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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. She looked over the man, he seemed to be deep in thought, so she closed her mouth and waited for him to respond. It wasn't nervousness so much as excitement that someone wasn't scaring her, it was the first time since the almost rape that she had met a man and then not been afraid right away. It was in itself a heady feel for her. She couldn't only hope that it continued with every man she met. After all she couldn't have children or get married, and she did in fact want to have that kind of life, if she was so scared of men that she couldn't get near one. In fact some of them she wanted to kill, she had tried to kill the man that picked her up and it had taken her some time to get over that anger with him. "Well, I would say two or three months, though perhaps more, but then, I can say not long enough." He looked over at the wolf with love in his eyes and then continued, "As for the name, I got it long before I met Forest, a few months I think. But, that is a story for another time, and it was not your question." She nodded and was about to speak when he continued, "And bond may not be the best word, perhaps companionship is a better one." 


    She looked up as the wolf moved closer and lay down at the man's feet. Gazing down in awe she looked at the large animal and smiled. "Wow she is much larger than I thought she was, and what a beautiful coat she had. You are so lucky to have her, I am not sure why I don't have a companion yet, but I am sure it will happen someday." She smiled whistfully  and then looked back at him. "Can I ask where you are from and how you came to be here? I was supposed to hook up with my Sisters in the woods but now I found myself alone and with nothing to do for the rest of the night. I wouldn't mind talking to someone other than my trainers or my younger sisters." Her eyes lit up as she smiled and then blushed as she realized how forward she was being...


    Katrina Candarr

  2. Sorry did not forgot, LOL my LOA was not supposed to extend to rps but I found myself lacking inspiration. Lor perhaps we are checking on eyes and ears or researching some mysterious deaths, or perhaps searching for a missing sister? What time is this current timeline Corin? I am trying to figure out if I would have a gaidin or not, currently she doesn't have any, but is about to rebond someone and bond another one.

  3. ooc- LOL sorry for the wait on this hun, I didn't think my LOA would extend to rping but it did.


    "Certainly Jaydena Sedai. I just don't want to bore you to sleep. I am an only child, with few relatives that live near enough to visit with. So, I spent time with my father, for the most part. my father is full of life. Ready to save the world and to help ever urchin he sees on the streets. We always give to the poor and provided Winternight festival in our Town Square. Father has live stock that he donates for the feasts. Its quite lovely to see the town come together for that." Jaydena nodded and laid a dropcloth over her gaidar's bed, smoothing the fine satin with her hand. This gaidar has a deep love for all things fine but she hide it deeply, it only showed in her rooms. Her clothing was basic and unadorned but her bedroom was full of fine fabric, intricate carvings, and so much more. She gazed around and then laid a drop cloth over the wardrobe as Satin continued, "He's been Barrister for 30... or well now, longer than that. It is what he loves. And nothing pleases me more than to know he has at least, some joy in his life. Aes Sedai, if I may ask?" Jade laid a drop cloth down on the desk and then turned to look at Satin, nodding her head for the girl to continue, "Will there be a time, after Accepted, that I may write to my father? Or have a visit with him?" She nodded and then spoke, "You will be part of the Tower and it is your new family but you can also write your old family. I think I waited to become involved with mine until I reached being an Aes Sedai, by then it has been many years but I still have contact with the great-great grandnieces and nephews of my brother and sister." She turned and laid another cloth over the washstand, pitcher, and bowl. "Really my child, you will find that the Tower will take up so much of your time and it will become your family in so many ways. There is no fufillment like what you achieve when you do good works for the Tower or for your Sisters. I can say honestly that I missed my family for some time but these days I think of them with affection and go to visit on occasion, but I don't miss them. Of course I am many years away from coming to the Tower." Jade laid a large drop cloth over the exposed parts of wood floor and rug and then backed out of the room. Turning to Satin she spoke, "I will go get some more drop clothes and paint. Why don't you go put drop clothes in the other two gaidin rooms." She walked from the room and made her way to the art room.


    Once again she embraced the source and picked up a large stack of drop clothes, she grabbed several cans of paint in her hands and then began to walk into the other room. When she got there she saw Satin laying cloths over the last rooms furniture. She smiled at the girl and motioned for her to follow her into her own room. When they reached it she stared around the room, then began to lay drop clothes over her furniture. "So what do you think has been the hardest thing about being a Novice and what do you miss the most from your home my child?" With a smile she laid a cloth over the massive four poster bed with it's green satin bedding and rose carving in the deep wood....


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  4. I will be checking on it as I see there are some responses to it since I checked it last. Tomorrow I plan on doing some rping as I spent all day today when I was on doing website work on the comm side. *rubs back and yawns*

  5. Fire 1


    Jaydena headed down to the practice field, today they would be beginning Fire and she was looking forward to it, although she was average in strength with fire she had a great respect for the element and after many battles knew how it could best be used in battle. Reaching the field she saw that Rasheta had not yet arrived, she took a seat on an Air cushion and waited for her student to arrive. She saw the woman heading toward her and she gave a quick nod of approval before speaking, “Today and for the next two weeks we are learning about Fire weaves, if at any time you need an angreal feel free to ask. As you know fire is not normally a element strong in women and I in fact need a angreal to complete the weaves. The first weave we will be learning is the fireball.”


    She took the angreal she held in her hand and began to draw the power through it, once she had fully embraced the source she began to weave a ball of fire threads, the ball was a glowing red and she could feel the heat radiating off it as she stood near it. The power coursed through her as it linked her to the ball and she smiled at the pure glory of such power. Reaching out she warmed her hands on the ball in front of it as she checked it to make sure it would fly correctly. With the checks completed on the giant fireball she looked back at Rasheta and spoke, "Now watch closely so you can do it next."


    Giving the ball a quick push with threads of air, she watched with detrmination as it flew away and hit the ground across the field. Turning to Rasheta she said, “This can be a very difficult weave so if you need me to show you again please let me know.” She waited for her answer and then headed over to the wall to watch her student try the weave...


    Ooc- Fireball (Air 2, Fire 4, Skill 13) – sphere of Fire, size varying with strength in Fire, distance it travels varying with strength in Air. Your classic battle weave.


    Jaydena Mckanthur


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