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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Lyssa snapped the buckles on her saddlebags clothes with a loud snap, it was final. She was on her way to the borderlands again and she had no idea how long it would be until she got back. Of course she had been a Tower Guard longer than some of the people on this trip, but she knew that you could never have enough training when it came to protecting the White Tower or Aes Sedai. The Borderlands was an even changing Beast that she wouldn't be caught in the jaws of if she could help it. Lys slung her saddlebags and bedroll over her shoulders and headed from her quarters, taking one last look at ther and Cairma's room. It would be an interesting few months, that was for sure. She headed out of the barracks, dressed in her black pants, crimson vest, white shirt, and TG cloak. Nodding to the Tower Guards she saw she made her way down to the gathering place and began to saddle her horse as the others started showing up. Jaydena had given her the horse not that long ago and they were just starting to get to know each other. In many ways the Aes Sedai had helped to replace the ache in her heart for the mother she had never really know. In fact she felt like the Aes Sedi was trying to spoil her since as far as Lys knew she had never had any kids of her own. In fact the woman had given her another gift last night and Lys wasn't sure where she was going to put all these things. The latest has been a wooden carving of herself weilding a sword, it was amazing and apparently Jade's first attempt at wood working. In addition she had been given several travel journals, writing paper, a really wonderful writing desk, and a bunch of other things she needed. Like Jaydena's hand made soaps, shampoos, candles, and so much more. The woman has also given her a box or two of her favorite sweet treats.


    Shaking her head she laughed and turned as Cairma started speaking, "Listen up, all of you. If you don't know who I am yet, my name is Cairma Vishnu. None of this Mistress Vishnu service no matter what you hear up North. We are going on a little scouting mission and while we are there I am to teach you of the dangers of the Blight, what to expect and what to avoid. I have very few rules, but these rules are put in place for a reason. Should any of you choose not to follow them we will all be returning home. Rule one, you chose to seek study under me. Therefore I am in charge, and will act as the leader of this party. No heroics, no thwarting my authority, and absolutely no hesitation. When I give an order, you will not hesitate. You hesitate, you die." Lyssa nodded and tightened the cinch on her saddle as Cairma took a breath and continued speaking, "The blight is not a playground, and this isn't just some made up war game that you won't get hurt. I have seen a horde of Trollocs rampage and obliterate an entire Tower fortified and equipped to the nines just from the sheer volume of the opposition. We could be just as unlucky, and whether I doubt it could occur the reality of it is very real. When you are ready, we will begin. Know that when we leave the boundary of Tar Valon you are mine."


    She followed Cairma's example and vaulted into the saddle of Farwalker. Walking the horse over she took up place next to Cairma and spoke, "Where would you like me, next to you, middle or in the flank Cairma?" She was the most experienced on the trip other than Cairma and she knew that Cairma used resourced wisely. Reaching out she put a quick hand to Cairma's arm and then waited for the other woman to answer her question. Cairma answered and she moved into the position and stayed where Cairma told her. It didn't take long for them to begin moving through the city and as she did she felt a feeling of homesickness. If the light were with her she would see her home again...


    Lyssa Simeone


  2. Lyssa looked around and headed out to one of the biggest days or her life, today she hoped that she would become a Blademaster, she had waited years and she had fought hard to get here. She hoped she was ready, but she would have to fight and find out if this was true. Today she was wearing her clothes she wore to train in, a part of her had wanted to dress up, but this was not a fashion contest, it was about showing herself to be worthy to be a Blademaster and protect Aes Sedai, the women she would give her life for. The black britched were made a light material which moved easily and stretched without the potential to get caught on anything. She wore a white shirt of the same material and knee high boots of a soft leather. Around her neck she wore her necklace for good luck and her black hair was pinned on her head out of the way. Her swordbelt was around her waist and her sword was hooked to it, as well as her daggers.


    Turning toward the glade as she walked she was glad she had warmed up already and felt in the best condition to do this. She had stretched and done all she could to be ready. Mentally prepared herself as best she could. Lys had no idea who she would be facing today, it wouldn't be easy and there were quite a few Blademasters in the Tower so it could be any of them. She finally reached the glade and saw that she was the first to arrive, she continued stretching and waited for everyone to arrive, hoping she didn't have the day wrong or something...


