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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Ok that all sounds good with me, I would like to do the classes and such with Rhya if possible. I also like the Intermediate Senses idea with Owen as well and Rhya as well. Should I contact Owen about the weapons training? 

  2. Lys looked at Cairma who was sitting near the fire that the woman had just started, the woman was quite fast at started fires from nothing. Cairma brushed the dirt and bark off her hands and held out her hands for the herbs.  Brushing her hands on her dark tan pants, Cairma held out a hand to look at the roots. She held out her hand with the roots in them and watched as Cairma turned the root over on the other side, and then took her knife out. With the knife she cut the root open and then held it up to her nose, taking a big sniff of it. Lys turned her head slightly in confusion and wondered what the other woman was up to. "Well I wouldn't recommend anything in the light forsaken blight is worth eating, but you do have a good eye. Only problem." Cairma held the root out to her and Lys took it and held it up to her nose to smell as Cairma indicated with her hands. "It smells sweet, doesn't it? Its sweetness it used to attract other animals and as they slowly digest it, the different parts of the root start to immobilize the poor victim." Lys looked at the root in shock and closed her mouth with a snap, "However, thats more for smaller animals, rodents and the like that need something something moist and pick the wrong root. We are far too large in body for it to do any particular damage to us. It's lethal when brewed like a cider or an ale, but in small doses over a cooking fire it's perfectly okay. Good find, Lyssa."


    She glared down at the root and then watched Cairma stood up and patted her on the back like a child. She stiffened behind the womans hand and then let her muscles release. "Don't worry, if there were anything poisonous in the brew, I'd find it before it killed any of us. If there was one thing that I was better at than Aran it was picking out poisons. Melenis, why don't you stay here and watch the camp for a little bit. The others will be back really quick, and just tell them to stay as well, or if one of you needs to go, you all go, got it?" Her partner turned to Cairma and spoke, "You got it, Cairma. Where are you two going?" Lys glanced at Cairma as the woman walked past her, "Memory lane. Come'on Lyssa. Lets see what other little things we can find." She gulped at the words memory lane and then followed Cairma as the other woman led the way into the woods. "Not sure if memory lane is something I want to deal with Cairma, just the thought of certain people makes me want to pound a fist against the wall or a tree in this case." She glanced around at the trees and then spoke again, "Do you know I haven't been with anyone since him, he ruined me for everyone, no one could kiss like him, or make love like him. I don't think I will ever be comfortable with anyone again." She sighed and leaned out of the way of a tree branch, making sure it didn't touch her skin as she waited for Cairma to speak...


    Lyssa Simeone

  3. “Bah, you are relishing the chance to get away from that very stack of work and we both know it...” She distantly heard Loraine speak and knew that something should be said in answer to the comment, but she couldn't seem to push the words past the lump in her throat. Time seemed to stop before her eyes, the tavern keeper moving in slow motion, as though he were treading his way through waist deep water. Her eyes darted back to the mans face, the man that had taken everything from her in so many ways. As soon as Sirayn had met him it was obvious that she had fallen in love with him. Jade still didn't know if they were lovers but Sirayn had rubbed him in her face more than one. He wasn't disformed, ugly, and he was a man, which apparently made him so much easier to love than her. Maybe she was wrong about the whole thing, maybe they hadn't been lovers but there was a part inside of her that would always feel as though he has stolen Sirayn from her. She shook her head and strove to regain her Aes Sedai composure, something that had been beaten into her for so many years. Turning back she looked at Lor and tried to muter a smile, thinking back to what Lor had said as see made the comment about masks, the woman was always trying to put everyone at ease, herself included. “Know what I like about them? You don’t have to worry about your horse trampling people if they’re all moving backwards. Perhaps we should make masks standard issue for all Greens while they’re out traveling. There would be fewer complaints about our rough nature filtering back through the Eyes and Ears that way, I think…” She glanced back at Lor and heard her asking, “What is it, Jade?” She saw Lor's eyes scanning the room as through checking for danger and she felt her tense beside her, as well as the ripple effect that occured in the gaidin who was with them. He had been protecting Lor for many years and he knew when something was wrong. She saw his eyes scan until they landed on him and saw from his easy shift of movement that he was preparing to attack if it came to it.


