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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Well sweetie, I don't need to help you, you can totally do it on your own, and it counts towards your Defender status which I would like to see some of the newer Greens get. I will send you the original format as written by Taya, which email do you prefer it in?

  2. OMG they have to kiss the BT guys, this is going to be very interesting, although I am sure Jade will be totally up for that. Leashed power and all that, she is a Green after all. *G*

  3. Ooc: LOL ya wasn't sure how to do it as I have never seen one of these before.




    Her friend smiled at the other man and then turned back to her before speaking, "We've met. Over a few pints at the very least, hm?" Lyssa changed her stance quite carefully, not sure what to expect and laid her hand on the hilt of her sword again. "This isn't just a morning full of pleasantries, is it Lyssa?" She touched her hand to the blade at her waist again and looked over at Kynwric as he spoke, "At the very least a few." "That all depends on whether Lyssa feels ready, advancement takes courage and courage cannot be bought by others." He looked back at her with his battle ready eyes, the picture of a warder who had defended an Aes Sedai for many years and had every confidence in his abilities to protect her to die for her if need be. Someday she hoped to be bonded to a Aes Sedai and to be worthy of her loyalty as Kyn was. "Much as it is in the wild, Alphas do not fight unless challenged." She shifted to the balls of her feet and nodded, the moment had come, everything she had worked for, years of sweat, pain, occasional tears, and blood. Gazing deeply into his eyes she spoke, "I am ready to challenge the alpha's, I have worked long and hard, and the blade is one with me, as is my heart, soul, and my body. Only by challenging will I know if I am worthy to walk with the alpha's and I believe I am." She looked over at Cairma and spoke, "I am ready to fight you Cairma, I have always looked up to you, and I am ready to walk at your side as your equal." She waited for a response from either of them as she thought again about what had led her here.


    Her mother had led her hear, the ever cold Sirayn Sedai, who had left her children to be raised by another woman and then had basically ignored them. Oh they had recieved presents on occasion, sometimes in a bundle for several years worth of forgotten birthdays and holiday. Once they had even met her and she had been awed by her Mothers beauty, her beautiful gray eyes, her strong personality, and her own mirror image. She had looked so much like her Mother at that young age, other than the bright blue eyes and longer hair that she had then had. As she had grown she had eclipsed her Mothers own short height. Her height she had gotten she could only assume from the rapist who had begat her. When she had decided she was old enough she had traveled here to confront her Mother and to be an Aes Sedai. Obviously that hadn't worked out she thought with ironic humor. Here I stand, ready to challenge to Blademasters to a battle. Wrapping her hand more firmly around the sword she waited for the two to say something or do something...


    Lyssa Simeone

  4. "My father wanted me to marry. I was busy refusing when my eyes changed colour and that was the end of that. I left almost immediately, I've taken quite a few classes myself. I can't really help with the wolf dream or with weapons I'm afraid, Owen would skin me alive if I tried." She nodded, she remembered well what it had felt like to be pushed into a marriage she didn't want. In many ways her eyes changing had caused problems but in many others it had been a blessing. She hadn't wanted to marry a man she didn't love and in fact her Sister loved. He had not done anything for her and she couldn't stand to be in the room with him at times. Suddenly Rhya pushed her chair back and stood, "I have to go, it's later than I realised. If you'd like, I could teach you about herbs Katrina. Unless you've done that class?" She shook her head and pushed the thoughts of her ex out of her head as she looked at the other woman, "Well in that case, why don't you come over to the tree house tomorrow morning? It's not a difficult lesson and it would be one more crossed off your list. Think about it and if you decide you want to, I'll be there all morning." Nodding she spoke, "That sounds like a good idea, I will be there tomorrow morning. Have a restful night Rhya." She watched as the other woman said her goodbyes to Winterwinds and Forrest and then turned as Rhya walked from the room. "Well I suppose I should head off to bed to if I need to be up for a class tomorrow?" She smiled at him and spoke again, "It was nice to talk to you Winterwinds, I hope we meet again." She finished off her drink and nodded at Forrest before walking from the room...


    Katrina Candarr

  5. Jade opened the door and looked in to see Satin laying a canvas on the floor, the room was fully ready to begin being painted. She smiled at the Novice and spoke, "Looks good, let us begin my child." Jaydena reached for the cans of paint she brought in and opened them up. A pale mint green was the paint color she had chosen for the main living area. She pulled out the brushes, the wooden pan, and the rollers she had gotten from town. They were made of sheep's wool and spread the paint around nicely and evenly. Handing a roller she Satin she dumped paint into the wooden pan and ran her roller through it. She walked to the wall and began rolling the paint up and down smoothly, looking at Satin out of the corner of her eye who had followed suit after a slight hesitation. As her paint ran out she moved back to the pan and added more, following this pattern, they soon had the first wall done from floor to midpoint. She was going to have to go get a ladder to do the upper parts of the wall. Turning to Satin she spoke, "Go ahead and continue the same thing on the other wall over there, I will go get a ladder so I can paint the upper part of the walls. Satin nodded and curtsied and then continued painting.


