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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Basic Information

    Handle : Allisia Sedai   

    Character Count : First

    Contact : jaania88@hotmail.com


    Character Information

    Name: Allisia Mirobell

    Age: 17

    Nationality: Caemlyn, Andor



    Hair: Dark red and down to her middle-back, has a low wave to it

    Eyes: Pale green-grey, they slant downwards at the corners, giving a droopy appearance.

    Skin: Extremely fair, almost a ghostly white

    Height: Rather tall, standing anywhere from 5'11" to 6'1" based on appearance alone.

    Voice: High pitched and soft, usually sounds bored even if not.

    Other: She often slouches to give the appearance she's not as tall as she is. She could be considered pretty, but not beautiful or buxom by any stretch of the imagination. Very very slender, something accentuated by her height and almost completely lacks any curves.



    Special Skills: None yet known as far as the power is concerned, though she is rather adept at drawing and sewing.

    Knowledge Weakness: She's smart but is often too quiet to speak up about useful information.

    Physical Weakness: Extremely fragile looking and very waifish, no physical strength to speak of.

    Personality weakness: Due to generally quiet nature and aloofness, could be looked at as depressed or cold, though she is very rarely either.


    Personality: Quiet and in general shy. Insecure, but not a depressed soul. She often looks bored and doesn't seem to make any effort to dispel that. She has a quirky sense of humor about her and at times can seem a tad strange or 'weird.' She's intelligent, but not so bookish as a Brown or a Brown aspirant, however, ever since she arrived to the Tower she has been extremely devoted and ambitious in her studies to become an Aes Sedai. She's not one to pull pranks on her own, though being roped into one is an entirely different manner. She has little resistance with her peers as long as it does not cross the line too far. She's not a big risk taker on her own.




    She is of no great beginning, but not an incredibly humble one either. Born the eldest daughter of six children - four younger sisters and one younger brother - of two fairly successful tailors in Caemlyn, she grew up in the life of the middle-class, living a lifestyle far from extravegance and far from poverty. Due to her parentage, throughout childhood she was always the fashionable one, never in the finest of clothing, but always in the most up to date styles. Her love for fashion naturally transitioned into a desire to follow in her parent's footsteps and inherit the shop. This was of course met with encouragement and delight from her parents and lessons in designing and sewing. Her talent for it was rapidly growing and it became apparent she'd be a very suitable candidate to inherit the shop when her parents retired or died, whichever came first. Her devotion to her craft lead her to a very small social life, one where she was often too engrossed with work to pay attention to her peers. Her natural social awkwardness and appearance, coupled with her almost obsessive interest with fashion, designing and sewing clothing lead to her being ostracized by those her age, leading her to an insecure and shy demeanor, rarely speaking up and often seeking approval and acceptance.


      It wasn't before long, however, that Aes Sedai came to Caemlyn searching for fresh young talent.  Allisia had often seen the seemingly ageless woman and would keep her distance, they were the ones that weilded the very power that broke the world, after all. Her aversion to Aes Sedai was short-lived, however. The aforementioned Aes Sedai had come to the family business, perhaps just seeking clothing, but they soon singled Allisia out. Asking to test her, with her parents approval, they grudgingly accepted - you simply do not say no to an Aes Sedai after all, they took out a small, dull green stone. The stone flashed with a beautiful, inner-light that shined in a hue of pale green. These flashes came periodically, with a second delay in between each. Awkward silence passed by with the minutes, the Aes Sedai and Allisia intently staring on the stone and finally the consistant, bright flashes stopped and a final, dim flicker lit the stone. The Aes Sedai smiled serene smiles at Allisia and informed her that she could indeed channel. This was met with opposition and doubt from her parents and her siblings, insisting that she was too frail and weak to ever go down the path of Aes Sedai, much less travel all the way to Tar Valon.


    This opposition was met with a surprising resilience and determination, her initial fear and distrust of the One Power all but vanished. She insisted it was something she could do, something she knew she would at the very least be able to handle. She vowed she would not return to Caemlyn or to her family without the ageless face and a Great Serpent Ring. Taking matters into her own hands, she told the Aes Sedai she would indeed go to Tar Valon with them, despite her parents disapproval, something met by understanding and those mysterious, serene smiles. Her sending off was one with little warmth, recieving a half-hearted hug and kiss from each member of the family and disbelieving looks. Their disbelief and doubt only provided more fuel to the fire, strengthening Allisia's resolve and determination. She would become Aes Sedai, failure was not an option.

