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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Congrats to Lavinya who will be taking over the Gray Ajah with her character Pia and Serena Morrigan and will be playing her character of the same name as Blue Ajah. I look forward to working with both of you ladies and congrats!!

  2. Delanna Azurine Caval glanced down the long road and stared at Tar Valon and at it's center her home, the grand and majestic White Tower. She remembered well the day she had arrived here from Shienar, a land torn by ravages of the Dark Ones hand. She had never seen anything like this city, it had marveled her and yet made her proud. Del was so proud that one day she might become an Aes Sedai, as she had been told by an Aes Sedai, she could learn and that amazed her and humbled her. Someday she would do amazing works for this Tower and here she sat on top of her horse Masiara headed back to her home. She no longer thought of Shienar as her home, her home was that of the White Tower and would be until the day she perished or retired to some quaint village to study her remaining years away. She chuckled under her breath, oh yes she would study, more like run for the council and become the first female mayor, she thought. Serving the world and the Light was her destiny, she had known it since she was a very small child and had sat memorizing the twelve Tribes of Trollocs which her people fought and protected the rest of the lands from.


    Glancing back at the girl behind her she took in how tired and sore the girl looked. Allisa had her share of pride and appeared to be quite stubborn, which may or may not have done her good inside the Tower. It wouldn't take long for them to whip that stubborn streak out of her. Why she hadn't just asked to stop she didn't know. The girl was taller than her, she stood 5'9" and this girl had 3 or 4 inches taller than her. The horse she rode wasn't tall enough for her and the stirrups were to short. She wasn't sure who's idea it was to give her that horse but she should be riding a big warhorse like her Masiara. The horse she was on made her look like a big warrior on a pony. Del turned back to the front and wondered how the girl would do, would she make it to the arches, through them, would she swear the oaths some day. There was no way of knowing, some of the women they thought were the strongest ended up lost in the arches. Content to live in that dream like world than face the real world outside. She pushed her long brown hair over her shoulder and adjusted her long robes, she didn't know why she was wearing them in this heat but she always wore them and she was getting good enough at the heat trick that she barely noticed it anymore. Today her robe was a pale gray color and was coated in trail dust, around her waist she wore a silver belt with different charms hanging from it. She sometime switched them out. Today the ones she had on were a rose, a flame, a Aed Sedai symbol, the serpent, a blue sapphire in her ajah color, a horse, a book, and she even had a well around her waist that was shapped like a shell. She of course had permission to use it from the Hall and wore it on trips to recruit.


    She smoothed some of the dust from her dress as they reached the gates and she nodded to the guards who immediately let them through the shining gates and into the city. Del dismounted from her horse gracefully as she had been riding horses since she could walk and turned to examine her companions. She nodded at her fellow Blue and looked back at the tall red head they had brought with them who was climbing painfully off her horse and trying to pretend she could actually move faster than a snail. Shaking her head at Allisia she once again wondered how quick this girl would be broken. Turning around she led the way through the streets where people stepped out of their way and the buildings were like something out a dream. It was really to bad they had lost many of the secrets of how these buildings were produced. She could see the future Novice staring with her mouth partially open at the buildings. Oh she remembered having that same reaction as the girl so she couldn't help but laugh as she led the way to the gates of the Tower. She once more nodded at the Trainees and Guards on the wall and led the way into the courtyard of the Tower. Nodding to Alyssil who headed off to unpack, she led Allisia into the Tower and down the Hallways until they reached the Mistress of Novices office. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer...