    She smiled at the Novices back and then walked out to summon an Accepted to get her a ladder. It took a few minutes but she found one to fetch it and then she headed back into the room to continue painting. Satin had moved part way across the second wall and was doing very well. Jade took her roller up again and began to paint the lower second of the second wall. They had nearly reached the end of the second wall when a knock sounded at the door. Satin looked up and Jade motioned for her to answer the door with her other hand. The Novice answered the door and took the ladder from the Accepted. She motioned for Satin to set it up next to the other wall and then walked over and embraced the source. Weaving fire and air lightly, she quickly dried the lower section of the wall. "Go ahead and climb up there and paint the upper half, just be careful." She handed the tray up to Satin and as the younger woman painted she dried the paint, she didn't want any of it dripping down onto the dry part....


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  6. Lyssa followed Cairma back into the campsite and began to prepare for the night ahead. Who knew what the night would bring so she would be as prepared as she could be. She wouldn't let the memories that had surfaced after her walk with Cairma or the renewed sense of friendship and joy determine how she dealt with the night ahead. The pain at the loss of a dear friend and the love she had wanted to share had also renewed with their conversation and that was something she most certainly did not want to deal with at this point in time. She looked the fire which was burning brightly The fire shone brightly in the starkness of the dark, her thoughts deep and conflicting. A part of her still wanted to hate Cairma and another part wanted to just let go of it once and for all. He couldn't come back to them and he had chosen Cairma over here, her love had not been enough to hold him. She glanced up from the fire as Cairma called out from next to her, "You can all settle out tonight, I'll take the night watch tonight. This is a relatively quiet area so I suspect we won't be bothered." She nodded at Cairma and then pulled out her bedroll and checked the area where she was going to lay it down for bugs or sticks of any kind. Laying her blankets atop the bedroll she went to check on her horse and see if there was anything left of dinner.


    After finding something to eat and feeding her horse she sat down on her bedroll and began to write in the journal that Jaydena Sedai had given her when she reached Tower Guard rank. The woman had given her a huge supply of the thick journals to take with her on trips. For some reason despite the push of the day she was to keyed up to sleep. So she kept the small candle close to her, and her sword next to her.

    'I am not sure how to feel, Cairma and I spoke of Aran today. Thoughts of him, of the things he had gone through, the pain he had endured, and the man he had become continue you plague me. I fear I will not sleep at all this night, and that is not something I need. A part of me is telling me I need to be alert and aware of everything around me on this day. Something blows on the wind, a awareness of darkness. Mayhaps it's just the Borderlands but I fear it is not. Hopefully it is nothing but an overactive imagination after a intense emotional experience, that is what I am going to bank on. Enough of that though, today we traveled hard....' Her pen scratching on the paper was cut off by the loud sound of a sword being drawn from a scabbard in the darkness and silence of the night. She was the only one awake other than Cairma as far as she knew and Cairma wasn't one to idly draw her sword to play with it. Suddenly screaming pierced the night, "TROLLOCS!" Lys jumped up from where she sat with her sword already in her hand, her draggers were still at her side, as was the large boot knife inside her boot. Cairma came running into the camp and began screaming, "Get Up, swords ready! Carelia Sedai, stay close to any of the Guards, Every one up Now! Stay behind me and protect the Aes Sedai!" Others straggled from their bedrolls, grabbing their swords or chosen weapons, some looking around in confusion and Cairma took out the first one. "You heard her, your trained now act like. Their our enemy, help our leader." She moved forward and took position next to the Aes Sedai that had come from her tent. A large wolf nosed Trolloc with hooves came at her and she quickly removed it's head from it's shoulders, as it feel she kneeled and gutted a second one climbing over the first on it's knees. She spun as another came up behind them and engaged that one in a quick battle of swords before she dispatched it. Glancing around she checked to see how many more there were, she could see several more fighting with the trainees and Cairma was fielding two at the same time. She had killed three herself but in a battle like this is was hard to know how many there were. Turning to the Aes Sedai she spoke, "Carelia Sedai, are you harmed in any way?" When the Sister shook her head, she nodded and spoke again, "Stay close to me, I don't want to lose you this night."


    Lyssa Simeone

  7. Jaydena is my only character in this division, I think that her reason for going Green are many. As an Accepted she was focused on being Gray Ajah, she was going to go out and solve fights, mediate, and help make decisions about the law of Tar Valon. However her mentor was a Green and through talking with the Greens she came to realize that the Greens have one of the most important purposes in the Tower. She learned how important it was to protect the world from the Shadow, and that someday they would stand better the Dragon and masses of Shadowspawn. It was at that point that she decided that she was far to passionate to be a Gray.

  8. She gazed at the other woman waiting for her to answer the questions if she wanted to, she knew how reclusive wolfkin could be, it had something to do with the constant bull of the woods and the wolves in your head she supposed. “Oh. Yes. Yes, you will have seen me about the Stedding, though I don’t generally spend much time in the village. I’m Rhyanon Chaede but please, call me Rhya. I came from Maradon in Saldaea. Another Borderlander.” Rhya smiled at her and then at their companion and then continued, “I’ll be 20 soon, I mean, well, I’d forgotten how long it was since... since I got here. It seems so long ago...”