  2. Rhya nodded at her question and pointed to one of the trays on the ground as she spoke, “As it happens, I do. That’s Andilay Root. Owen didn’t have any on hand when he was teaching me so I thought I’d be a little better prepared.” Rena picked the tray up off the ground and began to look over the root in front of her, checking the size, color, and smell of it, so that she could recognize it in the forest. After she had spent some time looking at them, the woman motioned for them to move forward and they headed for the next set of herbs. ”This is called Worrynot Root and this one is Feverbane. They’re both very good for treating a patient with fever and they should recover fully if there are no other complications.” She looked the herbs over, picking them up and turning them over, memorizing them so she could gather them herself. Rhya picked up another herb and handed it over to her. “This is Sheepstongue Root and the only practical use found for it is that it helps with eye pain. Other than that it can be used as a threat against unruly children.” Arching her eyebrow she looked over at the woman and wondered what she was talking about. Rhya smiled at her and picked the root up, she quickly and with ease mashed the root and put it into a mug of hot water that sat near the tray.



    The woman passed the mug to her and said quickly, “Take a drink... but just a small one.” Rena took a careful drink of the liquid and pushed it away from her body with a disgusted look. She even stuck her tongue out and wrinkled up her face, it was a natural reaction to the worst thing she had ever tasted, worse even than her Sisters cooking. “You will not forget what it tastes like this way but I am sorry. Take a drink of tea to get rid of the taste.” Katrina picked up the second mug and took a careful sip of it before she spoke, "You can see why it would be used as a threat against children for bad behavior, it's quite the worst thing ever." She smiled as Rhya nodded and moved onto the next herb, “This is Chainleaf. It’s an excellent aid for queasy stomachs and nausea. This is also prepared in a drink, usually a hot one but it can be cold if necessary.” She picked up the herb and looked it over, sniffed it carefully, and touched the leaves on it. Rena looked up as she felt the presence of a wolf, the wolf stood not far from them and Rhya was looking over at it. “Ahhh finished your nap have you? Katrina this is Shadow. Ice, whom I mentioned earlier, is Owen’s companion.” She nodded her head respectfully at him and started as he put his muzzle near her hand and touched it to her. Rena smiled at him and then turned as Rhya started to speak again.


    “Now, I want you to go outside to the forest and find as many of these herbs as you can. This will allow you to imprint them in your mind and help you better to recognise them in future. When you’re done, bring them back here and I’ll check them over.” Rena nodded and went carefully down out of the tree house. She made her way out into the woods and began to look around carefully, she was sure that Rhya would have picked this area fairly clear and she didn't want to risk something not growing back by taking the last of it. So she walked further out and began to look for the herbs she needed. It didn't take long for her to find some Worrynot Root, she found her digging stick inside of her waist pouch, and quickly dug up as much of the root as she dared take. She walked carefully around as she put the herb into the pouch, and located two more of the herbs she needed. It took her some time but eventually she found all but the Andilay, and finally after more than an hour, she located a crop of the herb underneath a large overhang. Once she had gathered it she headed back to the tree house with a jaunt in her step, happy that she had found all the herbs she needed. When she reached the tree house, she knocked on the bottom of it, and waited as the woman told her she could come up. Rena stepped up the ladder and spoke, "Sorry it took so long, I had some problems finding the Andilay Root and I didn't want to take from your area so I walked fairly far." She pulled the herbs out of her pouch and put the digging stick back in, as she laid the herbs on an empty tray...


    Katrina Candarr

  3. Jaydena glanced down at the woman sitting on the ground near here again, waiting for her to respond, she very pointedly ignored Cairma as she looked only at the woman. The woman made it to her feet and Jade actually had to try not to laugh, it was obvious that the woman was in a huge amount of pain, but she was at least trying to act the way a future Gaidar would around an Aes Sedai. The woman made a bow, although not the best she had ever seen but at least the girl made the effort to do so. “Good morning Aes Sedai, it is an honour. I am Addison Thwait, only recently a Tower Trainnee. This is my mentor, Cairma Vishnu.” She arched her eyebrow at the young woman and spoke. "Pleasure to meet you Addision, my name is Jaydena Mckanthur and I a Green Sitter here at the White Tower. I do actually know Cairma, she was my Gaidar, and has refused to become one again." Not even looking at Cairma she continued, "I am glad to hear you are a Trainee, times are hard, and we can never have enough Guards and Warders. How are you enjoying your studies so far?" She laced her hands together at her waist and turned her body slightly away from Cairma, ignoring the woman who had once been one of her closest friends....


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  4. LOL you know if you tell her about them she won't say anything, she knows of several people that had babies IC and she never used that against them. *G* Ok I saw you posted and will hopefully get to that today. Thanks sweetie.