    Lyssa Simeone

  3. Jaydena:

    Veria's Testing and Oaths


    Jaydena watches as Veria is denied and the girls reaction, knowing that things will never be the same for the woman again...


    A Walk through the Green Halls (Zeveria's Initiation)


    Rasheta takes Veria on the tour of the Green quarters where she meets several greens...


    A Warm Welcome


    Forsaken, Dragons, and Black Ajah oh my. Loraine and Jaydena talk about what has happened in the Tower since Loraine left...


    Tour de la Verde (Kabria's Initiation)


    Kabria is taken on the tour of the Green quarters and must deal with her own anger at what has happened to her...


    Molding the Clay (Rashetas initiation)


    Jaydena takes Rasheta through the Green Ajah quarters to meet all the Sisters...


    Paint in my hair


    Jaydena gives a chore to a young Novice, when her rooms need painted...


    The Last Step- Dulcinea's Raising (WT)


    Dulc is upset about not becoming a Green when she wants to but Jade must teach her that the tour and intiation is parting of being a Green...


    You to who, to the where, for the what????


    Jaydena is walking through the Tower when her mentee flags her down, excited because she recognizes what angreal can do. This is Meli talent manifestiation thread...

  4. ooc- Ya that might be a bit over the limit and last time I checked they don't sway that way, though maybe. *ponders and laughs*


    "You wash my back, and I'll wash yours, is that how the deal worked again?" Her friend laughed and Lyssa stared in shock, being away from the Tower had changed this woman, she had better watch herself or she would end up being trapped by her own words. Cairma used to be angry more than half the time but now she seemed calm and loving even, joking around as though it was something she normally did. Cairma picked up her towel and shook some things out of it and then spoke, "Well, I might as well. It's been a long day and I can come here and crash on the mess as drunk as the night is dark." Lyssa nodded and smiled, this would be an interesting night indeed, "Lead the way." She laughed softly and spoke, "Watch how far you take that flirting Cairma darling, things have changed and I am no longer innocent. Might take you up on it?" She winked and they headed to the showers, it didn't take long to clean up, there might have been some mild flirting but that was okay because it didn't mean that they had to do anything, though it had been fun to tease Cairma earlier . It felt nice to be comfortable around someone again, it had been way to many years to count.


    Lyssa headed back to her room and began changing her clothes with Cairma at her heels, she put on a skin tight pair of leather pants that she often wore to go out on the town. On top she wore a black leather vest that matched the pants, also very tight. Underneath this she wore a see through material of the smoothest white silk. She pulled her long hair up into a pony tail and pushed her feet down into the matching boots. Her sword belt went around her waist, with her money purse attached, and a small dagger. She added another dagger inside her boots and turned to Cairma, adding the necklace that her Mother had given her years ago she waited for Cairma to finish. While she was waiting she decided to add some kohl to her yes. She added black under her eyes and blue to make her eyes pop as they were such a striking blue. On her lips she put some deep red and then noticed that Cairma had finished. Nodding to her they headed to one of the taverns where she ordered a drink and turned to Cairma, "So what is it like to be a Mother?"


    Lyssa Simeone

  5. Earth 3


    When Rasheta was done with that weave she stepped foward and looked over the damage done to the field. She reached into the ground with her talent again and delved, feeling for cracks and fissures, she straigtened the ground out as best she could and turned to Rasheta so they could move to the next weave, “This weave is known as Pitfall and requires a marginally greater strength in Earth than the last two weaves. Basically it amounts to creating a hole in the ground. Your ability and strength determines how big that hole will end up.” Embracing the source she quickly wove a narrow net of earth, strengthening it with Spirit on the surface of the ground in front of her. She let the weave settle and then pinched the middle of it downwards, into an arrow point. The ground began to fall in toward the weave and was very strong because of her strength in Earth. Jade tried not to cough as the dust rose up into the air around them.


    Once the dirt has settled you could clearly see a large pit in the place her weave had settled, she smiled as she gazed down into her hole and said, “Sisters methods of weaving are as different as the sisters themselves, and sometimes the weaves are almost unrecognizable in the way they are laid down. Yet they all have the essential properties of the Pitfall weave. The Earth reinforced with Fire, the middle of the weave being the strongest point and so being the point best suited to drilling into the earth… and so on.” She turned away from the hole and said, “I didn’t use my full strength on this weave for I could have torn the ground in front of us apart and that wouldn’t have done at all. I think you can imagine how this could be used in battle. You may begin now, again if you need a angreal I will lend you one.” She headed over to her bag with the angreal inside and waited for the new recruit to begin...