    She took a calming breath, squared her shoulders, and adopted the serene mask she knew so well. Jade had faced Trollocs running at her at full tilt with their swords drawn, Mydrall riding giant black horses intent on breeding their spawn in her if they caught her, and Dreadlords dancing their lightning across the sky. She could face this, she would just as she did everything that hit her, with courage, and strength.  Jade watched the man who was still looking at him, it was obvious that he recognized her and that he knew exactly her connection to Sirayn and to Seiaman. She watched as emotions flashed through his eyes and across his face, so many and so fast that she couldn't name them all. The man lifted the mug to his face and her eyes widened in shock, it was absolute disrespect to do so in front of her, when he knew clearly who she was. He took a long pull on the drink within the mug and she saw his eyes tighten in response as whatever it was burned down his throat. A mask slid into place over his face, he nodded his head at her, and then turned back to the bar. She turned back to Lor, worried about what the other woman's reaction was, "A Tower Guard who I knew is sitting at the bar, he disappeared at the same time as Sirayn Sedai and may know of her whereabouts. He also was deeply involved with her and Seia and may have been a lover to either of them." She glanced at Kynwric Gaidin and continued, "He's well trained and dangerous, I plan on approaching him and speaking to him." She didn't need to tell him anymore than that, he was well trained and would protect both of them if need be, though of course Loraine would always be the first in his mind and the first to be saved by his sword.


    She knew what it had felt like once upon a time to have someone care about you like that, to give their life if need be before their own. She had lost two warders in the hell that had been Namandar. Watched as they were struck down to save her life, one had fallen off the platform and had been pulled down by the Trollocs, she had had to leave him behind. The other had taken a fatal wound and passed away before a Yellow could get to him on the slope above that ancient city. Losing gaidin or gaidar seemed to have become a part of her life, one turned Darkfriend, another bonded to Sirayn instead of her and then falling in love with the woman, one disappeared to never be seen again, another disappeared and showed back up claiming that his brother could channel and that he had gone to him, yet another had never been able to recover from the loss of her first Aes Sedai and Namandar and had left her to find herself, and Cairma of course becoming pregnant and leaving her behind as she went to be with her child. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts from her head, she walked forward with a graceful gait, her riding habit brushing against some of the chairs as she made her way toward the man who she would like to thrash at this instant. She walked up behind the man, took a slow and careful breath so he wouldn't hear her and then tapped on his shoulder, "Hello Corin, do you have a light on you?" With a look at Kyn she brushed the seat off before sitting on it and pulled a ladies pipe carved in roses from her pouch and filled it with tabac. She would be call about all of this and not hit the man in the head as she wanted to. He ripped two things that she loved away from her and she would like to hurt him as he had hurt her...


    Jaydena Mckanthur


    ooc- Corin can you send me a quick thing on the back history of Seia and Corin and Corin and Sirayn, I don't have anything in my records. Thanks.

  4. I want to get back to advancing my wolfkin, so I need some help. I think I got Dreams Lessons but the guy doing it got banned before we finished it, so I am thinking I need to start with 3 and 4 again. I also need Herb Lesson which everyone left and so I need to take it again and I also need Intermediate Weapon Training. Is there anyone who can help me get moving again??

  5. Rena saw the man smile softly as she watched him regarding the wolf in front of him, it was apparent that they were communicating between themselves. A part of her felt such envy and another part was so awed at the easy companionship between the two of them.  "You will find a companion eventually my friend." He smiled again and then looked back at the wolf before answering her questions about where he was from. "Well, I grew up in the Boarder Lands, in a town that is not much larger then the Stedding. My parents were merchants of varying skill, so I was well off, but not rich." With a nod she watched as he looked deep into the roaring fire before he continued,  "After...my eyes changed I left after the guard decided I was a Darkfriend. I fled to the woods where Forest found me half frozen, after the company I had back at my house she was a welcome companion, and one that pulled me out of near insanity. Shortly after that, I was found my a tracker who called himself Eric Night's Howl, he lead me from the borderlands to the Stedding. That is how I got here to enjoy this meal, warm fire, and fine company." Rena nodded and was glad that her journey hadn't been quite as harsh as the one this man had been through. She well remembered what had happened when her eyes had started the turn, when her senses has heightened, and a thirst for raw meat developed.


