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Posts posted by jasonr

  1. ok everyone, this is completely stolen from SG (who weren't smart enough to patent it, HA!) and here it is... This is a thread completely and 100% dedicated to the exclaming our love of our greatestest and most awsomestest DL in the BT (ironicly the only DL) doesn't matter if you are a guy or a gal, this is our place to be crazy and love Dali at the same time!!!!! So declare your love for Dali in the most awsomest way. Then Dali (who will be posting on this *glare*) will tell who wins these great awards:


    1) The cornyest

    2) The scaryest

    3) The most likely to become a stalker

    4) The one you thing was really real

    5) Dali's love of his life

    6) most mushy

    7) most mushy

    Ok, and there is a twist... When exactly a week is up, Dali will post and tell us who one the awards, as you know, but then tell us who we are going to love maddly next. Wootwoot!

  2. Rahvin, my love for you is very true

    Oh, nothing could tear me away from you

    You have no idea how you make me feel

    Even though you are as fat as a seel

    How long do I have to stay here alone

    Come home with me so we can set the tone

    You may be fat but I can keep you thin

    For in this poem, I can make you win

    Your beauty will stay untouched forever

    In these lines your life will never sever

    For I love you just the way that you are

    'Don't want you to change in time, near or far

    All things that live must someday die

    But forever more, the same you will lie


    14 lines, ten sylables each, woohoo!

  3. ooc: this one ended up a little off topic, but I hope you don't mind.


    IC: Noy felt so terrible, while he was waiting for Ged to arise, he pondered over his past, over everything he had done in the past, he thought of all the suffering he had created. He might of well have killed his family, now that he was gone there was no one who could take care of them. Oh, Light, why did the Creator make death, why would it all have to end? It was not that Noy was afraid of dying, but he was terrified of loosing another person, terrified of te emotional pain that he had no idea how to deal with.


    Did the Creator make death to mock us? Did he make it to have something to amuse him during his eternal life? Noy did not think the Creator really did that, but oh, it hurt so much. There must be a greater porpose to death, but who was Noy to understand the actions of the Creator? Death was a terrible thing, looming beyond the surface of life. How could death ever be remotely good when it hurt so much? Noy knew that he deserved the pain, knew that he deserved to hurt, but there were count-less people who didn't deserve it.


    Perhaps no one was good, perhaps no one fi the image that the Creator wanted. But whose choice was is to die? No one's, no one truely controled death, no one contained it, death was simply an inevitable part of life. Death would always be there and it was impossible to avoid it. Noy was here to become a weapon, to kill, but how could he possibly inflict the amount of pain that he was feeling? How could he become a weapon and kill, when it meant doing this, causing this misery, to someone else?


    Noy knew that it was his duity to do so, and that he had no other option. When Ged woke up, he was releived, the Asha'man had told Noy that he was fine, but Noy wouldn't beleive until he saw it himself. "Ravens, Ravens and blackness...so cold..." Noy was concerned, so he put another blanket on Ged and stated, "Don't worry Ged, it was just a bad dream. No ravens or darkness here." Noy tried to comfort Ged, but deep down he wanted to cry, to cry tears of saddness and desperation... and loss.

  4. wait, I know something that always helps... *envisions Isha in his undies* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


    ok fine, I give in... *gives Estel a shiney new convertable sports-car* now will you stop?

  5. ooc: virtual twin, that's a fun phrase :D Doing a little bit of NPC action with a make-beleive Asha'man.


    IC: Noy's mouth dropped open as his wooden practice blade collided with Ged's head. His eyes widened as Ged hit the ground, his body completely froze. Oh no, what if he had hurt Ged, or killed him! Noy's body refused to move. Noy simply stood stairing at Ged until a voice in his head screamed at him to move. He ran the two steps to reach Ged and shook him. "Ged, Ged?" Not shook him harder, and raised his voice, "Ged, Ged, can you hear me?" Light, that was stupid, if Ged was out cold he would not be able to hear Noy, and shaking him might hurt Ged.


    Noy ran around the Farm randomly searching for help for about 20 minutes, then when he was exhausted and nearly at the point of tears, he bumped into someone. "Boy, do you realize what you just did? I'm an Asha'man!" Noy replied, "Sorry, it's just that training... hurt... need help... Healing." That was all he got out between huffing air frequently. It was alright because the man understood and seemed very amused. "Lucky for you, boy, I have some talent with Healing, take me to the man."


    Noy led the Asha'man to where Ged was. The man Delved Ged then Healed him. "This one only had a bruse, don't overreact next time, you might have even been able to Heal him yourself, although it would be unlikely. Go take him to the Soldier Baraks and wait for him to wake up, that's all you had to do in the first place anyways." Noy complied with the Asha'man, glad that there was nothing else wrong. He was flustered and very embarised that he had overreacted so much. Noy waited for Ged to arise...

  6. ooc: what ever, I am pritty sure that according to the Warders sight, it is a beggening form.


    IC: Noy smiled slightly at the rythmic clacking of their two swords.It was pleasant, being able to do this, being able to simply float in emotionless ness and become lost in the sword forms. The clatter of their swords was hypnotic, and all Noy could focus on was Ged.


    Noy’s movements became smooth, he was no longer thinking about training, or anything. Attack, defend, attack, defend, all in an endless cycle. It felt as if he was making no conscious movements.


    This confused Noy, after all, they were two inexperienced swordsmen who barely knew what they were doing, but the thought was chased away mercilessly by the Void. Noy could not think of anything, it was not that he wanted to chase the thoughts away, but it seemed a physical impossibility not to.


    Noy slowly began to feel a sweetness, something addicting. It was not the Source, the Source would beckon him, taunt him with it’s power and lust. This was a sweetness beyond compare, it would gently cradle Noy in its arms. Like a cools summer’s breeze sailing across the horizon.


    Finally, after much thought, Noy understood what this mysterious sweetness was; it was the sweetness of having no emotions, no memories, no ties to the mortal world. He was chained down to the earth by human things like fear of sorrow. Noy was not burdened by the hauntings of his past.


    Noy was free from everything that shackled him to the mortal world, he did not think he was anywhere near the Creator, or anything like that. But oh, the feeling was so sweet; it could not even be described. It was impossible to break away from the feeling, and Noy didn’t want to.


    Amidst this miracle; this wonder, there was horror. Faded and contained by the Void, his terror still reached Noy. He was terrified of slipping away, of loosing his terrible, yet only connection to life. Light, he wanted to live, and he was afraid that he would just slip right out of his body. Still, he basked in this wonder while terror was boiling inside him, and countered Ged’s forms.


    ooc: hehehe, I kinda got a little carried away with this one... :D

  7. here is a sonet I made for you... It has 10 sylables in each line, that's gotta be worth something? :wink:


    Dias, your bad secrets, I know them all

    'How you like to buy dresses at the mall

    You look very pritty in bright hot pink

    You should flush the eye liner down the sink

    My love is beyond knowing by light-fools

    I love how you look when you swim in pools

    Your manly form is very elegent

    Although it's not a word, you're pelegent

    I hope you accept me as your stalker

    I didn't do this 'cuz I'm a talker

    Regection issues are common with me

    Please just dandle me on your hairy knee

    One more line and I have reached fourteen lines

    Take me to your house and we'll close the blines


    blines is supposed to say blinds, but that doesn't rhyme with lines... so... it's creative substutution

    (or however that word is spelled) :D

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