    Delanna Azurine Caval

    Blue NSW

  3. Earth 1


    Jaydena walked down to the training field in her favorite work out clothing, she hadn’t felt like much like wearing a dress today so she was wearing a pair of tight black breeches with embroidered vines up the side seams, knee high emerald green boots, a tight rear length green vest and a billowy lace cuffed pale green shirt. It wasn't a dress kind of day, with the erratic winds and occasional sprinkle. She had added a jaunty hat green velvet hat  to her head with a emerald brooch on it for the fun of it and was carrying her staff of rank, with the leaves twining down it. Heading down into the yard she saw that her student was already on the scene, in fact practicing the Air weaves she had learned the week before, as she approached she gave her a nod of respect. Janine was doing very well, she was already getting reports of her dedication and passion from many of her members and the fact that she stood here doing weaves was just a further sign of her dedication. The girl nodded in return to her and spoke, "Good morning. I am ready to start something new." She smiled at her and then spoke, “Good morning to you Janine, you are doing well. If you are indeed ready to begin, let's get started on the days practice. Today we will being working on Earth weaves, for the next while we will be concentrating on these weaves, until you can do them in your sleep and feel the need to mutter about them behind my back, hating me for being such a taskmaster and making you do them. Some of these weaves may be hard for you to do if your not strong in earth, if you need an angreal please by all means ask, I have one on my person that I brought for you. It is not a weakness in soul to be weak in Earth, it's a man's element and it's not normal for a woman to be strong in it."


    Walking farther into the field with Janine at her side she continued, “The weave we will be learning today is, Riven Earth the use of this weave is to rend the earth around or in front of an enemy, it can be used as a excellent distraction when you need to gain time to retreat.” Embracing the source she faced the open part of the field and wove a arrow shaped weave with a slight amount of spirit and reinforced with fire at the tip, without the fire it would have had disasterous effects on the ground it hit. Once the weave was formed she sent it off with a quick burst of air and watched as it hit the targeted ground and explod the ground it hit. Turning back to the student she smiled and said, “Well your weave may not cause that kind of damage since I’m one of the strongest Aes Sedai in earth currently within the Towers but none the less it will do the job required of it.”


    Stepping back from Janine she waited for her to begin practicing the weave, walking over to the wall with her long and graceful stride she squatted down and looked the girl over. She was doing well there was no doubt about, however she has seen more than one woman act confident through their battle weaves and then get themselves killed the first time they were on the field of battle. Sighing she stood up and headed over to the shed where she pulled out some more straw Trollocs. When she was finished she wove a air cushion and tyed it off before sitting on it to observe her recruit doing her best to become one of her dedicated green sisters. Reaching into the bag she had brought with she pulled out a glass bottle, with a cork in the top, wrapped in cloth to keep it warm, full of hot chocolate and began to drink out of it...


    Jaydena Sedai

    OOC: Riven Earth requires Earth 2, Fire 2, Skill 7.


    Earth 2


    When the recruit was done she released the weave hoding her cushion and headed over to the young Sedai, checking her face for any signs of fatigue she decided the girl was doing as well as could be expected and began the next weave. Nodding to the Janine she began to speak, “The next weave we will be working on is called Grenade, as you will I am sure, this weave can be very effective in the correct environment. I have used this many times during a fierce battle, not only does it inflict pain it is also a great distraction when dealing stupid trollocs. The Fades don't fall for it but that's fine, we have other way's to deal with them.” A fierce gleam lit her eyes as she thought of past battles and the smell of blood and death. Looking back at Janine she cleared her throat and pushed the thoughts of the long ago days out of her mind.


    Reaching for the source she used her talent for delving and delved into the earth until she found the kind of rock she was looking for, she also noticed large areas of water and other minerals near it. Her talent could be very useful at times and she had even used it to find gems and gold for the White Tower many times in the past. Pulling the rock out of the ground she pulled it back toward her and then began to weave threads of Earth and Fire into it to form the intial charge, then making a fine net of earth she wove it completely around the rock and matched it up with the inner threads. The rock began to glow with a slight red and brown, several colors of that hue and began to emit a crackling noise that meant the weave was ready to be sent forth.