    OOC: Pitfall requires Earth 3 and Skill 5.


    Jaydena Sedai


  6. ooc- Sorry this took so long, I was waiting for Tay, but I will go ahead anyway. *g*


    IC- With respect lacing his voice the man started speaking and this close to him she discovered that she wasn't scared of him, which was a shock to her, one that left her with her mouth hanging open for a moment. She snapped it closed and focused her attention on him, trying to figure out why he didn't scare her, "An honor Miss. Candarr, My name is Jonathan Val...Winterwinds," She noticed the change of his name and wondered what he had been able to say, she personally still used her name, but then she found a wolf companion yet and she wasn't ashamed of her name in any way. Though after the way her father had treated her maybe she should be, "She is Forest Shadow." Rena nodded respectfully first at him and then at the wolf. The creature really was quite beautiful and so relaxed around humans. She wondered how long the two had been bonded in this way and decided she would ask.


    She glanced back at Winterwinds and studied him as she took a bite of her steak, she wasn't sure why she wasn't afraid. Maybe he liked men and so he wasn't a danger to her, but then she didn't get that feeling from him. It was possible that she had gotten over her anger and fear but she wasn't sure that was it either. She shrugged and decided that she would figure it out somehow. "Winterwinds, how long have you and Forest Shadow been companions, not sure if that's the right term but I was wondered. I haven't bonded with a wolf yet and I don't have my wolf name so I wondered." She bit into her potato, and wrinkled her nose, if she could she would eat meat all the time but she knew that she needed to eat vegetables, fruits, and grains for her body. When she got sick of it she just reminded herself that wolves ate berries and tubors and so she should too...


    Katrina Candarr

  7. Jaydena watched the scene before her and smiled, Oriella could always be counted on to calm a situation down, she was really quite a political machine and they were so blessed that she had spent years as Sitter. As she watched the two she realized they were nearly done speaking, Janine didn't have any questions or she did but was to angry or upset to ask them, either way they were done at this room. Jade let the way down to the next door and knocked, speaking as soon as the door was opened to the sister. "Hello Sister, this is Janine Alastarn, she is not yet Green but she is sealed to us, as our newest recruit." She stepped back as she waited for the two to converse...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  8. ooc- No worries hun, there isn't a time limit on this one.


    Oriella Distung smoothed her hands over the beading on her dress while keeping her eyes trained calmly on the girls face. She remembered her own day as though it was yesterday. Anger didn't begin to describe the emotion she felt that day. Oriella had been ready to kill everyone in sight when she found out all the work she had put into this had been for naught. She had become something little better than a glorified Accepted. It had taken years for her to realize why she had needed that time and why it had helped to shape her into the weapon she was today. She could go from rubbing elbows with Kings and Queens to helping people in the street, and then to wiping Trolloc blood off her faces after a fierce battle. The tools it had taught her were not something she would have learned otherwise.


    She looked back at Janine who had seemed to hesitate before speaking, "I'm afraid not at the moment, umm... sister-but if anything does come to mind, I will be sure to ask." Oriella nodded at the girl and they said their good-byes. She shut the door behind Janine and pondered on how she had felt. It had taken some time for her to get past the anger and contemplative emotions that Janine was obviously feeling but it wouldn't be long before Janine gained her footing again, at that point she would either channel her anger into becoming a full fledged Green, or she would pout as other did, or another option was she would just accept what happened and get started on being the best she could be. The emotions that she had seen ran the full course of emotions and they would have to wait and see what the future and the wheel weaving would bring for this newest recruit of the Green Ajah...


    Oriella Distung

    NSW by Jaydena

  9. ooc- Oh geez lost the link to this and forgot, sorry sweetie. Oh and we haven't asked each other our names, I told you her name and then asked you hers, in the next post you told me Satin's name. That's the only time we did that. *winks*


    She laid a canvas over her couch as she waited for Satin to reply to her questions. The girl seemed to gather herself and Jaydena picked up on the movements she made with her hands. After many years as Aes Sedai she could watch a person and know how they felt. She had been taught the game of houses by a master and though she didn't always use that skill, she knew how to. This girl had something serious to hide from her past but then so many of them did. "I am a Mayener. My accent is nearly gone, though. I have been here some time and soon will be eligible for Accepted testing. I can only hope to accomplish so much. I am the only daughter of Barrister Nattan sur Amoura, of Mayene. He is quite busy and seems to be popular to the downtrodden and less fortunate. His heart is open and he is gentlemanly raised. He was my teacher, all of my years. He had hoped that I would follow..." Jaydena nodded and motioned for the girl to continue, for she had stopped in embarassment, it has been that burst of speak and emotion that revealed how much this girl loved her father. "Oh, pardon me Aes Sedai." She watched as the girl put the canvas material over the dining table.


