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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. *eyes Andrea* What am I stuffed liver?? I am the original Order person and the first brought into it. *G* Welcome back Alyria darling I am so excited to see you back, I remember you very well. I am now the DL and I think Sirayn was the Ajah Head for the Greens when you left. I am the current Green Ajah Head and one of the Sitters. You can of course create a new bio for a new novice if you want too, or you can rp your Green again. *hugs*

  2. The city loomed dark and imposing in front of them, it's buildings crumbling in many places, in others covered in bright paint amongst the gloom, trying to cover up the decay. It brought to mind the image of a madam, covering the lines on her skin with paint, as though that would hide the fact that she was an aged spinster, to old to still ply her trade. Struggling to get by and grasping at the willowy threads of a fading youth. Jade sighed as the thoughts crossed her mind, lately she had been more than a little negative and tended to spend to much time viewing the dark side of life. It didn't matter what happened, she could never get past the loss of so many warders or the loss of Sirayn and Seiaman. It has been a crushing blow that her heart would never recover from. If there was something she knew in her many years of life, heartache never faded completely. She missed her friends, she missed that connection that she had had only with them and with the people that shared her head. In fact she missed more than anything the feel of a simple touch, not a touch meant to induce lust, but a touch made out of affection and with no ulterior motives. It had been so long since someone had touched her like that, since someone had wrapped their arms around her and held her tight for just a moment. She missed knowing that someone loved her, that they waited in the night, that they thought of her and wanted to protect her and keep her safe, even if she could kill them with one weave, they still felt like they could take on the Shadow for her. Shaking her head she glanced over at Loraine Sedai and her Gaidin, she wanted the kind of relationship that they had together, they had been bonded for many years and had in fact fallen deeply in love from everything she saw. She often wondered why they hadn't married as they had lived as a married couple in the past, as convention didn't allow unmarried couples to live together. With a toss of her long auburn hair which hung down her back in long curls, laying on the saddle and covering her horses rump, she pushed the thoughts out of her mind. The hair was thick and hadn't shown any signs of white of gray at this point, though she knew she was lucky, there were Aes Sedai her age with quite a bit of white in their hair.


    Her almond shaped emerald eyes were rimmed with kohl and thick lashes and stared out at her companion with intelligence, insight, and confidence, she knew well how to hide the pain, Loraine knew it existed but she hid the pain as best she could from the woman who was born and raised in Cairhien, a master of the Game of Houses.  The woman was happy and she would do her best not to bring her down with her constant drama filled life. Wrinkling her pert nose and caused the freckles to dance, which she hadn't covered up today she spoke, "Do you know what I love best about these burns Loraine, they scare everyone away, they never worry about what I am, they are to scared to talk to me with the mask on." She chuckled softly and touched the dark green mask that was attached to her face with a weave that she had created herself, she had gotten tired of the straps that caught in her hair and the sweating in her thick hair that the straps caused. The mask she wore was made of a strange material, one she hadn't been able to reproduce, she has suspicious of where Cairma had gotten it from. It breathed well and was really quite striking, she in fact had a variety of them in many colors, some very simple and others decorative and lovely. She even had one with feathers and jewels, she herself had used her Delving talent to mine the jewels when Cairma had asked for them. Her favorite though was the first one, which was a clear material with veins and flecks of gold in it, roses of gold ran up the side of it, it was the first one Cairma had made for her, and was a treasure to her soul. Pushing her thoughts away yet again from her once Gaidar she instead thought about the incident that had caused her to have to wear these masks. She was one of the resident experts on the angreal housed in the White Tower storerooms. That day she had gone down to study an angreal of which they had no idea of it's origins or how to use it. She had reached the storerooms and found two bodies on the floor that day, horror had filled her as she sent a surge of urgency through the bond attached to two of her warders. The next move is one she wished she never made, she had embraced the source and moved into the storeroom, ready to kill whoever had taken to of their talented Accepted from them. These young woman had been taken from them before they had a chance, snuffed off in the prime of their life, and she was angry to say the least. When she walked into the storerooms she hadn't seen anyone hiding, she had approached carefully and noticed the very angreal she had set out to study laying on the floor of the storeroom.