    Shooting it as far as she could with a thread of air she watched with a sense of satisfaction as it exploded into many pieces, shooting rock bits in every directions. Looking out onto the field she smiled and remembered her own Battle Weaves with her ajah head Mandi Sedai, to say that she had been looking forward to the earth section of battle weaves would have been a major understatement. The class had been exciting and had made her even more sure of the choice she made so long, to become a Green and to fight the shadow until she died doing it. Turning back to her student she said, “Isn’t it great being a Green?” She chuckled at the womans response and then instructed her to begin. Nodding her head in satisfaction as she saw Janine begin to try the weave, she headed back over to the wall to watch her practice...


    Jaydena Sedai

    Ooc- Grenade (Earth 2, Fire 2, Skill 28


    Earth 3


    When Janine was done with that weave she stepped foward and looked over the damage done to the field. She reached into the ground with her talent again and delved, feeling for cracks and fissures, she straigtened the ground out as best she could and turned to Janine so they could move to the next weave, “This weave is known as Pitfall and requires a marginally greater strength in Earth than the last two weaves. Basically it amounts to creating a hole in the ground. Your ability and strength determines how big that hole will end up.” Embracing the source she quickly wove a narrow net of earth, strengthening it with Spirit on the surface of the ground in front of her. She let the weave settle and then pinched the middle of it downwards, into an arrow point. The ground began to fall in toward the weave and was very strong because of her strength in Earth. Jade tried not to cough as the dust rose up into the air around them.


    Once the dirt has settled you could clearly see a large pit in the place her weave had settled, she smiled as she gazed down into her hole and said, “Sisters methods of weaving are as different as the sisters themselves, and sometimes the weaves are almost unrecognizable in the way they are laid down. Yet they all have the essential properties of the Pitfall weave. The Earth reinforced with Fire, the middle of the weave being the strongest point and so being the point best suited to drilling into the earth… and so on.” She turned away from the hole and said, “I didn’t use my full strength on this weave for I could have torn the ground in front of us apart and that wouldn’t have done at all. I think you can imagine how this could be used in battle. You may begin now, again if you need a angreal I will lend you one.” She headed over to her bag with the angreal inside and waited for the new recruit to begin...


    OOC: Pitfall requires Earth 3 and Skill 5.


    Jaydena Sedai

  4. "Tea would be lovely," Loraine said and closed the door behind her. Jade smiled and watched as Lor walked across the room in her quick way, she walked quite fast for a shorter woman. She always wondered how fast Loraine's legs moved underneath her skirts, did she look like some kind of rapidly running rabbit under there. A giggle almost escaped her at the thought, considering it was quickly followed by her own thoughts of looking like some tall bird under the skirts. The woman reached her noting her expression and than sat down in one of her green chairs across from her. She loved the chairs, they were soft, plush, and deep. There was nothing she liked better than curling up in that chair with her book or her journal and just lazing the day away. Though that didn't seem to happen as often as she would like it to, "I'm afraid I've news, but I'm not sure how to impart it. It's not terribly important news, in the grand scheme of things, but..." She watched as the woman bit her lip and Jade's reaction was quick, she arched an eyebrow and looked her friend up and down. Lor never let her emotions slip that much, so something major was going on. "I'm afraid it's important to me."


    She was about to speak when a knock sounded at her door, she called out for the Novice to come in and watched as she looked at her and gasped in shock. She cursied quickly, spoke quietly, set the tea tray down and all but ran from the room. She shook her head as Loraine spoke, "Do you suppose we frightened her? Two old ladies tucked in a room waiting on tea?" Jade laughed with her friend and spoke, "It might have been that or the scars on my face, they did to scare the dickens out of me still." She shook her head and watched as Lor poured the cups of tea, and reached to hand her hers. As she did the light glinted off the ring on her hand, instead of her serpant ring, there was now a wedding band. She looked to the other hand and saw that the ring had moved to that hand.  "Light, Jade, I'm sorry. I guess I needed something for my hands to do more than I thought I did..." Picking her tea up she added lumps of sugar to it and began to sip on it as she thought about what this meant. Time passed and Loraine seemed to get more and more nervous as she sipped on her tea. Finally she set her tea cup down and pulled the marriage knife out from inside her bodice and spoke, "How could I condemn you for something I did myself Loraine?"


