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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Jaydena:

    You to who, to the where, for the what?


    Jaydena is walking through the Tower when her mentee flags her down, excited because she recognizes what angreal can do. This is Meli talent manifestiation thread...


    Paint in my hair


    Jaydena gives a chore to a young Novice, when her rooms need painted...


    White Lightning *Attn Rasheta*


    Jaydena teaches Rasheta the battle weaves important to all Greens..


    A Broken Tool...A shattered purpose...


    Jaydena, Loraine, Kyn, and several others are outside of the Tower and encounter Corin, the old TG that was involved with Sirayn. Drama will ensue...


    Flaming Trees (Battleweaves for Janine)


    Jaydena teaches Battle Weaves to recruit Janine...

  2. LOL we actually have a board for that, if you look further down in the rp report board you will find the individual threads that should be being updated. Totally up to the ajah heads how they do reports but that's what the board is for over there. *winks*

  3. LOL ya I slept on and off through out the day, kept crashing on the couch and such, and luckily my kids let me sleep in. My goof of a daughter got her brother out of his crib and than gave him a bottle and his breakfast, as well as changed his diaper. When I woke up and figured out what she did, she told me that I needed to sleep cause I seemed tired. *shakes head* She's such a sweetie and getting way to big. 

  4. After a tensing up in her friends body for a brief moment, Cairma finally bowed her head and spoke,  "I accept your challenge, Lyssa Simeone. Let us see if you are ready to start meeting me as a Blademaster. Shall we dance?" Cairma's eyes smiled at her and the light glinted off of her giant sword, she remembered well the first time she had seen that sword, and been convinced that the woman would fall over if she tried to wield a sword that large. She hadn't fallen over and she had yet to see her handle it with anything but grace and fierceness. Moving in Leopard in the Tree, she bent her knees slightly and and began to circle the other woman, her emotions feeding into the Spring as she prepared to make her first strike, this woman was cunning and not one to be messed with. Her sword clashed with Cairma's as she spun into several moves, thrusting and striking quickly, also aware that Kyn could join in at any moment. Her feet continued to move as she stayed aware of Cairma's movement. Cairma moved the blade toward her face and she was forced to block the movement, barely avoiding Cairma's blade as it arched towards her face.


    She remembered many a spar with this woman and with Aran whose technique was much like Cairma's. Keeping watch out of the corner of her eye for Kyn she made another attempt at disarming the woman. Shaking her head she refocused on Cairma's blade and made a series of thrusts called Twisting in Wind and then moved into Stones Falling from the Cliff as Cairma blocked the attack. She was barely fazed at this point, as part of her was aware that Cairma has always been better than her but that she was much closer to her skill than she used to be. As Cairma blocked those forms she spun into  Twisting in Wind and watched as the woman barely blocked these. Maybe if she could catch the woman by surprise which was not an easy feat, and any moment Kynwric could join the fight. Her body was constantly aware that he could move in....


    Lyssa Simeone

  5. Slippers flashed from underneath her skirt as she danced around her bedroom, why she was doing it she didn't exactly know. It had been some time since she had danced and dancing with an invisible partner was a quick ticket to the Yellows for testing. Of course there were just times when a girl needed to relax and the stress she was dealing with these days would make even the sanest soul go over the edge. She continued to swirl and then stopped at the knock on her door, she didn't want to be caught doing this by anyone, of course anyone who walked into her room without being invited had a death wish. Turning around she walked gracefully over to the door and quickly opened the door, one of her Sitters stood there with a report in her hand. Jade nodded at the woman, and then took the report from her. She smiled at the woman, thanked her and then headed back to her desk to read it, as much as she had enjoyed the dancing, it wasn't as much fun without a partner. A partner was something she hadn't had for some time, weather it be a warder, or a lover, or in fact a friend. With a sigh she sat down with the paper and began to read it carefully, noting any changes that had occurred in the area around them, with the eyes and ears, or with the ajah. It was a well written report and she was lucky to have this woman as one of her Sitters.


