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Posts posted by Rhea

  1. GhgTAri.jpg


    Please join me in a grand adventure of our creation! 


    Frodo Baggins, Merry Brandybuck, Samwise Gamgee & Pippin Took are our main charachters. 


    Please feel free to add new characters to the story. 


    Add no more than 6 words at a time. 




    I will start the story....





              It was not a day like any other day. The shire far behind them, this trip would surely be their last. Frodo sat in the bow of the boat, watching the dense forest flitter past, as though it were moving, not they. He hated boats. There wasn't enough Brandybuck blood in him to like a boat. Ever.

              Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Merry grab Pippin's cloak just before the foolish hobbit leaned over far enough to fall headlong into the river. 
              The young hobbit's nose was wet from where he had skimmed the water and he was laughing. Merry spoke sternly to him, not that it did much good. Pippin was still laughing. Silly hobbit. 
              Frodo snorted to himself.
              Samwise was in quiet contemplation, not paying any attention to them. He stared off into the distance from the stern of the boat. Would they be there soon and what would they find? 
              Frodo hated boats.
              It probably bears mentioning a third time. Frodo hated, hated, hated boats. And Frodo was particularly not fond of Pippin being in boats. At least Merry had a hold of the fool by the shoulders now and he didn't look like he was going to let go anytime soon. The whole trip down river was upsetting his stomach to be sure. His nerves were a fright anyway these days.
              Pippin stood up just then and shouted "I see the dock!" Merry shoved him back down in the boat and warned "Don't do that again, or you can swim to shore."
              Pippin's laughter distracted him once again. Frodo looked across their boat to the docks, afraid of what he might see. But he was there, waiting for them. Aragorn. 
              Frodo looked back at him briefly, then looked across to meet Sam's gaze. The other hobbit knew. He understood. He always did. Sam smiled.
              Climbing out of the boat, Frodo tried not to touch the water.
              "You're like a cat," Aragorn complained and lifted him easily, settling the hobbit on his hip like a child and carrying him to shore. Frodo stared distastefully down at the marshy bank. Aragorn laughed and continued to carry him all the way to the clearing where Legolas knelt, digging out a pit for a fire.
               "Down with you. You're getting heavy."
               Frodo felt uneasy as the party gathered. It wasn't long ago they were together like this, when the ring, precious, was to be...he shook the memory out of his head. 
               Legolas lifted his head from his work and sensed the air. A shiver ran though his lanky frame. "We should not be without a fire tonight. There is a dark wind. I sense it." and he continued his work. 
              "We'll be fine here," Aragorn decided. 
               One by one the hobbits drifted to sleep. The fire burning brightly, warming them into slumber. First Pippin, then Merry. Sam was the last as usual. Legolas stood watch, his bow ready. The woods off the edge of the river were thick here. Many dangers lurked within. It wasn't long before he sensed something, or someone.....
    please continue!
  2. Jiminy, stay safe!


    What is a high elevation in Florida? I thought the highest elevation was something like three feet above sea level?


    Maybe you should move north? North is good. Our hurricanes end up being blizzards sometimes but they're calmer that way.

    I was going to ask the same question!


    I do hope you don't have to evacuate. Please stay safe!

  3. Niagra Cave: 

    ok i personally love caves so lets get going.  *clicks on her headlamp* this way folks. 


    ever wonder how some caves are discovered? well this one , watch your head rocks up there *points*, was uncovered by pigs....no literally pigs. they fell down a sinkhole and into the cave system. their farmer followed (on purpose) to retrieve his livestock. and even after a 75 foot drop he found them all alive. and well....he found these caves. 


    perhaps a little ironically, Niagra caves has its own waterfall




    not as vast as its other namesake, still pretty darned impressive.  but not the oddest thing. imagine walking down this cave path and your headlamp hits an odd shape in the wall. looking closer you begin to see ......bones.....seashells.....yes fossils. ancient life stuck right in the wall. life interrupted now viewable as you peer back millions of years. nature preserving and creating a private time machine. 





    k no more suggestions till i get these last two done too. dont want to swamp your tour guide.


    Another little know fact is that his cave has a chapel. Yes that's right. As you walk down into the cave you will see it on your left. I know because I was in a wedding there!

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