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Posts posted by jasonr

  1. ok, four people isn't bad, but really, there is no competition here! I mean, the whole point was to compete for Dali's love, and I have posted 6 out of 13 posts, geez, none of you love Dali. (but I do Dali) You people have no apreciation for our amazingly amazing DL (who I love very, very, much)!

  2. ooc: *rides in on horse* I'M HERE! It seems that Twinny (faile) has already explained our situation, so I will only go into the basics.


    IC: Danian was riding with his blind twin brother Dorain when he said, "Do you think, she is all right, Danian?" Danian knew immidiately who Dorian was talking about, they both had been about her. Danian had no idea, but he saw that his brother needed reasurance. "Of course, Dorian, Carl will take care of her, just like he said he would."


    Danians limp and mangled right arm swayed as he spoke. At birth, both he and his brother were handicapped, Dorian was blind, and Danian's good hand was nearly useless. Suddenly, they came to a hault in front of what had to be the White Tower. Well, it was a huge, white tower, and Danian doubted that there was anything else like it.


    Danian said in an exited and worried tone, "We are here, Dorian, we made it!" Now they just had to wait for someone to come to them, as they had no idea what to do now. Danian was growing nervous in his waiting when...

  3. ooc: *looks at post* oops...


    IC: "Very good all of you. Just remember, most opponents won't stand still for you to kill them. If you're going to use one of these methods be sure your victim doesn't know you're there." Stelth then? Noy knew the perfect weave to do if Nakor wanted them to be sneaky. "However, you are here to be forged into weapons. When the Lord Dragon needs your services it will probably be in a battle. Therefore, you need practice in such circumstances as well. You need to be able to kill as many enemies as possible as fast as possible. The mannikins on the other side of the water are here for that reason. Let's see what you can do." This cast doubt on Noy's theory, it was not the perfect battle weave.


    Noy imagined a battle, a real one, not just a few straw manikens, and nearly sicked up. He was not a killer, how could he possibly pull this one off. They were just manikens, not real people. "But what will you do in a real battle?" Noy thought to himself. Noy had no idea what he would do then, but he had to focus on now, on the manikens.


    In the end, Noy decided to use the weave after all. He made a weave called "Poof". It was a small fireball, about the size of a tiny twig. Noy made a few more then wrapped them up in flows of Air. Noy watched as they went zooming towards their targets across the lake. His first try got no where close, but that was ok, Poof was very small and unnoticable. After re-adjusting his aim a few times, he finnaly got what he was aiming for. With his Saidin-enhanced eyes, he could see that five of the manikens had just had Poof balls shot through their heads. Immidiatly, he made about fifteen more, not all at the same time, and shot them through the heads of the remaining manikens.


    "I beleive a Poof, although weak, through the head would kill instantly, Dedicated Nakor." Noy's stomach still swayed at the thought of killing, but he had no other choice, he had to fufill his goal. Noy had to become an Asha'man... a weapon... a killer.


    ooc: slightly better than last time... :wink:

  4. Noy shuddered. The way that Ged spoke of the Taint was frightening, at best. It was hard to believe that someday they would all go mad, with no choice about it. Noy didn't want to go insane, he didn't want to die.


    It was hard to imagine being swallowed up by the Taint, hard to imagine being swallowed up by anything. Noy tried to thing, what could he say. "Light, how can we stop it, the Taint. Will that knowledge that you just discovered somehow help us in our battle? If we know how the Taint works, can we even clense it?"

  5. ooc: sorry it took me so long to get to this... *shrugs*


    IC: Noy was worried when Ged passed out again. He felt releaved when he woke up and said, well, really he croaked, "Noy....What happened? I was gone..."


    "It's ok, Ged. You just passed-out, nothing bad." Noy studdied Ged for a moment, he looked a little distraught. Other than that, he looked physicly ok, the Asha'man was right.


    "Ged..." Noy took a deep breath, then let it out. "I hope you forgive me... I was really afraid that I had hurt you badly."


    Noy smiled. "Well, it turned out that I was just being the fool and that it was only a minor injury." Noy's smile slid off of his face. "Still, that shouldn't have happened, it was a fool thing for me to do, getting all absorbed like that. I didn't even realize that you were on the ground until I didn't have anything to aim at."


    "Light, Ged, I am really afraid that some day I might actually kill one of my friends because I am too bloody obsessed with meeting my goals!" Noy shook violently. "Oh Light, Ged, how can I control myself next time, how can I keep myself from hurting anyone. I can't just stop practicing, that's not an option."


    Noy turned so that his desperate and lost eyes met Ged's, how could Noy solve this problem? Light, he didn't want to be a killer.

  6. ooc: hehe, ok, I will just make this a little bit interesting, after all, meeting the Mentor just seems a little dry...


    "I am Nynaeve Sedai. One thing you should know, child. That you are a child. It's not just a title. It certainly doesn't involve any protocol we use or some sort of ceremony. It's a state of being. Yours. Some say that their Novice years were the worst. I disagree. Being a Novice is the easiest, as being a child is. You do what you're told. It's a very easy way to live. No worries. No doubts. No second thoughts. After all, you don't make the decisions. They are made for you. You'd be wise to remember that. You'll learn that with me there are no compromises. No half ways. No exceptions of any kind. Every Novice might be different in background, accent or skin color. But you share a common goal. And if I have any say, you will all walk the same path. Cry the same number of nights and do the same ammount of labor. No leeway will be suffered. Are you in good health, child? Neglecting to take good care of yourself is also punishable."