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  5. Jade looked down at her hands as she thought back to what Dante had said about the the reason he had allowed Rasheta to bond him. He had looked over at his new bonded as though trying to decide what to say and than begun to speak with dedication and passion in his words, "I had a dream about meeting her.. meeting her didnt end as well as the dream did but the coincidence was strong enough for me to learn about her. The more I learned the more my life became involved with her. The more involved... the more I couldnt bare the thought of anything happening to her... Acknowledging that took time for me... She was persistent that it be me she bonded too for reasons she wont tell me... and letting me close enough to make her able to tolerate being around a man for longer than a conversation took time for her and was often painful for both of us... but... we compliment one anothers strengths and weaknesses. Even if she didnt bond me I wouldnt let her go off without protection. The bonding seemed as natural a step as breathing though." Jade nodded, she knew of Rasheta's issues with men and how she had felt about bonding. She wasn't sure she would see the day when the woman decided to take the plunge and bond. She remember how hard it had been for her to bond after her gaidin had died at Namandar, and she imagined it had been much like that for Rasheta to bond considering her problems.


    Focusing back on them she realized he had begun to answer her second question while she was woolgathering, "She is a sister of the ajah that will be there for the last battle... what it means to me is that I will be there too and she will leave it in one piece. I promise." Jade nodded and than spoke, "This is true, the fact Dante is that if you are lucky you will be there for many battles at Rasheta's side, however the reality is that you could be taken by a Trollocs blade, that is something you and Rasheta both need to be prepared for. You need to be aware and protective at every moment, there are many threats to Green Sisters, some of them within these very walls, and she should also be aware of them and ever watchful for signs of unrest or danger to her. Do you understand what I mean Dante?" She waited for him to speak as she thought about her suspicions of the Black Ajah and all the other things going on in the Tower. Once he had she spoke again, "Have you ever been in a Battle with a member of the Shadowspawn Dante, is it something you are prepared to face?'


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  6. Jade watched as the Tower Trainee blinked rapidly after her words and she could only imagine what the young woman was thinking. She herself would have been at a loss for words in this situation. The way the girl responded would be a true measure of her mettle as a future Tower Guard to protect their Tower and a possible Warder for someone in her ajah or another ajah. Jade saw the girl watching her, looking her over, and wondered what the young woman thought of her. Did she see the scars, the mask, did she see a weak woman who still yearned to be bonded to the woman next to her, or did she see a strong woman, made of steel yet sensual. This was the image she worked to project but sometimes she failed utterly, like the day Cairma had found her in a frozen river shaking and trying to find the courage to end it all. Her miserable life full of anger, loss, pain, and abuse. She shook her head to clear those memories and listened as they began to speak again. “I am enjoying my studies very much, Jaydena Sedai, thank you. Cairma is an excellent teacher.” She smiled with one side of her mouth and looked over at Cairma for one moment before she focused back on Addison. "Yes Cairma is indeed an excellent teacher in every way, she taught me many things about myself while we were bonded, including the kind of woman and Aes Sedai I want to be. She is an amazing woman who I am sure you will learn much from, not just how to hold a sword, and execute a sword for correctly, if you are lucky she will teach you much about life and about what it means to be bound to a Sister. If that is indeed your ultimate goal someday."


