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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Hi there everyone, we have a new feature at DM, check out inside your Profile, you can now add a custom title inside. It will show up below your avatar. Please keep it PG 13 everyone.

  2. The WT staff is opening up angreal creation for the Bowl of Winds cache. We are going to be bringing home quite a few of them for the WT. So if you are interested, http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=571 Check out that page on the website. In addition the person who's creations we like the most, will get to use their angreal with the permission of the Hall, if you are a Novice or Accepted you will be allowed to use it once you reach Aes Sedai. Have fun everyone, creation them is a blast.

  3. The view outside her windows was not one that she would have expected at this time of year, it should be dusted in snow, the sun creating diamonds as it shone off of the whiteness. Yet this year was unlike any she had seen in her years. Years was something she could claim, she had lived longer than many in her family and she still looked as though she was in her early twenties. In all those years she had never seen it be this hot when it should be snowing, clearly the Dark One had a hand in this weather and that was one of the reasons she was headed out on this mission. Turning away from the window, she pulled her long blonde hair back off of her neck and quickly began to secure it into an intricate design on the back of her head. Where she was going it was hot, hotter than it was even here and she didn't want to worry about sweating under her hair. It was think, blonde, with no wave, and fell like a curtain to her waist. Despite the fact that she was an Aes Sedai and could ignore heat or cold, it wouldn't look right for a women riding to not be sweating in this heat and to leave her long hair down to her waist would just overheat a non channeler. Part of her purpose on this trip was to blend in and not to look like an Ageless Aes Sedai, which luckily she could pull off with her background and her not yet Ageless face. A simple riding habit hung over the door to her room and she slipped into it, making sure that it was clean and fit correctly still. She wasn't one to put on weight but you never could know for sure with all the rich foods they were exposed to in the Tower. Once she smoothed the pale gray riding habit down, she slid her feet into the boots she had picked out, and slung her saddlebags over her shoulders.


    As a Red she had been on more than one mission to find male channelers so she was used to the packing and the preparations, and these days that took more time than the actual trip to get there. Light she wished she could be back to the days when they simply found male channelers and gentled them, however those days were long over and a new era had arrived. She shook her head at the foolishness of letting these men run while and set a ward around her room as she shut her door. Wouldn't do to have anyone snooping in her room while she was gone.


    She made her way out of the Red Quarters and headed out to the area where they traveled from, intent on what her purpose was on this trip. With her long legs she quickly made it to the traveling area and noticed she wasn't the first to arrive. Her horse was saddled with the rest of her belongings, which she added her saddlebags to with deft movements. She thanked the groom who had been holding her mare and watched as more of the group arrived. A short time passed before they were all in position and Janine wove the weave that would take them to Ebou Dar. Anthea watched the disk as it spun and rotated to become a gateway, a gateway that led to her future. If the Bowl of Winds was found, she would become the premier Eyes and Ears of their Amyrlin. It had been years since the bowl was seen, last studied by a Sister named Tristen Durien, who in that studying burned out. The woman had vanished from the Tower never to be seen again, taking the Bowl and several other angreal with her. 


    So they were here to find out if she had taken the Bowl with her and if it could be located before someone else found it. The tide of the weather needed to be changed before it ruined their crops, their water supply, and so much more. As she looked around her to make sure no one else was going through she could only hope that this trip yielded the results they so badly needed. The gateway was something you couldn't explain, it was like being pulled apart and pushed together at the same time. Quite the interesting feeling, one that it took some time to get used to. As she exited the gateway she looked for threats and then mounted her mare. In just a few moments that rest of the Sisters were through and the gateway and spun shut. Erasing any signs that they were there, other than the sliced ground where it had opened and closed. They began to move off and she quickly took up position next to Ziya, the Gray who was leading this embassy. She began to speak to her in hushed tones about what they should do on this trip.


    Barely taking the time to notice how everyone else was pairing off, she had a mission and it must be achieved at all costs. "My Sister our best approach is to go to the Queen for help. If we don't and she finds out we are here, which she will, rather while we are here or after, we risk doing damage to her relations with the White Tower. Respect is key when dealing with her and we must respect her enough to go to her for help. With her resources we might very well find this item in a days time, rather than searching endlessly for it. Our Amyrlin will not be happy if we take to long at this, we must make haste and fix this weather. What say you?"


    Anthea Luin

    Red NSW

  4. Battle Weaves – Final 1!


    Jaydena and Rasheta met on the practice field for the last time and Jaydena knew by the look on her face that the student knew what was in store for her. Two weeks ago she had been told that she would be facing a large final and that she needed to practice as much as possible. Every green sister had been instructed to work with this inttiate anytime she asked. The Battle Weaves lesson had become her whole life, and Jade was sure that she would be at a loss when she had completed it as to what to do next.


    She would be teaching her student one last weave before she began her final test, this weave was a very important part of any green sisters battle training. Taking a deep breath for she was nervous in her own way, she began to speak, “This is a crucial weave for any Green, it is known as <b>Remove Taint</b>. I’m sure that you will need an <em>angreal</em> for this weave most sisters do. I’m going to show you the weave but you can’t really get a good feel for it until you are in the situation to use it.”


    Jaydena embraced the source through the angreal in her pocket and began to prep for the weave. Speaking as she worked she said, “Many Trollocs, Myrdraal’s, and even Darkfriends carry tainted blades. A tainted weapon causes accelerated deterioration, we like to say that a cut from the such a weapon taints your blood with part of the Dark One himself. No ordinary wound comes from one of these wounds and today you are going to learn how weave something that will counter these effects.”