    It was though time had frozen when she picked up that item, her skin had started to burn and melt off of her face, she didn't remember much after that point. She remembered her screams, the horror of her warders, the tears running down Raisa's face and Sirayn questioning her on what had happened. The woman had been her Ajah Head at the time and she had worried about what had caused the attack on one of the Sitters in the Greens. They hadn't realized at the time that they were random acts done by one of the most feared women in the world. A Forsaken had done her best to take that angreal, she had burned her face with an unknown weave, and then for weeks afterwards she had broken through extensive dream wards and haunted her dreams in an attempt to get her to join the dark side. They had managed to save her eye and stop any more burns, they had healed as much as they could but they had never been able to heal all of the burns. A beauty that had been referred to as flawless by Seiaman was no more. There were days where she wondered if the loss of her beauty had caused her relationship with her beloved to fail, if it had caused her to pick the abrasive Sirayn over her. With another shake of her head she turned back to Loraine and spoke again, "Well shall we stop off for a pint, see if we can find this woman once and for all?" Jaydena had been sent out by the Hall with another of the Greens to find a missing Sister. They hadn't heard from her in months, when they finally did get notice from her it was the babbling and rantings of a woman who seemed to have lost her mind. Jade feared the loss of her most recent warder in a battle had caused the Sister to become unhinged. It wouldn't be the first time that it had happened nor most likely the last in fact. "My hope is that we finally find her, I worry about what information she may be spreading if she is unhinged as she seems, she could be putting all of us in serious danger. Those rantings were made by a woman very angry at the Tower and all that had been taken from her. Which don't get me wrong, I get that very well, but still it's worrying." She sighed and motioned over to the tavern, they rode up to the hitching posts and waited for Kynwric, the man was most amusing, he insisted on helping both of them from their horses whenever possible. It didn't matter to him that they were both well versed in horse back and she herself had been riding since age three and helped train the horses that she raised and sold for the Tower.


    Kynwric lifted her out of the saddle after he had helped Loraine and then bowed his head at her, she smiled with one side of her mouth at him and then smoothed the hearty green velvet down, using a weave to knock the dust from her riding habit and to make herself appear fresh and not travel worn. She turned to Loraine and spoke, "Well shall we my dear, I am quite thirsty and maybe we can gain some information inside of this hovel." Loraine flashed her a quick grin and gave her a nod and they walked gracefully into the room, Kynwric going first to check for danger. Once more she nervously smoothed the velvet with her hands and then stilled her hands, she had nothing to be embarrassed about, she was an Aes Sedai and worked daily to protect these people, she had to remind herself of that. "I sure hope the Hall was right that she will only talk to Green Sisters, I have a pile of work on my desk a mile high I tell you." With a chuckle she glided into the tavern and looked around, accessing everyone who was seated inside. The room was dark and the white of the lace at her cuffs and bodice seemed overly bright in the room. She noticed the tavern master walking up to them and she glanced around one more time, her eyes lingering on the bent head of one man. His eyes lifted to hers and she felt her eyes widen of their own accord before she could control the reaction...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

    Head of the Green Ajah and Sitter 

  3. Lyssa turned as she saw Cairma approach her, she smiled at the woman and was about to speak when Cairma began speaking, "You are up early, Lys. I would have though you'd sleep in a little." She laughed and then spoke, "Cairma, you know me better than that, I would rather be awake when the sun is shining and not sleeping the day away. I have things to do and one of those things is training to be the best Tower Guard I can and to hopefully some day bond a Aes Sedai. I would think you would be asleep yourself my dear, since you don't have to be woken up at the crack of dawn anymore." She lowered her voice, "Since my Mother left, I have to find someone else to bond me if the Light allows, so I need to spend my time in the yards training, I need to be better in everything." She chuckled, "On top of that, there are always Aes Sedai looking for fresh meat when we are out in the Yard." As she waited for Cairma to reply she noticed another man approaching, she took a deep breath and wondered if he was here to test her, she recognized him ans Kynwric Larind, the Gaidin of Loraine Sedai. He was well known for being a fair and honest task master and seemed to be totally devoted to Loraine Sedai from what she had seen.