    When she finished she filed the report away and then headed to her bedroom, it was time to take a run. Running would be better than dancing around the room to relieve her stress. She quickly changed into a pair of black breeches which were form fitting and breathed well. Over that she wore a pale green shirt that laced up at the neck, and a form fitting green vest over that. She pulled on soft kid leather boots that reached her knees and strapped her sword on at her side. With one last movement she pinned her waist length auburn hair up on her head with sword hairpins. She glanced at herself in the mirror with her emerald green eyes. Over her face she put the matching green mask, securing it in place with a simple weave, this one was fairly simple, with a decide of roses down in the side in gold. With one last glance around she left the room and set the ward over the rooms. She headed out of the Green Quarters and slipped behind a tapestry with a furtive glance around. Jade jogged down the stairs and headed out into the yard in an easy lope. It wasn't long before she noticed two women near one, one stood with her back to her and the other lay on the ground, where it looked like she had just finished push ups. She would recognize the back and stance of the woman standing anywhere. With a start she glared at the womans back and began to walk forward. Just than Cairma turned and looked at her and she could tell by the look on her face that the woman was not happy to see her. Jade walked towards her, her eyes never leaving the face of the woman she had once been bonded to. As she reached her she spoke, "Well hello there, who might you be?" She totally ignored her former gaidar and focused on the woman at her feet...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  6. "I haven't been with any since Aran either, but that doesn't make me ruined for other men. We don't have to walk down memory lane if you don't want. I said that more to keep this a little more private if we did. Out here there are more poisons than herbs and that knowledge isn't always meant for the untrained ears." She nodded, and wondered if Cairma just didn't realized that she was ruined for all other men. Only time would tell that for both of them. At this point she wasn't ready to be in any kind of relationship and it could be that the other woman just felt the same. She had loved the man deeply and gave birth to his child, so she had felt an even closer connection that anyone else had. Cairma put a hand on her shoulder which shook her out of her deep thoughts and continued, "If we want to keep this working, us as friends, we do need to be honest with each other. You need to let go of the past, Lyssa. It is a terrible hard truth but neither of us can heal if we don't. I'll help as I can, but..." Nodding her head she wiped at the tears that she hadn't realized had formed until now and then turned to the other woman. "Your right Cairma, I can't spend the rest of my life in love with him or hiding inside my shell because I don't want to be with anyone else but him. He is long gone and though it hurts, it's something I just have to deal with." She laughed, "Maybe I just need to sleep with someone else to get over him. Interested?" Trying not to laugh harder for she didn't want to attract the notice anything that might be in these woods. "Kidding, I don't know if I could ever be with another woman, but if it were one it would be you. That's meant as a compliment by the way." Shaking her head she continued, "Your the only friend I have had for some time Cairma. So what did you want to talk about?"


    Lyssa Simeone

  7. Rena rubbed one of the herbs gently between her fingers as she waited for Rhya to speak, the other woman laughed softly and then began to speak, “I’ve lived here for about a year now, Owen’s my mentor and I asked if I could live here since I didn’t really like the idea of staying at the Infirmary and this place is far too big for just one person. So no, I wasn’t here when it was built and it doesn’t belong to me although it’s definitely my home now.” She nodded, and looked around. What she wouldn't give to have a place of her own, one that she could plant a garden at and not be surrounded by other people all the time. Maybe then she would have a wolf companion come to her. As it was, one probably wouldn't with her and her two Sisters sharing that cramped room. Wolves were pack animals but they didn't spend a lot of time with more than one human. Rhya led the way over to the seats and then continued, “Ice would of course dispute that the place belongs to Owen. She is quite adamant that the tree house is hers.” She glanced around, Ice must be the other woman's companion but she had yet to see her. In fact she wasn't sure how a wolf would get up into the treehouse, that must be a sight to see. Rhya poured each of them a mug of tea and then handed one to her as she began to talk about what they would do that day. Rena sipped her tea as she listened to the woman talk. It was a good blend and she would have to ask if they woman had grown the mixture herself.