    She smiled with both sides of her face, her eyes lighting up in her face, she didn't smile much these days, she always felt like she looked like parody of some kind of monster when she did. Her mask and the scars which were hidden by the mask were roped scars that were totally disgusting. Turning away from that line of thinking she looked at Addison, "So how long have you been at the Tower to train and what would you like to do with your time here and in fact your life?" She glanced back over at Cairma and wondered what the other woman's goals were now that she was back, and why had she come back, oh yes she knew the woman's reasons but there seemed to be something missing from that list. A part of her hoped that it was missing that connection, the sisterhood that they had formed while bonded, the connection of Aes Sedai to Gaidar. They had been very close, even closer when Cairma had become pregnant, and the side-effects through the bond had brought her to her knees. Turning away from Cairma she waited for Addison to speak...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  7. Jade waited for Rasheta to speak and finally the woman did, "Jaydena I would like to go to the room where you remember the dead. In my studies I have forgotten the name of the place. I would like to spend some time there if it is allowed." She nodded, ignoring the other woman's blush and led the way to the Vault. From around her neck she pulled the key that opened the door, a key that each Green received upon her raising, and unlocked the door. She led the way down into the room, she walked down the steps and took a seat upon one of the couches inside the round room. She gazed around the walls at the glass, the many cubbys full of momentos and paintings, etc. Each Green Sister had a cubby here and Rasheta would set hers up once she was raised. She had one and inside of it she had a small section for each of her dead or missing warders as well. This was not an easy life and it took a toll on everyone. More than once she had come into this room and cried her eyes out as she looked at these cubbys.


    Motioning to Rasheta she watched as the young woman began to walk around the room. "I remember the first time I saw this room, I remember thinking about all the women that came before me, wondering how they lived, loved, fought and so much more. They were Battle Sisters and lived a life full of Battle Weaves, Battle with Shadow spawn, just as I have. Perhaps they lived and loved as passionately for when you know you could die at any moment, you don't do anything in half measurements. Be free and imagine their lives Rasheta." Jade sat with her legs tucked underneath her inside her dress, a liberty she normally wouldn't take, but the door was locked, and no one but Rasheta could see her. She pulled out her writing desk and began to write as Rasheta continued to walk around the room, if the woman had any questions or wanted to speak she would do so. You didn't get to the Greens by being timid or a wallflower. They didn't shy away from challenges and they weren't afraid to speak their minds...


    Jaydena Mckanthur


    ooc- We will be going to the garden next, whenever you are ready. *G*

  8. Jaydena watched as the two talked and they soon moved to another room, and than another. It took some time but finally they had reached all the rooms and she took her to the last door. "This is my own quarters Janine, anytime you need me, you can reach me here, or at my office. If I am not in one of those two places than someone is bound to know where I am at. When I tell you I am here for you that is not an exaggeration. Anytime, night or day you can come to rant at me or to cry on my shoulder. You wouldn't be the first to do so or the last. Being a Sister of the Battle Ajah is never easy, we want your friends die, our gaidin, our Sisters. We train harder than any Ajah and get the smallest thanks for it. The Greens are often looked at as the whores of the White Tower and let them think that my dear. We know that we are the only thing between their rears and total death or enslavement by the Shadow. Let them think less of us and underestimate us, we aren't a bunch of silly headed twits, but they can be silly enough to think that about us, it gives us an advantage against those Sisters. You may not be a Green today Janine but you will be some day soon and I hope you keep these words in mind during all those days to come. Until those days, I will see you on the training field bright and early tomorrow. We begin our Battle Weaves tomorrow, one of the first steps on your journey to being a Sister of the Greens, and you will get there Janine, I see that in you." She smiled at the woman, and opened her door. Jade turned back and spoke once more, "See you on the morrow my dear, and eat well tonight, you will need it tomorrow." Shutting her door she headed off to her desk to write more reports...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  9. Jaydena watched silently as the woman went through the weaves, she did it with confidence and ease. She was no longer hesitant about any of the motions or about attacking something, even a straw dummy. Jade could easily see herself back to back with this woman on the battle field. She could see the other woman performing any of these weaves on a Trolloc of Dreadlord. It wasn't just that though, Rasheta had gained a tint to her shoulders, and a glow to her skin that she hadn't had when they started this. She truly had become a Sister of the Battle Ajah and was ready to be raised. "Did I pass?" She nodded and smiled at the woman, holding her hand out for the angreal. Rasheta put it into her hand and tilted her head in defiance and waited for the answer. Jade knew that part of that was a front because she was afraid that she was going to get told know and that her hard work would not be enough.