    He approached them and spoke, "Good morning ladies. Looks to be the makings of a fine day." She nodded and smiled at him softly before speaking, "Well it's not the warmest day in history but the sun is shining and you know what they say about making hay while the sun is shining." She chuckled softly and then continued, "How are you today Kynwric Gaidin? This is Cairma Vishnu in case the two of you haven't met, she is my long time friend and also my roommate in the barracks." She motioned towards Cairma who was standing with her weapons in their sheaths looking quite dangerous indeed. Lys slowly calmed her breathing and adopted as peaceful a feeling as she could, drowing herself in the Void. If today was the day it was, if it wasn't than it would come another day. She knew that at some point she would earn the right to join the ranks of Blademaster, she had trained hard and would continue to do so...



    Lyssa Simeone


  4. Lys reined her horse in who was a bit frisky this morning, she hadn't know that she would love riding horses this much but it felt like she was born to have such a fine horse. "Flank. I'll need you to watch over the rest and since I need to lead I'll need you to watch over the party. We can switch around until we reach the borderlands, so you don't have to stair at the back of heads the whole way. Does that sound alright?" She nodded and they continued walking through the city, she had everything she needed of course, so she didn't need to stop anywhere. She gazed around at the buildings, so beautiful and like nothing you would see anywhere, you saw her favorite sweets shot which was shaped like a giant spiral, on the other side was a herbal shop that was shaped like a start fish. The variety of the buildings was just awe inspiring, in addition the stones they had used were not something she had used before, the buildings glimmered like jewels in the morning sunlight. This city was so different than the farm she had grown up in outside of the capital city of Andor. She smiled and wondered what was up with her family this day, it had been years since she had left home, idealistic and so very young. Her brother had been her companion and they had set up to be an Aes Sedai and a Gaidin, only things hadn't worked out that way. She had tested to be a Novice and had learned that despite the fact that her Mother or rather her "Aunt" as everyone had know was a Green Sister, she couldn't channel. So she had set out and decided that if she couldn't be a Novice she would become a Gaidin to her Mother. That hadn't worked out either, her Mother had vanished not long ago with no word, and before that her brother had turned out to be the one who could channel and had tortured their Mother and ended up being killed. She shook her head at that though and looked back around her again.


    She turned back to Cairma as she realized the woman had begun to speak, they had been making time while she had been musing on the differences between her childhome and Tar Valon. They spent time discussing a schedule and kicked their horses up into a canter as they left the gates of their home. In fact it had become her home over the years, she couldn't imagine doing anything else. Cairma moved from person to person and set duties for each of them. Lys was used to what came with guard duty and with traveling so she wasn't surprised at all. They moved quickly that day and settled in for the night, she helped cooked the meals when needed, they were staying mostly and Inns and Taverns since the Tower was funding this trip. She wouldn't have minded staying in tents if needed, she had done it before. They made their way into Arafel where the people were so different from where she had grown up. Time passed quickly and before she knew it she had become used to the constant traveling, the Inn, the taverns, the time in the saddle. Her body morphed and she was no long saddle sore and could vault into the saddle at the end of the day. Finally they reached the Blight, they stopped at a tavern and she spent time with the trainees and everyone on the trip. She tossed daggers and joked with everyone when she won time and again, she after all had been a Guard a long time. That night she headed up to bed, Cairma had left for the night already, she placed a hand on the woman's door as she walked past and decided it was to late to check in with her that night.