    The woman picked up one of the herbs from off the tray and handed it to her, “Just get a feel for each one. If you have any herb knowledge, you’ll know they have their own scents and textures, which help to identify them if you have two that are similar. This one is Grey Fennel though some refer to it as Powdered Peach Pit. It’s very poisonous and should not be ingested in any form. Chances are that you won’t ever have need of this one but it’s important to be aware of it. Not everyone has good intentions when using herbs.” Rena nodded and carefully looked the herb over as the woman across from her wiped her hands off and began to sip the tea. Finally she handed the plant back and wiped her own hands off. She looked up at Rhya and the woman handed her another herb, “Now this one, is Flatwort. It works best when mixed into a drink of tea and is used to relieve fatigue or clear the head in cases of headache. If you can’t find any of this, then Andilay Root is another one that has the same properties and it can be used instead.” She picked the herb up off of the other woman's hands and began to look it over, carefully turning the leaves over and looking at the bottom of them as well as examining the root. There were times when a herb like this would come in very handy. She could use something to deal with fatigue after dealing with her Sisters all day long. Her lips curved up into a smile as she carefully sniffed the herb, memorizing it's smell. Her nose was much keener than it had been before her eyes had changed colors, and it had often come in useful, although not so useful when some of the younger members of the Stedding believed they should back to nature and never bathe. She wrinkled her nose and then let out a small laugh before handing the herb back to Rhya. "Both very useful herbs to be sure, I haven't seen Andilay Root yet, I will have to keep an eye out for that one, do you have of it here so I can see what it looks like?"


    Katrina Candarr

  8. Water 3

    Jaydena saw that Rasheta had perfected the weave in a short amount of time so she stood up and walked over to where she stood. Looking the girl over for signs of exhaustion she nodded her head when she was sure she was ok and began to speak, “Our final weave of the day is called, Freeze, we will be using the same meat as earlier only we will be doing the opposite kind of weave. This weave is the favorite of my Captain General when I was raised to Sister of the Green and one of my favorites as well.”


    Embracing the source she began to weave water once more into the meat that she had used earlier, this time however she began to slowly infuse the weave with air and strengthen the weave with Spirit, and before long the meat had frozen solid from the inside out. Jade grinned and turned back to Rasheta with a nod. “As you can see I used equal parts Air, Water, and Spirit. Water to attract the water in the bloodstream, and supplement it; Air to make it colder, until it froze; and Spirit to bind the weave together and lend it extra strength.”


    She smiled at her student and then said, “This will be the final weave of the day. You are doing a wonderful job of everything Rasheta, you show real potential and we shall see how you do on your final. However I think you are ready to become a Sister and when you pass your final we will be ready for your Midnight Vigil. You may choose whoever you want to take part in this event with you. Now you may begin whenever you are ready Sister.” Squeezing her students arm she gave her a quick smile and headed over to wait the girl out. As she waited and kept one eye on the girl, she wrote out a report to her Sitters about the girls progress and let them know that they were now ready for the Final...


    Jaydena Sedai

    OOC: Freeze (Air 2, Spirit 2, Water 2, Skill 6)


  9. "The day is moving quickly, Jaydena Sedai, wouldn't you agree?" She nodded her head one time and began to eat her food carefully. "I don't doubt my day would have been spend in the East garden listening to the sounds of birds singing. At least this day is constructive. And since I've never held a paint brush before today, I would say that I've learn something today... " She smiled and continued to eat before she said anything, "Well my child I can tell you that every thing that happens in the Tower, no matter how minor it is, shapes you for the person you are going to be when you reach Aes Sedaihood. I painted a room once when I was an Accepted and it helped me in many a way that I didn't know until I was much older." She smiled and started to eat one of the sandwiches as she looked around the garden. Within a few minutes they had finished their food and she began to gather it up, "As you said, the day is getting on and I want to at least get the gaidin's rooms done before we stop. I can always finish the rest by myself if need be." Setting the food back in the basket, she stood up and picked up the blanket. Satin had already gained her feet and was standing waiting for her.