    She wove Air, Spirit, and Water, and explained where the Earth and Fire would go without placing them yet. Jade explained in detail where the Fire and Earth was laid, and drew out what amounts of those two Elements she would apply. “You see that it isn’t as much as we have of the other three Elements, but even so it will require great effort.”


    Jaydena laid the threads of Earth down in their proper places, intertwined with the first three Elements. “The Earth is slightly concentrated in the center, which is the spot that will be laid directly over the wound you are treating. The Fire is, in a sense, what activates the weave.” Nodding her head she moved on to the last step in this monster of a weave. Next, came the time to lay the Fire threads down, and this time Jade worked as carefully as she could. This moment was for Jaydena the hardest part of this weave, for you had to not only lay the threads correctly, but make sure Fire didn’t dance out of your grip, and also keep the threads the right size and unmerged with one another.


    As she lay the last thread of Fire in the center of the weave , the entire weave became a brillant light that hurt her eyes just to look at it, with a faint hissing noise the weave went out. Jade turned to Rasheta and said, “The weave will stay longer if your working on a live subject, this weave actually seeks out the taint in the person and works against it, destroying it piece by piece. It turns into a mist that evaporates, leaving the flesh clean of all wounds.”


    She faced her mintee and said, “In discussions I have had with my fellow sisters it has become clear to me that the trick to is in maintaining the weave once you slide it into the patients flesh and I agree.” Handing Rasheta a angreal she walked away and waited to see the woman prove herself worthy of the Green ajah in the first of her finals…


    Jaydena Sedai

    OOC: Remove Taint (Air 6, Earth 3, Fire 3, Spirit 6, Water 5, Skill 2  – used to heal wounds from a Myrdraal’s weapon or other tainted items.


    Final 2


    Final: use the weaves you’ve learned from each lesson (e.g. however many you want, but at least one each of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, in whatever order you want) on the Trolloc targets around the field.  Just imagine that we would be doing HEAPS of these tests over the months of your training…but this is the first time you’ve had such a test with the battle weaves you’ve learned.



  5. All she wanted was to lower her head and lay it on her knees, to just let the tears fall, and to admit defeat. To just once admit that she had had enough, that this was more than she had signed uo for when she took this gig. That she couldn't handle anymore death, more blood, more smoke, or the smell of burning flesh. It had been just like every single battle she had been in since she had become a Sister of the Green. Yet again her warder had been almost killed and so had she, what she did every day was walk the fine razor edge of death and somehow come out alive. She shook her head and pushed the emotions down, she knew part of it was the emotions coming from her bonded who sat across the camp fire from her. The woman was ready to give up and she could understand her pain and her frustration. In that last while she had been through more than any person should have to endure, the man she loved in love with another, finding out she was pregnant from that same man, having him give his life for hers and that of their unborn child, and then giving birth with no man at her side. Raising her red blood shot eyes, painfully sore from the smoke, and looked over at Cairma, she had been there through most of it, but she couldn't heal what had happened to her beloved gaidin. She couldn't take the woman in her arms and just heal her until it all went away. Having the ultimate power didn't mean anything when you couldn't hurt that which was causing pain to the ones you loved the most.


    She laughed softly under her breath, oh yes she would have loved to have that power in the past. To have healed Seia from that pain that she had endured at the hands of Solin, to have taken the pain away from Sirayn when she was raped and tortured by her own son. To take away the pain of losing a bonded from her gaidar Raisa, or from Morgan who's brother had become a Darkfriend and convinced her to become a Darkfriend in her dreams. Oh yes there were so many people she had loved or still loved that she would take the pain away from. Maybe then she would still have Seia beside her each night, holding her tight, and kissing her good night with love in her eyes. It seemed like she was never good enough, or strong enough, or enough of anything for anyone that she loved. Biting her lip she stared at Cairma and tried to stop the tears from falling, she didn't know how much more she could take. She had watched sisters she had fought beside fall in that battle today. Slayed by the blades of people they had fought to protect from birth. How much more could a soul be expected to take and still stay in tact, she thought, but than she had never been in tact, for many years her soul had shown signs of wear. Great big jagged holes in it from the parts that people ripped out when they left her life.


    She glanced around, she knew well what battles did to a person, and how it could either make them think their life was over or that they were the strongest and most powerful person to live. Jade had felt the effects many a time, yet her she sat, letting it get to her, letting her own pain feed into the pain her gaidar was feeling. Regaining her power she looked over at Cairma and the other woman spoke,  "I can't do this... I'm done. No more. I am retiring. I'm going to take Jamie and leave the Tower." She shook her head and waited for the other woman to look up, but the other woman wouldn't look her way, she just kept her head down and refused to look at her. "What do you mean you are leaving me. You can't leave me Cairma, we are bonded for life, until death do us part, and unless I am missing something and we are already dead, we are both very much alive. Despite your obvious attempts to kill yourself in the battle today." She couldn't help but believe that Cairma had been trying to join Aran today, she knew that Jade would take care of Jamie if anything happened to her. Folding her hands at her waist she waited for Cairma to speak...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  6. Here's how we did it when I think Arette was DL. Each person had their own thread, this was more for personal record keeping, and the ajahs had one. Each ajah head posted a thread inside their board for the monthly ones, more like what Raeyn has where it's a sticky and peeps just update it every month if I remember right. After people updated their personal one, they pasted it into the ajah one and the ajah head posted the group one each month on the thread that the DL or ADL posted for everyone on that board. Though if I think back, I think the ajah thing all started when people weren't updating them the way they were supposed to and the DL wasn't able to look through things.

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