    "Of course I am alright Aes' Sedai, I just had a little difficulty before arriving at the Tower..." Meria remembered the screams of her mother as the bandits killed her. She remembered watching as her father was murdered trying to protect them. It was all too much for Meria to handle; she just could not take it.


    Tears leaked out. At first, they were slow and few, then they grew into a steady stream. While she was crying, she tryed to appologise to the Aes' Sedai, who would obviously be very irritated at a girl breaking down and crying right in front of her. "S-sorr-ry Ae-Aes' Sed-Sedai." She managed to get out. "J-just th-that I... m-my p-parents were... k-killed by b-b-bandets, and I m-miss t-them s-s-so m-much..."


    ooc: *pause for dramatic effect*


    *admires his work*

  7. ooc: hehe, posty post, post! Wow, Runnings of the Wheel has really made me crazy... (blame Faile for any future crazys from me, as she got me onto Runnings)


    IC: Noy wondered what was next, first the laps, now what? From Noy's experiance, it would probibly have to do with the arms, or something. Noy wished that he was more sure about Isha's training tecneques, he probibly knew more than most of the other Soldiers, but he still did not know enough to be comfortable.


    "Push-ups! One hundred! Now!"


    Noy grimaced, that would not be easy, but still, he dropped down onto his belly and did all of them. When he had completed the grewling work, his arms were burning, and felt like rocks. They hung, resting, at his sides, and he hoped that they did not have to do anything else with their arms for a little while.

  8. *expanding on my "love/lovely" post*


    Oh, Dali, I love you in such a lovely way which is too lovely to put in lovely words full of my love for your lovely self. You see, I love you so lovely that I cannot stop loving you like this. My love is too lovely to be compared to other lovely things dedicated to love, you see, only my love is lovely enough to love you. It is the only lovely lovefilled post that is lovefilled and dedicated soly to your lovely self. Also, I love you so much that my love cannot be explained by mere lovely words. If love weren't such a lovely thing I would say that I love you indeniable with love and lovely things that are full of love. Especially full of love for the lovely Dail, for Dali is so lovely and I am directing my love towards him, for he is the loveliest of the lovely lovelies that have ever been loved.


    I LOVE YOU!!!! :D

  9. hehe, a contestant, yay!


    Oh Dali, I wish to be your stalker

    'Spyed on you since you were in your walker

    I take out my binoculars and see

    What a nice boy you will just always be

    You see, my lovely little Dalikins

    Oh s***, man, nothing rhymes with Dalikins

    You know that I absolutely love you

    It does not matter if you love me too

    Oh, because my stalking will never stop

    Cuz', my love is impossible to top

    I love to spy on you in night or day

    I'll stalk you in any possible way

    This poem will have to come to a close

    I'm taking a picture, so strike a pose.


    I love you Dali! This is my special, 14 line, 10 sylables in every line, love for Dalikins sonnet. You see, you can read it paired in to sylables, so it kinda sounds like a heartbeat, but it's not my heartbeat, for it would just be unspeakable cuz my heart beats so fast when I think or speak of you. I love you so very much Dali, in every single way. And remember I'M STALKING YOU!!!!!


    Love you! :D

  10. ooc: arg this is gona be a shorty


    IC: Noy set off for the Inn, to eat lunch as Asfaloth had instructed. He made sure to eat a good pile of food, to get his energy up, then he waited for the rest of the hour to finish, giving his food time to settle. The hour was nearly up, so it was time for their next set of instructions. Noy hoped that this one would be as succesful as the last.


    "Alright, now for the next par of our lesson. I want each of you to select one of the mannikins on this side of the gulley and destroy it. Picture in your mind that it is an enemy of the Lord Dragon and it is your duty to kill it. You may kill in any way you wish, using Siaidn of course, whether it be a simple stealth kill or an explosion. Whatever your little hearts desire." Noy shuddered, it was so crude, but at the same time, the most effective way to say it.


    Noy did not thing that he would be able to imagine a face on something that he had to destroy, it was the exact opposite, to destroy something, he would make sure that he did not see the face. Noy decided to destroy the maniken with fire, it was a far ways away, so it was harder to weave the threads needed to burn it. His aim was also off and a few other, undesired things fell victem to his threads. After missing and setting many things on fire, then laborously putting them out, he finnaly burned the maniken to the ground.


    After he did that, he waited for Asfaloth's next set of instructions, so far, the day was proving very sucessful, and his jorney to becoming and Asha'man, and taking control of his life, had taken one more step. Noy could not wait to see what he would be told to do next.


    ooc: Hmm, I coulda made this one much better... anyway, I don't see how we all missed this one... :wink:

  11. *gasps at Ell* meh, Rahvin, you may not know me, but it doesn't mean we don't know you... after all I am you stalker, It's my job to know you, how you like wearing woman's underwear (which I completely love about you) and you like to go skinny-dipping (which is really HOT)and how you like putting on make-up and pretending to be a lady (... ok, that's just weird) we all love you, Rahvypoo, we were just to afraid to say it until now.



  12. Dali, I cannot say how much I love you. I even made this thread that way I could have a place to declare my love for you, which is very lovely for I love you more than my lovely words could express my love. I would make you a poem, but my love for you is too strong to let me think of a poem.



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