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Ithillian Turambar

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Status Updates posted by Ithillian Turambar

  1. Is not a big fan of line dancing. it has too much of the DO about it.

    1. ineedfourberfs


      How about woolen sweaters? Everyone loves wool sweaters.


      Wool Sweaters!



    2. Moon Sedai

      Moon Sedai

      I hate it too. It's just dancing like sheep. I don't need to dance in a line or just like everyone else to enjoy dancing to my favorite songs.

    3. Ithillian Turambar

      Ithillian Turambar

      woolly jumpers are too itchy

  2. Am changing my status to something to do with tents, so that Berf doesn't feel like I'm snubbing him lol.

    1. ineedfourberfs


      I'm moving on from tents. Now my thing is Line Dancing!


      Line Dancing!



  3. Got caught in the Waste and assassinated

  4. iI can't mess about on the public boards because there is someone trying to assassinate me out there somewhere :-(

  5. Does not like it when her son is teething.

  6. Berf seems to be stalking my status updates.

    1. ineedfourberfs


      I saw an opportunity for tent-related humour and went with it.

      Also, Many would be honoured ;)

  7. Am watching Lawrence of Arabia. Obiwan Kenobi is in it.

    1. ineedfourberfs


      Does it make you pine for your recently departed tent?

    2. ineedfourberfs


      It's a tent heavy movie, from memory.

    3. Ithillian Turambar

      Ithillian Turambar

      I have a new tent now.

  8. My two year old is not bothered about StarWars. I may be forced to do the unthinkable and let him watch Ja Ja Binks.

  9. I've finally bought a laptop. No doubt it will die within three weeks as a result of one evil virus or another.

    1. ineedfourberfs


      Is this with the proceeds of the tent money?

    2. Ithillian Turambar

      Ithillian Turambar

      Well it certainly helped :-)

  10. it's gone four in the morning and I'm not awake through choice.

  11. Randomness is not necessarily a bad thing

  12. Hurrah. just sold my tent on Ebay

    1. ineedfourberfs


      Most Random Update Ever.

    2. Ithillian Turambar

      Ithillian Turambar

      I'd hate to be predictable

  13. Oh, you were finished? Oh, well, allow me to retort!

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