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Posts posted by jasonr

  1. ooc: actually, the way that we had planned it, Danian actually did hit Dorian on accident... just to cause strife.


    “You have the right to train the boy in the laws and rules of the Yard and the Tower. You have the right to teach the boy about our duties and ties to the Tower and it’s occupants. You even have the duty to train the boy and make him in to a useful tool the Tower can use. But you, Deneira, most certainly DO NOT have the right to batter him for your own personal vengeance. Further more, what in the bloody name of the light did you think to gain from that little trick. I should have your butt before the MOT and see how she views your treatment of her charges. if you try that with one of my mentees I will have you publicly drawn and quartered . You think you are so good try someone trained and see how well you fair. you and your brother both report to the infirmary. I will join you shortly, and Dorian. If you ever draw steel on a guard again, this will seem like a stubbed toe in comparison to the justice I will drop on you. Now move!â€


    To Danian, Corin seemed like a hero out of the stories. Not only had he saved him from the witch in disguise as a woman, he had humiliated her too. Danian shuddered in pain. His entire body was throbbing in the blows that he had recieved from the witch. Whimpering, Danian tried to stand. Tried... and failed miserably. He colapsed back on the ground and set his battered body aflame.


    Danian nearly broke out into tears again with the pure agony that was spreading across his body. This was the Pit of Doom. Danian felt himself being lifted by Dorian. He managed to murmer softly: "Thanks Dor..." Danian was exhuasted and battered, but the worst part of him was his pride. He could never look the witch in the eyes after this. Danian wanted to kill her so badly, end the torture that he had been going through these past months. Every limping step that Danian took, even with Dorian's help, was pure agony. He seemed to be burned and battered and slashed over all of his body. Danian only wished for the pain to end.


    After what seemed like days, they finally made it to the Tower infirmary. They disturbed a very crabby Yellow sister who demanded to know why they were so battered. Danian made a feeble lie: "Err... I fell down.." She glared at him and said: "Yes, maybe down the Tower!" Danian winced and his heart stopped when she said: "Well, if you don't tell me, I suppose that I just won't heal you. You'll heal naturally... eventually."


    Danian's eyes widened. "NO! I mean... of course, Aes Sedai, I'll tell you." Danian lowered his head, abashed, and when he finally spoke, it was barely a whisper. "I was... beat up..." The shame of it was making his face turn bright red. Light, what she must be thinking right now. Then his thoughts turned to Faile; she would never want a Warder who got beat up that easily. He looked over his shoulder and got nervous. She wasn't here like... right now. Danian couldn't let her see him like this, he just couldn't. "Can you please heal me now, please," Danian pleaded. She looked at him aprehesively, and then began.


    "Set him down on the bed." Danian was layed down and then the Aes' Sedai put her hand on his head and it seemed as if a prob was searching him. Danian saw her eyes grow fierce. "Beat up, beat up," Danian shuddered. "You were more than beaten, you were attacked! You're covered in bruises and more than just hurt." Danian winced, "Can you please not say it so loud." He was still looking around nervously for Faile. "The person who did this to you, boy, had better be sent strait to the Tower for punishment!"


    Danian winced again. "Please, Aes' Sedai, s-" Danian didn't want to admit that he had been beaten up by a woman. "He's going to be punished in the Yards, there is no need to bother the Aes' Sedai with this." The woman glared at him, obviously not liking to be undermined. Finally, after glaring at him for a minute, she spoke again. "Fine, but you are going to need lots of rest after this." The Aes' Sedai grabbed his head with her hands and Danian felt like his skin had been replaced by blocks of ice, and his energy was ebbing out of him. Finally, exhaustion and being healed so extensively crashed down on him, and Danian slept.


    ooc: Woot! it seems that my posting abilites are returning

  2. hm, well I can't tell you whether it got to where it is supposed to get to, that's not my job. If you are really worried you can send a polite PM to Sketchy asking whether he had recieved your bio. Don't pressure him to approve it, these people are buisy and don't like it when new people try to force them to do something. Only send a PM if you are really wondering about it, and just ask if it got there safely.

  3. it probibly has, just be patent. You have to give these things some time. I know for one that Dali actually has a life *is so ashamed of Dali* and even worse, a job! His online time is ristricted and even after Dali (or maybe before) Sketchy has to aprove it, so it's not just some walk in the park here. Just be patent, you'll get there eventually. Trust me, I remember very clearly how impatent I was when I got started (just ask Estel) and I know that waiting isn't the easiest thing in the world, so just give it a while.

  4. Thanks! It feels a lot better now. Sorry for taking so long, Faile. If we're lucky, I may be on when you wake up.


    Oh, and... *chains Faile to a very large rock and then secures her with the Power* MINE!!!!!


    *beats away all others who seek to steel his Cairfaile*

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