge a person by their House" could be scum trying to come across as all fair-minded and Hufflepuff. So the way I see it Devil's Advocate is either the most Hufflepuffy Hufflepuff ever or scum.


    Dice is correct; canon is that there are NO Slytherins in Dumbledore's Army. Are there Slytherins that aren't scum? Absolutely but you'll have to pardon me if I tend to be a bit (okay a lot) more suspicious of them. That said, most everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that more than likely one of the scum is NOT a Slytherin. One of the scum is a member of Dumbledore's Army.  However, if the concensus is to go after the Inquisitorial Squad first, I'm all in. But let's not forget the snitch.


    What is the point in speculating what House scum are in?  How does it matter?


    This really just smacks of people trying to make pointless conversations look like gameplay.



    I agree about the speculating about which house scum are in. There are examples in the books/films that show characters who are terrible people who weren't in Slytherin.


    I also think worrying too much about canon might be destructive to the group though, but at the same time it's getting everyone talking and thinking about who the scum are. I think Dar is just wanting to keep in mind that there is a snitch and not to forget about it in searching for the Inquisitorial Squad.



    How do you know this?  The OP speaks to the squad having basically infiltrated our ranks, but nothing about a specific snitch AND a squad (scum team).


    This looks a lot like TMI.


    @Dar, care to discuss?





    With that, you pocket your coin and join in on the practice. This is harder work than you first imagined, but it feels good to go actual magic again, outside of Umbridge's ban on casting actual spells. As time goes by, everyone in the DA seems to be moving along well with their practice, and we all have a firm grasp on at least the basics of each spell.

    It wasn't destined to last though....

    It was a normal day of practice, or so it seemed, but there was something ominous in the air today.

    Just as someone cast "reducto!" a booming crash sounded throughout the room, and the safely barred door splintered. We don't know how, but they have found us.

    As the door was rammed again, a hole opened up in the floor, dropping everyone into a tunnel that took us deep beneath the castle.

    The Room of Requirement was trying to save us!!

    Landing all in a heap at the bottom of this winding tunnel, in the belly of the castle where it seemed no one had been for years, Harry Potter

    stood up and announced, "someone has betrayed us!" With that, everyone jumped to their feet and started looking suspiciously

    at those who minutes ago had been your most trusted of friends. Unfortunately, no one was wearing a sign that read


    We were going to have to use other means to find out who among us was working for Umbridge. In the mean time, we need to explore this place...



    Verb, we know the Squad is out to get us. However, it requires a traitor for them to find us. See Harry's comment, above (purple, underlined, bold).


    See also the orange underlined sentence. 


    That is what led me to believe there is at least one snitch and it was someone we trusted as a member of Dumbledore's Army. So my assumption was at least one snitch and at least 2 Squad members.


    At the very least it seemed like a place to start. 



    Dar, I don't understand. If it requires a traitor for them to find us it sounds to me like you are saying a townie will flip. Is that even possible?


    Seriously, I am confused. 


    I've never played this game format, and I'm very rusty to say the least. And even though it's been a year I'm still so leery of Dice! LOL I will try to put my past experience aside for this. 


    Zep has explained his choice of doors pretty well and I get the thought process of both Zep and Daruya, but it still looks a bit odd to pick Slytherin right out of the gate. Just sayin. 



    Can anyone move the keystone at the bottom of the pit?


    Hey! I was just doing my job!



    You do it well!





    People like to make assumptions - I find it's better to address things like this sooner rather than later, especially since a lot of mistakes tend to happen D1 in mafia. If we have a town-sided Slytherin PR, it would be such a waste if they were anxious about being Slytherin and got themselves lynched as a result.

    i disagree. im probably gaming the mod here but bear with me.


    in the canon there are NO slytherins in the DA and this game IS called Dumbledores Army.


    The scum have safe claims this leads me to believe they are names we knoiw and names we would automatically lynch.

    Dice, your not making sense here. The mafia have safe claims. I expect those safes will include at least one "major" character and That all the safes will be recognisable. So they could care less about having to claim a character name. They would probably even be willing to hint/breadcrumb one to start with.


    That said I don't like devil implying that a PR from slytherin is a possibility. The MOD stated that the game is vanilla. We now know that there are gifts available to earn. There are NO inherent power roles that I can see.




    thats my point turin. they HAVE safe claims. therefore i think their REAL characters are things like Draco  names that we would autolynch and names that are slytherin. So i DONT think we will have any town aligned Slytherins. THATS my point.


    I had already considered the major names bit and in fact had it in my post but deleted it cause i didnt want to throw that WIFOM out there.


    Nice little attempt at Shading at the end of that line there by the way.





    Dice, if they have safe claims then they will never tell their real names so it is a fruitless search. we will only learn them when they are lynched.



    now im starting to think you are purposefully missing the point. Devil is trying to float that there may be Town Slytherins.


    The point is that the canon doesnt support that and the fact that they have safe claims doesnt support that.


    it is about Devils idea of a Town slytherin. get it?


    And Dice what shade? If you were mafia and had a character you thought was solid you would not claim it in the QT and hint at it from the beginning so you could say look at this it must be true cause I ran with it from the start.



    look at my first post then read that line from ure earlier post and think about WHY i think your throwing shade. 



    Scary thing is...I am agreeing with you on all this. ^^



    I am at work and will be spotty at best. But I will try!

  5. I've never played this game format, and I'm very rusty to say the least. And even though it's been a year I'm still so leery of Dice! LOL I will try to put my past experience aside for this. 


    Zep has explained his choice of doors pretty well and I get the thought process of both Zep and Daruya, but it still looks a bit odd to pick Slytherin right out of the gate. Just sayin. 



    Can anyone move the keystone at the bottom of the pit?

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