    She nodded and looked at Rhya, they weren't that far apart in age in fact, “I love being here. I did from the first moment though it took me time to settle in as I’m sure it does everyone. The people have helped... Owen, Aislyn, Miryana... and of course Shadow, There was nothing left for me in Maradon. This is home." The woman signaled for the barkeep and held three of her fingers up. She smiled and nodded and looked over as Rhya spoke again, "How are your lessons going?" She nodded and spoke, "I haven't been here as long as you, I was seventeen when I left home and now I am almost nineteen. I won't be going home ever either, my father kicked me out just because I wasn't his image of a perfect society lady anymore and that's that." She grinned and then continued, "Well I wish I could say they were going well but several of my teachers have been sent off or have left and so I have been left in the lurch with most of them. I hope at some point they notice that I am kind of at loose ends here."


    Katrina Candarr

  9. OOC I will check just to make sure but I am pretty sure there aren't. It's to bad you didn't take Advanced because there are weather weaves in it, we could do it in retro though if you wanted to, I have the class written.


    Air 2


    When she believed the girl had practiced for a sufficent amount of time she stepped forward and said, “Now we will be learning our second air weave of the day, the weave is called Air Club, the club is a fairly simple weave but yet again deadly to our enemies. Each sister weaves their club differently, some choose to make it wide and short, some long and thin. Whatever works best for you is what you should do.” Embracing the source she wove a strange shape of air and then began to walk closer to her trolloc target. As she walked she began to talk, “The Air Club is a useful weapon in that it can be used to knock our opponent out if we have no need to kill them. It can however be used as a killing weapon if aimed correctly.” She reached the target and sent the club floating above her head at the Trolloc, she grinned as the Trollocs head crumbled into a heap. Turning back to the women in front of her she said, “This is a good weave if you need to face a single enemy and for whatever reason knock them out, maybe for questioning or to be sentenced. I want you to practice this weave until you have perfected it, when you are done we will break for lunch before moving on to the next weave in the series.”


    Moving to the trolloc she did the best to repair his head and then walked over to the sidelines to watch her student practice and to answer any questions she might have. Taking a seat she saw her warder walking up with a two picnic baskets full of food, she grinned at the woman and the motioned for her to come over. She took a seat next to her as they watched the girl in front of them practice the Air Club. Jade was happy with her progress so far and looked forward to seeing how she developed into a green sister. Some women couldn’t handle their first battle, they ran away, sometimes women even went crazy, or killed themselves. She only hoped that this young woman had prepared herself throughout the years for what she would face as a sister. Being a green was in so many ways harder than any other ajah, to lose and lose again and still stay strong was not an easy feat for anyone...


    Ooc- The club looks like an icecream cone, to qoute Taya Sedai. Air Club (Air 1, Skill 4)




  10. ooc- No worries


    Fire 3


    Jade pulled out a book and began to keep one eye on her book and one eye on the woman practicing in front of her. Becoming absorbed in her book she was surprised when her book was pulled down and she saw her student gazing down at her with a amused look on her face. Apologizing she realized that the woman had probably called her name several times before deciding to move the book. Though she showed quite a bit of spunk by doing so, most Greens wouldn't have dared do that to her. Setting her book aside she chuckled and headed over to teach her the next weave. Turning to her student she said, “The last weave we are learning today is called Phantom Flame, this is an effective weave if you’ve become to tired to channel larger amounts and you need to distract your enemy. Phantom Fire is not much to look at during daylight hours but during the night time it’s something to see indeed. Reminds me of the fireworks done by the guilds.”


    Embracing the source through the extra angreal she began to send small threads of fire into the air. When her tendrils of fire landed in the spots she had sent them to, she used Air to divide them into many small pieces of fire. The contact of Air with Fire meant that the two Elements fused to create lights, rather than actual flames. The portions of Fire she ended up with, after the division, were too miniscule to burst into real flames of their own accord. They would require fuel, such as a Trolloc’s body hair, or a Dreadlord’s clothing, to properly ignite.


    Using currents of air she sent her glowing fire lights off in all directions, she watched as some of them landed in the the trees and burned a leaf before going out. Completing her weave she turned to the woman next to her and said, “This weave is useful for distraction, a animal as stupid as Trolloc might fall for these lights and even follow them. Otherwise the lights often fall upon hair or clothing and set it alight. If you make the lights slightly stronger than I did just now, you will almost certainly start spot fires amongst the enemy ranks.” Seeing Rasheta begin to embrace the source she nodded and walked over to watch the show for a distnce..


    Phantom Fire (Air 2, Fire 2, Skill 16)


    Jaydena Sedai



  11. So I thought we would try and start some discussion topics on and off. The first question is, Why did you pick the ajah you did for your character and if you haven't picked yet what do you think you will pick? Also if you have more than one character you can write about each of them. *G*

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