  5. Jaydena walked gracefully toward her rooms, despite the fact that she was dead tired from the constant strain of her duties and teaching Battle Weaves all day long. It would not do for her to show weakness, she had already showed far to much in her years at the Tower, especially the years that involved Seia and Sirayn. She embraced the source as she neared her room and quickly removed the wards that kept her room sealed shut against intruders. The doors opened with a flick of her wrist and she walked inside. Despite the fact that she would like nothing better than to lie down and go to sleep, she had been asked to be with Rasheta during her midnight vigil and that was not an honor she was likely to turn down. It had been many years since a recruit had asked her to be their companion. Normally they picked the younger and friendlier Greens, those they were less intimidated by. It had been years since her own Midnight Vigil and she remember well the pain, heartache, worry, and stress over the coming morning. She would do whatever she could to ease this young woman's mind, but she couldn't stand for the Ajah and say they would accept her, she really had no way of knowing. It was up to the Ajah and she could only hope that her careful training and this woman's hard work would pay off for her.


    Looking around her room she picked up her journal, a quill, inkstand, sealing wax, her seal, sand, and her writing lap. When she was done she set it all inside the lap and closed it tight, she added something to eat in case she got hungry and left a note for her warders, before heading to Rasheta's room for the long night ahead. Knocking firmly on the recruits door she waited for the young woman to answer. When the answer came she opened the door and spoke, "Tonight we will do whatever you wish, tonight is a night of consideration on why you have chosen the Green, tonight you will think of your reasons you have chosen to honor the creed and motto of the Battle Ajah, these reasons you will present to the ajah tomorrow when you go before them. You need not speak unless you want to, you can ask me any questions you want and I will willingly answer them. Tomorrow we will be Sister and Sitter if luck is with you but tonight we are Sisters, bound by the power within us and the love of one ajah. I will sit outside your door until you are ready to go somewhere. Before we start do you have any questions?"


    Jaydena Restona Mckanthur

    CG and Sitter

  6. Jade:

    White Lightning *Attn Rasheta*


    Jaydena teaches Rasheta the battle weaves important to all Greens...


    Paint in my hair


    Jaydena gives a chore to a young Novice, when her rooms need painted...


    A Broken Tool...A shattered purpose...


    Jaydena, Loraine, Kyn, and several others are outside of the Tower and encounter Corin, the old TG that was involved with Sirayn. Drama will ensue...


    Flaming Trees (Battleweaves for Janine)


    Jaydena teaches Battle Weaves to recruit Janine...


    Meeting a Bonded


    Rasheta and her first gaidin come to Jade's door for their introuduction...


    Rasheta Midnight Vigil


    Jaydena takes Rasheta through her midnight vigil and the morning that will follow...

  7. ooc- OMG I didn't get the topic reply for this, I am so sorry!! Quib I am working on making sure all the weaves are still correct in my Advanced class and then I will post sign ups. *hugs* Also after we do the last airweave, I will do these three at a time like we used to, just makes it easier for you.


    Air 3

    She looked the woman over carefully to make sure that she showed no signs of being overly tired. Being tired and using the Power wasn't always a good combination and they couldn't afford to lose any trained Sisters.  Jaydena decided that Janine looked like she was fine but the sun was already past it's half point in the sky. She smiled and pointed to the blanket on the ground as well as the meal all set up. "My gaidar has set up our meal for us here, so we should eat before it goes bad in this heat, it's relaxing and I often find that going back to the Tower during Battle Weaves can be distracting. You can't afford to get distracted and neither can I." Jade motioned for Janine to sit down and then took a seat herself, she watched as the young woman began to load her plate up with food and could only imagine how the recruit felt, she had been exhausted after her first battle weaves session and had fallen into bed fully clothed at the end of it. Jade shook herself out of her thoughts and began to load her own plate up with her lunch, when she was done she began to eat and kept a close watch on the woman across from her for signs of fatigue. Before long they had finished their meal and it appeared that she was capable of channeling still, so Jade stood and said,


    “Are you ready to do the final battle weave of the day?” Hearing Janine's answer she walked away from their lunch knowing that her warder would pick it up for she was always a helpful warder. She headed over to the practice yard and reaching the correct area she said, “We will be learning something called a Air Shield, this is the first weave we will learn that is a protective weave and not a attack weave.” She embraced the source and wove the dome around herself, once the dome was tyed off she said, “This is an Air Shield, I want you to attack it the best that you can. See if you can undo it. Not necessarily with Air, but with whatever you can throw at it. It will weaken eventually, but I am sure that you will see it is a very sturdy weave. With proper maintenance it can hold through many hours of battle.” Jade watched as Janine hesitated for only a moment before attacking the weave with it around her, but only after her student had been attacking for many minutes did the weave even start to crumble.