    Once she was finished cleaning up she checked the area and then began walking towards the Tower, with the basket over one of her arms, and the blanket over the other. "Well Satin, we have made progress and you are doing well, you have quite the dedication and you haven't complained once. I like to see that in Novices, for many of them have been quick to whine at the smallest task. I think that they have no idea how difficult it can be to be a Aes Sedai." Shaking her head at her own words she walked into the entrance to the Tower and they quickly made their way to her quarters. She set the basket down on the floor of her room and headed back into the room they were working on. Jade put the smock on and began to paint the wall as Satin stepped up next to her. With the two of them working together it didn't take long for them to finish that room and move on to the next. In just a few short hours they had finished all the room except for hers, and it wouldn't take her long the next day to either finish it herself or to find a Novice to come help her with it again.


    She took her smock off and walked towards the other rooms with Satin behind her and spoke, "Please have a seat on one of the couches, we will be done here in just a moment. With a nod she walked towards her bedroom across the room from them. Once inside she made a beeline for her wardrobe, she reached inside and organized something before walking out of the room with it. She handed the package to the girl and spoke and said, "My dear friend of mine gave me one of these many years ago and I added some things to it." She watched as Satin opened it and revealed a wooden box made out of maple with a tear shape in the center, which was the sign of a Aes Sedai, she motioned the girl to open the box, upon opening the box, you could see, several drawers and two lids that flipped up in the middle. Satin opened the first drawer and inside we're seven glass bottles in different colors. Inside the colored bottles we're seven different colors of paint. Brown, Green, Red, Yellow, Gray, Blue, and White. At the end of the row was a clear bottle full of a solution. Jade saw the confusion on her face and waved for her to continue opening the drawers. She wouldn't understand until she opened all the drawers. The next drawer contained a small jar which had a tray on the inside made out of wood and a small brush inside the jar with fluid. Several small squares of fabric were also in this drawer and a brush that matched the one in the liquid but was larger. She closed the drawer and then went on to the third, in it was a velvet pouch, which contained three charms done in silver, one was a tear drop like on the box, the second was a serpent eating it's own tail, and the last one was a intial, the intail S. Jade kept one of each letter so that she always had the right letter for who ever she was giving a gift to. Jade was known to give gifts on a regular basis, after all giving was better than receiving any day.


    She watched as the girl closed the door and looked up at her. Jade smiled and said, "Open the doors my child." Inside the doors were two more velvet pouchs. Jade watched as the girl took the first one and opening it, pulling out a pendant. It was shaped like the upside down teadrop and had a outline as though something was supposed to go on the inside of the ridge. The second pouch contained a long chain also in the sterling silver of the pendant. Jade smiled at the startled look on her face and then said, "I give things like this to those I feel have earned a gift. Hand me the box my child and I will explain it to you." Taking the box in her hand she closed it and said, "This box has been stained or veneered all over except for the AS sign as you can see. If you look at you necklace and the charm that match you will notice that they are the same design. The necklace is what my friend gave me so long." Jade reached into her neckline and pulled a necklace just like hers but with much wear, only Jade's was painted green. Jade watched the comprehension dawning on her face and continued, "The paints in the first drawer are what you can use the paint the box, the pendant, and the charm when you decide what Ajah you have chosen. The paint should stay good for at least fifteen years so don't worry about it drying out. Keep it sealed and it won't dry out. The clear bottle contains a varnish to put over the paint, so it will shine. The second drawer contains, jewelry cleaner, you can use it for these and then when you get your ring you can also clean that. The cloths and brushes are for cleaning also. You of course can't wear the charms unless your in your room, and the necklace will have to stay under your dress out of sight till you are raised." She smiled at Satin and watched the girls reaction, she thanked the girl for all her hard work, accepted her thanks and then sent her on her way to relax before her day tomorrow.


    Jaydena Sedai


  10. Thanks for posting that Andrea. What I did is I just knew what is was current timeline, then I figured out how I old I was, went backwards, figured out where she was at what age in the timeline, used that to add things into her bio, etc. It didn't take much and it really turns out well, and you can do a lot of editing to your bio as long as the core structure is still there.

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