    She had felt the same way on the day that she had done her final test and stood with her shoulders back. Confident on the outside but shaking on the inside. Every part of her straining to hear the words that she had passed the test, that she was one step closer to her dreams. The dream of becoming a Sister of the Battle Ajah and protecting the world from the Shadow and hopefully raising through the ranks to become a Sitter for her Ajah. Represent them in the Hall and help make decisions for the betterment of her Ajah and the Tower. Stepping forward she reached out and put a hand on Rasheta's arm. "Congratulations Rasheta, you have passed the weaves with flying colors, not only that, you are ready to become a Sister in every way. Tonight will be your night of contemplation  also known as your midnight vigil. Who shall you choose to spend the night with you as you consider your reasons for joining the Battle Ajah?" She folded her hands at her waist and waited for the other woman to respond. Rasheta hesitated and than spoke, "I would  request that you be my companion on this night Jaydena." She almost lost her composure at the woman's words but managed to maintain her mask. No one asked her to do the Midnight Vigil with her, they were usually to frightened and wanted one of the younger Sisters. "Indeed I am honored Rasheta. Let us head back to our rooms, I will join you soon at your recruit quarters." She motioned for the other woman to leave and headed to her room to get what she needed...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  10. Jaydena watched as Corin coughed and choked on his drink and than wiped at the ale on his dirty chin. At least that section of his face was clean now. She grimaced at him and wondered when he had stopped taking care of himself, probably about the time, he decided that walking into dumps like this wasn't a recipe for suicide. She watched the man closely and remembered well a time when she had hidden in her room, not bathing, not eaten, and sobbing until she had nothing left. The death of two of her gaidin at one time had stripped her of everything she had in her. It took Seia dragging her out of that bedroom to save her life. So she knew that to some extent this man felt that. He hadn't been bonded to Sirayn that she knew but it was obvious in his heart that he had felt like they were bonded. "If that is why you have traveled all the way down here Jaydena then who am I to refuse the wanton needs of an Aes Sedai.” She looked back up at him as he leaned toward her as though he was going to kiss her. Jade felt Loraine and Kyn tense behind her, she held on finger up down by her hip and waited to see what happened. The source was already embraced as though by reflex and she had a weave ready to drop onto him if she tried to injure her, so even if she died, so would he. The man was grinning at her and still leaning closer, she looked deep into his eyes, and suddenly he came back to himself, leaning back with a start and than speaking again, “Had I found her Jaydena ... Sedai, If I had found her I would not be here. I would be at her side or dead.” He hesitated over her title as though it was one he was no longer used to using, she nodded and pondered the man, yes indeed her assessment had been right, he had considered himself to be bonded to her once friend.


    “As soon as I heard of her disappearance I left in search of any trail her captives might have left. I could not believe that she would have left willingly in such quiet and secretive ways. Sirayn .... Mother was good at playing in shadows and smoke. Even long before she became mother, but this .... Even for Sirayn this was too much, too out of character to be her own doing. I have been looking ever since and in the process covered more lands then I knew existed before coming to the Tower.” She glanced back at him, there was a part of her that agreed with him, it still seemed to rash to be something that Sirayn would do. She was to deliberate and to calculated to do anything like this. She was a master and the Game of Houses and she played it every second of the day. This entire incident was entirely out of character for her.  Corin turned his head and once again began to look in her eyes. “Did you find her? Is she here, or perhaps she sent you and the little ones?”


    Light how did she answer this man, how did she smash his dreams, they didn't think that they would ever find Sirayn and the White Tower had given up searching, how did she crush that hope in his eyes. She had crushed so much hope in her life and she couldn't do it again. This man was bonded to Sirayn, he might not have been bonded i weaves, but if the fact that he had searched the ends of the earth for a woman he cared for, didn't prove that he was bonded, she didn't know what did. Sighing she wondered where her backbone was today. Oh yes one of the most decorated women currently housed in the White Tower couldn't even tell this man about Sirayn. Though of course she would never be as decorated as the one woman she hated the most in the world and loved the most.


