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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. I will be taking an LOA effective today for possibly two weeks. It has been a crazy few months in my life and now that my brother and his fiancee have moved out I need to collect myself and refocus on stuff. If you have any issues Claire and Elgee will be in contact with me. I will still be rping and on the comm side. I am taking a leave from my admin duties only. Have a blast rping everyone. *hugs*

  2. *shakes head and luaghs* Leave the poor Novice alone. *pokes her staff* Welcome to the WT hun, I am super excited you have decided to join us. Please contact me at any time if you have any issues. My pm and email box are always open. *hugs the Calli*

  3. LOL we must be thinking on the same wave length cause I was just thinking the same thing no more than 2 minutes ago. As Elgee said we will have some being removed before and a couple that can be linked into the main sticky. Rest assured as Elgee said it will be taken care of. *G*

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