    Jaydena took two more of the drop clothes and laid one over the easy chair and another over the carved cherry wood tea table in the center of her living room. When she was done she grabbed another and laid it over the fireplace to protect it from damage. By then half of the things in living area were covered up. So they headed back to get more drop clothes and finish the living areas cover up. As they walked she spoke, "Continue my dear, you were speaking of your father and your family." She headed into the art room, embraced the source and lifted a huge amount of the drop clothes with a weave of air and sailed back out of the room with Satin in her wake, also carrying drop cloths. They walked back into the room and Jaydena laid a cloth over the breakfront with it's cherry wood and rose carving in the dining room, she covered the desk, and the rest of her bookcases and then they made their way into the bedrooms. She did her gaidins rooms first, they were small with basic amenities and empty at this time but she was still painting them....


    Jaydena Sedai

  10. "Yes, Jaydena Sedai. It was my turn to be on duty, as was Donyelle. But ummm, she left in such a huff when I got there that....I assumed something had maybe gone wrong or fallen...maybe, so I just had to...go in and see, and then  I just knew what they did." Jaydena shook her head and arched an eyebrow at the girl, it was obvious that the girl was lying. "Meli, you have better think again about that lie, you do realize that if you have rediscovered a talent that by all accounts has been lost for so many years that no one knows how long it's been missing, there are going to be questions asked and they are going to want to know what in the Light you were doing in the storerooms. So if you in fact had permission to be guarding them you are fine, though you aren't supposed to be touching them period while guarding them. If you weren't on duty you are most likely going to get a penance for doing this at the very least. Think about why you were doing that before you tell me another lie like that. I want you to remember this my child, someday soon if the Light wills, you will walk these hallowed halls as an Aes Sedai. When you become an Aes Sedai there are certain resposibilites that go with it. One of those is that you swear an oath to tell no lie, it's a huge burden and one that people use to trust us. To know that we won't use our considerable power against them. You should already doing you best to act like a Sister and by lying you are not. Keep that in mind Meli."


    She nodded at this and then spoke again, "Think about it my child. Now take me to the storerooms and show me what you are up to." She walked toward the storerooms, on the way down she sent a message to one of her warders, using a gentle tug to the bond. He would find them inside the storerooms and she would have him there in case this was a trap and also to run to the Mistress of Novices to let her know what was going on. They made their way down the stairs and she embraced the source and lit a ball of light in her hand to lead the way. It has a slight shade of green to it, which was her nod to her ajah, and had been that way since she was a Novice and first started doing it. She supposed that should have been her clue that she was going to go Green but it hadn't been. When she was a Novice and Accepted she thought she was going to go Gray for sure. As an Accepted she had been all set to go Gray and all it has taken was a tea with her mentor; Kaylan Sedai, Taya Sedai, Eleanor Sedai, and Eladari Sedai. All Greens who were so sure about being Green. It was that pivotal moment that she knew that she was meant to be a Green and always had been meant to walk their path of sacrafice. Shaking her head she stepped off the stairs and they started down the hallway that led to the storerooms...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  11. Mat shared this with everyone, please check it out if you are interested in helping.

    I have two additional projects that need doing that do not require so much technical experience.


    Project #1:  I need you to go to a specific url and save all the smilies, zip them to a file and send them to me.


    Project #2:  I need someone who can read HTML (a little asp can't hurt but is not required).    You will be tasked with converting an old DM6 page into plain text with HTML formatting.  Once you start with a given format you will be required to stick to it throughout the project.  We want it too look uniform even if more than one person does the initial coding.


    If you are interested please let me know by email at matalina@gmail.com which project you are interested in.  Project #1 is first come first server.  For project #2 we can probably take two or three people to divide the work between.


    Thank you.

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