    Light she missed her, more and more each day she felt the loss of a woman she had come to rely on, not just for those elusive moments when she had seen the love in the other woman's eyes, but she also craved her wit, her sarcasm, her banter, and yes even her coldness and rudeness. She was so pathetic, she thought. Why couldn't she find an obsession that made sense, rather than dreaming about loves that could no longer be. Jade shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, closing it, and than starting again, "Corin I wish we had found her, I wish I could tell you that, I do. I wish that she was currently sitting in the Tower, waiting for trial for abandonment but she's not. She's not sitting in one of the cells and we have no idea where's she at. All I can do is hope that she is alive and well and that one day she will return to us or that we have word that she died peacefully in her bed or fighting to the death in the Borderlands. Knowing her that is the way she would want to go, not quiet in bed but screaming in the face of death and bloody to her eyeballs." She smiled wistfully and continued, "Corin, I can tell you that if she returns to the Tower, it would be better for you to be there and waiting for her, and not wandered the world looking for a woman that no one can find. You dedicated your life to something and that dedication has to be in there somewhere. You can travel with us back to the Tower once we find the Aes Sedai we are looking for. Loraine Sedai and Kynwric Gaidin I am sure would be fine with that. It's up to you, I would never force you to do that, if you don't want to return."


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  11. She glanced down in the book in her hands and than around her room, for some reason she had the strangest feeling that something was about to happen, she couldn't shake the feeling, yet she didn't want to waste the little bit of free time she had. Jade shook her head and looked back down at her book, a romance, a guilt pleasure that she tried hard to hide from her Ajah Members. She even had a special bookcase in her room so that the romances didn't still in the larger book cases out in her room. Very few of them knew about the romantic heart that beat beneath the breastbone of one of the most decorated women currently housed in the White Tower. Though of course she would never be as decorated as the one woman she hated the most in the world and loved the most. Irritated she pushed thoughts of the woman out of her head and focused on the book, a story of a woman who had left her home to be with a man who later left her stranded in another town and pregnant with his child. The good news was that eventually she fell in love with another man who was willing to take care her and her daughter. Love them both the way they deserved to be loved.


    Curling her legs under her she picked up the blanket off the couch next to her, a hunter green velvet blanket with a white Aes Sedai flame stitched on it, as well as a  her name embroidered across the flame. Her mentee had stitched it many years ago for her. When she had been raised to the Shawl the girl had given it to her and than her mentee had promptly vanished to the Farm, never to return. She had to weave a Keeping around it to protect it but it seemed to be doing well over the years. Jade picked up the tea from next to her a took a sip, getting absorbed in the story again. Startled she looked up as a knock sounded at the door, she ripped herself out of the book and called out. "Who is it?" When she heard the answer she spoke, "Come in." She stayed as she was, curled up on her couch, with a blanket over her lap, and pillow under her arm, a romance book in her lap, and a cup of tea and scones at her elbow. Her dress was simple and something she would never wear in the Tower, it has no sleeves, just should straps that were fairly wide and low on her shoulder. It was one of the few off the shoulder dresses that she owned. The fabric was white with light and dark green flowers on it and the waist of pleated heavily. It showed off her large bosum and plunged rather low in the front. It was long enough to totally cover her toes and had no decoration. She wore her old marriage dagger with it. Lor would see it but she often wondered if the woman already knew the story behind it. Today she hadn't put a mask on and she would have to pick it up and put it on if Loraine seemed unable to handle the burns. She looked back up at the door and waited for Loraine to walk into the room. When the woman finally did she arched her brow at the other woman and than spoke, "Well I just ordered a snack and some tea, must be important for you to wear that finery, why don't we have some tea and talk about it." She smiled, her green eyes twinkling at her friend as she pushed her waist length hair over her shoulder where it was hanging loose...

    Jaydena Mckanthur

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