    The next morning the got up, ate breakfast, checked their supplies before leaving the small town and headed out. They made good time and before long Cairma stopped them and began speaking, "One of the more dangerous inhabitants of the Blight is a snake; more widely know as Sticks. These are venomous creatures that blend into its surroundings, and its bite lethal. Few survive its bite and those that do often lose limbs, skin or anything that has been bitten long before reaching the aid of healing. Let us hope that you are the last one bit." The woman threw a look at the Aes Sedai and then smiled before she continued, "Over all the Stick is a pretty useless creature. Their venom can be harvested for lethal intentions but I wouldn't recommend eating them. Trust me I tried." Lys chuckled and waited for the woman to finish, "Alright, let us set up camp. We have a few hours before sundown and I want all of you familiar with the surroundings. I'll take care of the fire and make dinner tonight. Be sure to stay together, in your pairs if you wish. You have 2 hours before I hunt for your carcasses. Guards, Swords in hand at all times." She nodded and paired up with her partner who she had gotten to know well over the time they had been together. They headed out into the woods, and began to get used to the surroundings they would be dealing with. She kept her eyes constantly open for attack, for even the smallest things like a strange leaf or bird. Anything could be watching, this was the Borderlands after all. They made their way in a circle around the campsite, securing the area. She carefully gathered some nuts that she knew were safe, and some herbs, tubors, etc that she wasn't sure of. They made their way back to the camp and she approached Cairma. "Do you know anything about the herbs around here, I was thinking of making a poltice, I noticed that one of the trainees has a bee sting earlier. Any idea if this can be used for that, it looks a lot like the herbs back home that I use." She smiled and then handed Cairma the roots she had dug up as well, "This looks like a edible root, any idea if we can use it for dinner tonight, if we can I will go find some more."


    Lyssa Simeone


    OOC- Cairma want to start another thread with the two of them?

  5. Jaydena:

    You to who, to the where, for the what?


    Jaydena is walking through the Tower when her mentee flags her down, excited because she recognizes what angreal can do. This is Meli talent manifestiation thread...


    Paint in my hair


    Jaydena gives a chore to a young Novice, when her rooms need painted...


    White Lightning *Attn Rasheta*


    Jaydena teaches Rasheta the battle weaves important to all Greens...


    A Broken Tool...A shattered purpose...


    Jaydena, Loraine, Kyn, and several others are outside of the Tower and encounter Corin, the old TG that was involved with Sirayn. Drama will ensue...


    Flaming Trees (Battleweaves for Janine)


    Jaydena teaches Battle Weaves to recruit Janine...



  6. "I'm very sorry for lying, Aes Sedai. Well, partially lying. I really was on duty, but I had forgotten and came late, then told Donyelle that Celeste had been spreading rumors about her so that she would leave so I could sneak in. I don`t know what came over me. I just had such an increible urge to even just touch one ter'angreal for a second. I'm very sorry." Jaydena nodded as they walked further into the storerooms, and replied, "I am glad to hear you admit that you were lying, it doesn't matter if it's a partial oath my child, the oath rod won't even allow that, so keep that in mind, we will talk about punishment if there is to be any later. Now lead on. They reached the storeroom the girl had been in and she noticed a Tower Guard standing guard, she had never met this one before that she could remember. She nodded to the young man and then followed Mel into the storeroom that's door was sitting open.


    They walked further into the room and Mel walked up to a crate and picked up a ring lyig on it. "This, Jaydena Sedai, I think can hold a weave, much like a well holds saidar. This bell, with the right weave, can alter how nearby animals behave. This brush is what colored my hair so strangely." She gazed at the three objects that her mentee had pointed too and then waited fror the girl to continue, "And this...makes water flows invisible...somehow..." Mel embraced the source in front of her and then channeled into the swans. Jade arched her eyebrow and waited for the girl to realize what she was doing, "Hmm, it doesn't appear to be working. I can still see it, can't you Aes Sedai?" She watched as the flow disappeared into the heart of the angreal, not something she had ever seen before, than she looked up at Mel who's eyes had gone wide with shock. "Yes well child we will deal with that as well later on. So what element did you channel into each of them to make them work?" She picked up the brush and gazed at it, they had never known what it did, only that it was an angreal.


    Jaydena Mckanthur



  7. Fire 2


    Jaydena saw that the recruit had finished the weave so she headed over to begin the next one in the series. Walking up behind the woman she set a hand on her shoulder and said, “Your doing well Rasheta I will be proud to fight at your side someday. Shall we begin the next weave my sister?” She smiled and after hearing her answer she said, “The second weave we will be working on today is called Combust. You’ll need a fair amount of strength with Fire for this one – at least, compared to the strength most women have. Strength in Spirit is also a plus.”