    Holding her hand up to show Janine to hold off on the attack weaves, she dropped the weave for a moment and spoke, “Janine, did you notice how it is crumpling in on itself. This is because I’m not repairing the weave or maintaining it, because I tied it off, it is relying upon itself.” Seeing that the recruit understood she said, “Now I want you to make the weave and tie it off, I will begin to attack your weave. When it begins to fall apart I want you to weave it again but this time I want you to maintain and repair it as we practice. I would like you to see the difference it can make it the amount of time your weave will hold. To repair the weave you will need to feed strength into it whenever it begin to fall apart.” Nodding at her student she instructed her to start weaving the protective weave. She began to attack the weave and waited to see what would happen…


    Jaydena Sedai

    Ooc- Air Shield (Air 4, Skill 4). This one requires less skill than Air Razor, but greater strength with Air than both previous Air weaves we did. Remember to end this part as though you have spent all week practicing differe Air Weaves, then the next week will start with the next element and last all week as well.



  8. Jaydena glared at the fly buzzing away on her ceiling and wondered yet again why Aes Sedai couldn't fly. I mean now really, we can shape oceans with our hands, make it snow in the desert, build builders that marvel the mind, and yet we can't life ourselves into the air. She muttered about that for a moment and then embraced the Source, with a thwap, she killed the fly, and whisked it away through the window. Really to bad for the little fly that it had landed in the room of a human who didn't need a ladder to reach 10 foot ceilings. Pushing the pesky fly from her mind she walked over to her vanity and continued to right in the journal she was producing. The cover was made of a deep green and stamped with her name and design. The rose with the Aes Sedai symbol above it. The design of the journal had been created by Seia, back before she had become a Darkfriend, bent on serving the will of the Dark One. The thoughts darted through her mind, like sparrow bent on attacking an intruder. Her and Seia kissing long into the night, learning how to train with the Source, and leaving Seia tied naked to a tree, so many images hit her mind that she nearly staggered from the onslaught. It put her head onto her vanity and tried to get rid of the feelings, sometimes she could go weeks without thinking about the love of her life and if she did it didn't hurt, then other times she was so consumed with the feelings of loss, pain, anger, desire, etc; that she could barely slay the noise in her throat.


    Jade raised her eyes of the paper, intent that she wasn't going to cry over the traitorous wretch ever again. Let me the woman hold any woman she wanted to and she wouldn't care, in fact if she ever saw the woman she would destroy her on sight. For no matter how much she had loved the woman, she had taken the forbidden route of death, destruction, and pain. A crashing sounded through her rooms, and she suddenly realizes she wasn't in an Inn, fighting with Seia over wanting to keep the bond to Sira. Instead she was in her rooms in the Towers and that knocking was coming from her door. She stood quickly and checked to make sure she wasn't crying, her reflection being back the face of sad woman who wasn't hiding it well. Standing up she walked towards the door and carefully schooled her emotions into those of a woman who had absolute control and was so very happy yes happy dang it, to be loving the Tower and no one else. The knock sounded again and she opened it to find Rasheta at her door. She nodded at the young woman and looked over at the man who stood beside and yet behind her as though blocking her from harm. Ahhhhh Rasheta had taken her first warder, she though. Only a warder would stand as he did, obviously ready to give his life if need be. With a graceful movement, she opened the door and motioned for the two of them to enter her rooms. She rang for tea and then sat down in one of the chairs. "Jaydena this is Dante and I have bonded him as my warder. Dante this is Jaydena the Green Ajah's Captain General, remember what I told you." She nodded, this alone proved that she had bonded him. A Sister would never reveal the name of the Captain a someone they weren't bonded to. It was a death sentence for the woman that revealed the knowledge to someone who shouldn't know it.  Jade turned and looked at the man who bowed to her and watched as he spoke, "An honor Aes Sedai." She bowed her head to Rasheta and then the man, and then motioned for the woman and her warder to sit. "I have rung for tea Rasheta. So why have you come before me today?"


    Jaydena Mckanthur


  9. I am sorry to inform you that your ajah head has stepped down, she has some personal things going on and so she needed to step down. I wish her the best in everything and hope she at least wants to rp when she finds time. *hugs* So that means that we need to elect a new Blue Ajah Head, if you are interested, please fill out this application and send it to dmwhitetowerstaff@gmail.com


    Application : Blue Ajah Head


    Name : 


    Age : 


    How long have you RPed at DM?


    How long have you been RPing all over?


    What kind of IC positions have you held on this site or others?


    What do you think our expectations of you are?


    Do you have any leadership experience at DM or RP in general (references)?



    What sort of plans would you have for the character you wish to play?


    What are your talents (ie website building skills, spreadsheets, graphics, etc)?


    What sort of plans do you have for your ajah IC, rp plans?


    Will you be playing a PC or a NSW?

  10. Yup they can totally fun to write, and you can submit as many as you like, your character will only be able to use the one, but it's fun to create them, and the more you submit the more likely you are of getting one approved.

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