    She turned to regard the woman who was leaned back in her chair relaxing, "I am sorry, I apologize for not including you, my name is Katrina Candarr, and I do think I have seen you around the stedding before. May I ask what your name is and where you are from?" She gulped and hoped she wasn't being to forward, she had spent so many months hiding from people after that man laid his hands all over her that she had forgotten how to interact with other humans. Smiling carefully so that she didn't bare her teeth which she hadn't know she did until her sisters had told her so. "I grew up in Cairhien, in the capital city. I lived a rich lifestyle as the oldest daughter of the nobleman.  I was born just minutes before my twin sister who is in fact here somewhere in the Stedding. I have two other younger sisters, the very youngest is also here, they were who I was supposed to meet earlier." She smiled and shook her head before continuing, "I was my Father's favorite until my eyes started to turn color, and the other things happened. My Father kicked me out without a penny, my Mother snuck things to me in the night, and I snuck away. Making my way until another Wolfkin found me and brought me here. My Sisters turned shortly after I did and followed me here. Well that's my story anyway. So how do both of you like living here?" She looked at both of them and hoped she wasn't being to forward...


    Katrina Candarr

  6. LOL yes when I looked at the original PM it did say that, and I think I said something about that in the new PM. When I sent the pm on bonds I had no idea what was going on with my Bond with Cairma and didn't know that it has been released in the bio. So yes the bond would be released, that's for the clarification on that. Eqwina can you let me know what I should do with the other bonds in a return pm?? *hugs*

  7. LOL I Missed an entire page of stuff back there, so you had already mentioned I approved it, etc, etc. Sorry bout that. I have already been playing Jade reacting to the bond being anulled. She stops sleeping, starts gets paranoid, etc, etc. I am thinking of whacking her hair off in a fit of rage and such. Just so you are aware I already felt there should have been consequences and have played as such. *G*

  8. As WT DL I am aware of the bond issue and have approved the bond annulment. Please also note that this is not an ooc annulment, this happened only in character and out of character the bond was not severed. So OOC in all records the bond is still on the records and will not need to be removed. *G*

  9. Leaving her quarters Jaydena headed toward the Green Ajah Practice field, she was on her way to teach a battle weaves class, something she felt she had done so many times she could do blindfolded. Though it never paid to get to arrogant with the use of the Power. Walking down the back steps she made her way through the maze that led to the practice field for the greens, a large field enclosed on all sides with a 15 foot, 5 foot thick stone wall, she opened the gate and stepped into the area. She looked around to make sure she was alone in the area and stood still for a moment, enjoying the early morning light, the smell of the dew on the grass. She listened to the trees overhead and their leaves stirring in the small breeze and gave herself that moment of solitutude before the ratrace of the day. Focusing her attentions back on what she was doing she jogged over to the shed area, she had already been working out since before dawn and her muscles felt like well oiled machine. With her key she opened the shed and took out the straw filled trolloc shaped dummies and began to set them out through the field.


    Gazing around she suddenly saw the new recruit walking through the gate, she nodded at the young woman, and began to speak, "Today and in the days to follow you will be learning Air weaves, we will do each element for as long as needed and then you will ask for acceptance into our ajah again." Giving the girl a grim smile she said, "I suppose you are ready to start?" Seeing her nod she said, "Well then let's begin." Embracing the source she turned to the woman and said, "This weave is a fairly easy weave and could easily be done by most sisters in the tower, in this weave we use Spirit to strengthen it. The higher you are in Air the sharper the weave will be. Now watch closely the weave we are about to do is called the Air Razor. Very effective for slicing off Trolloc heads."


    Pulling out a thread of air she quickly wove the thread together with weaves of spirit using far more air in the weave, she sharpened the weave until it reached razor sharpness and then gave it a push with Air and watched as it neatly sliced through the straw trollocs she had set up a few moments ago. Turning back to the girl she said, "Now think about how effective that would be against a fist of Trollocs and try to realize why we must temper you like a great sword." Nodding her head at Janine she said, "I will show you the weave one more time and then it will be your turn to practice them." This time when she wove the Air Razor she went at a slower pace so the new sister could see her exact thread placement. Sending the air razor off once more she stepped back and motioned for the other woman to begin...


    Jaydena Sedai

    OOC: Air Razor (Air 2, Skill 7) – Higher strength in Air means blade is harder; higher skill, edge is sharpe

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