    Reaching into the ground near them she delved using her talent in earth bearing the same name until she felt a good sized stone, pulling the stone out of the ground she floated it over to them and left it hanging in midair in front of them. She began to weave a net around the rock roughly the size of a small childs head. The weave looked much like the netting work in her hair only this was made of threads of Fire and Spirit equally interspersed, until she had a weave crackling with explosive potential. Turning to Rasheta she said, “Now I want to set it alight and keep it that way. That's the most important part of this weave.”


    She tugged one of the threads of Fire that made the entire weave fall into its ‘locked’ position, and the stone burst into flame, the actual object still visible through the waving flames. Grinning in delight she turned to the recruit and said, “Now it does good to imagine that rock as a Trollocs head, I’ve seen this weave used in many a way by Green sisters. It can be wrapped around the hand the Trolloc is fighting, around their feet so they can’t run, you get the idea I’m sure. I am presonally fond of wrapping it around their head and watching several of them burn at once. Quite stinky that is though.” With a laugh she surveyed the rock and then adjusted the weave a little to make the flame burn stronger for a moment.


    She let the flame slowly go out and then instructed Rasheta to find something that she could set alight. Setting the now blackened rock aside she handed the woman the angreal and said, “You need to find something that will not burn up in a few seconds and also something not alive, you will np doubt use this weave in your first battle. Feel free to use this rock if you haven't a talent in finding rocks in the earth.” Laughing softly at the look of eagerness on the woman's face she headed over to watch her student try the weave out for herself...


    OOC: Combust requires Fire 4 and Spirit 4 – and Skill 16


    Jaydena Mckanthur


  8. "My views might be somewhat different but, I didn't find it that difficult as I found it challenging. What I have learned so far is like a world away from what I have known. The value is immeasurable, the gift of it is amazing." Jaydena nodded and watched as Satin's eyes widened, while she laid a cloth over the massive wardrobe. "Though the cost of it all is... well, I suppose it fits the theme but still. Losing your family to it all is devastating in so many ways. All can be recovered, in time but for those very few, I believe it embitters them. Some who vie for the Reds may be suited for this much better than say, a Gray or maybe even a Blue or Yellow. They all care deeply about the world around them and the people in it." The girl paused and as she did Jaydena studied her and continued to lay cloths down where they needed to go. She gently drapped one over the washstand, the vanity, the carpets, and anything that needed to be covered. "I miss the small moment with Nature and the lovely birds. I had several pet birds. All of the sang. My.... mother set them free when I wasn't around. But most of them returned to me." The girl sniffed loudly and Jaydena had to try hard not to smile at her practice of something many Aes Sedai spent their time doing. She motioned to Satin and spoke, "My dear you will still have your chance to commune with the birds. There are many birds in the gardens here and in the grove. Once you become an Accepted you will have more free time and you will be able to get out of the Tower a bit more and spend some time there. You are very wise, for much of what you said it very true my child. Well shall we begin painting, I am going to run a few errands after I get you set up but I will be back soon." She smiled at the girl and then showed her the paint colors to use, the pale green with the dark trim, and then she spoke, "If you know anything about artwork you can paint roses along the floor side of the wall, if you don't than I will take care of it later." She nodded and headed out of the room so that Satin could begin to paint.


    Jade headed down to her office and grabbed her coin purse, when she made sure she had enough money, she walked out the secret entrance of the Ajah Heads office and made her way down through the yard and out the front gate of the Tower. She nodded at the Tower Guards standing guard and walked into town, as she did she glanced around her. The Tower has awed her so much when she came here and she could imagine what that young girl painting her rooms has thought when she arrived here so recently, well recently in her life anyway. When you got as old as her, four or five years flew by like nothing. The town had grown quite a bit since she had come to it as a young and naive Novice but it still had the same amazing buildings and products. She headed towards the paint store and quickly picked up some more brushes made of boars hair and a couple more cans of paint to be sure. You just never knew how much you were going to need for sure. When she finished there she stopped to pick of the order of stationary she had ordered a few days ago and then stopped for one last thing before making her way into the Tower again. She snuck back into the secret entrance and made her way into her room, checking on Satin to make sure she was working...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

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