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Posts posted by jasonr

  1. yes I will double check with bob just to be safe...


    Well, Jason, it is most oelsee as;ojpsodddasdpo asdjpjl;kj


    *sits on right hand* BOB, STOP MESSING WITH MY POSTING!!!!!




    it's ok, I can never stay mad at you for long


    well anyway, I do think that it has turned into a spam thread


    thanks for checking bob. :D

  2. ooc: ok... not really sure what the lesson is, so I will just post my reactions to the stuff you posted.


    IC: "Good work boys. Now, I want one of you to attack me. Cast a fireball, throw a rock, whatever you want." Noy was shocked when he heard Nakor speak this. He was certainly stronger than them, but this was arrogant to the point of danger. Did the man really think that he could stop all of their weaves at once?


    Noy did not want to hurt Nakor, but a small part of his conscious was smirking, that small part of him wanted to shove Nakor's arrogance down his throat. But that was only a small part of Noy, and the rest of him did not want to injure him. He ended up grudgingly making a club of Air. For most Soldiers, this would seem uninteligent, because their clubs were not very strong. Noy was an exception, he was unusually strong in Air, his could break a man's skull.


    Noy laughed as his weave was deflected by a sheild of Air, he should have known. Noy studied the sheild before it dissipated, he wanted to remember this for later. "Very good, it's nice to see you've at least learned some obedience in your time at the Tower. Now, you'll notice none of your attacks got through. That's because I raised an Air Shield. I hope you were paying attention."


    Now Noy was very glad that he had payed attention, for a fireball had just been flung his way. He was slightly startled but wove with Saidin. He struggled through the weave, weaving as fast as he could, and barely managed to get it up in time. Noy grinned in his success, but knew that it would probibly be short lived. Noy was still grinning, but he knew that he had just barely saved himself from a very painful injury.

  3. heh, I got them from a e-mail I got two years ago (that I still have). Here are the rest.


    Stupidity is not a handycap; park elsewhere!


    They call it PMS because mad cow disease was taken


    He who dies with the most toys is none the less dead


    A picture is worth a thousand words, but it takes up three times the memory


    Ham and eggs. A days work for a chicken, a lifetime comitment for a pig


    The trouble with life is that there is no backround music


    I smile... because I don't know what the heck is going on.

  4. my gf and I broke up because of religious reasons... she thought that she was god and I didn't


    I work hard because millions on welfare depend on me!


    Some people are only alive becuase it's illegal to kill them


    Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive


    You're just jelous because the voices only talk to me


    Beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder


    I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing


    Out of my mind, back in 5 minutes


    God must love stupid people, he made so many


    The gene pool could use a little chlorine


    Consciousness: that annoying time between naps


    Being over the hill is much better than being under it


    procrastinate now!


    Wrincled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up.


    I have a digree in liberal arts: do you want fries with that?


    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance!


    more later

  5. ooc: ok, due to all of the editing, this one might be a little (or a lot) bit odd.


    IC: Noy tossed in his sleep. Nightmares like this one frequently weacked his brain during the few hours he slept. This nightmare was one of the bad ones, it was about Mara. She stood before him, dressed in finery, and spoke. "Noy, this is what I always wanted, deep down, but I knew I couldn't have it with you, so I lived." The fine clothes changed to regular farm clothes. "I endured, lived, I was ok with what I had, dreamed of our baby," her stomach expanded until it seemed that she was obviously pregnent. "But you had to take away that dream also, Noy. You left me as nothing, now I am nothing, I have nothing left." The clothes transformed into begger's cloth, ripped and rough.


    Noy saw visions of Mara and an unknown baby, obviously his, laying on the ground, both sobbing. Mara vanished, leaving the baby alone, cold on the streets. The baby morphed into a grown man, a grown woman. Noy was not sure which. The adult, his child, extended his arms towards Noy's neck. "You left me with nothing, as nothing, father. You ran off to join the Black Tower, to become what you hate, what I hate," Noy's child said. Noy tried to argue, "This was never my intention, I always wanted the best for you. It pains me every time I think of you. Please," Noy begged, "forgive me."


    "I will never forgive you, you killed me," moaned an apparation of Mara. "You left me, might as well have killed me," growled his child. They hame towards him, their hands clenched around his throat. He felt the tears stream down his cheeks as they spoke. "You killed us, and now we will kill you. You will be with us. After all, isn't that what you wanted?"


    "No, I never wanted this... never for you," Noy managed to choke out. Noy gave up, he deserved to die. Just then, something rose in him... Something... rebelous. Noy wanted to rebel against them, he wanted to live. Almost in a haze, he embraced Saidin. He wove with Fire, distorting their features, burning them to ashes.


    Noy woke with a shout of, "Awaaake!". Noy was sobbing, the remaines of his bed-clothes charred and seared. The sheets tried to strangle him once again, and he burnt them again, over and over. Noy had no idea how much of his room he had distroyed with Saidin. After he had removed himself from the corner, curled up in a ball, he opened the door. To the best of his abilities, he destroyed all of the living objects most of them, oddly enough, were plants. Things that should have never been moving, let alone attacking people, were coming to life. Noy wondered what in the name of Light could do that. His eyes cold, he saw the various plants attacking people. He stopped their newly-found movement, and realized what it was like to be a murdurer.


    Noy had burnt straw manikens before, things that were not alive, but these things, although not human, had the gift of life, and Noy truely knew what it ment to rob something of life. The plants might already have been living, but they were still non-moving, practicly dead. It appalled him, yet the anger and hatred he felt over-ruled that. As he swept his gaze across the Farm, he killed all of the plants, cursed with their evil limbs. Noy did not really feel himself while he was doing that, but it was him. Noy saw that the trees were also attacking the Inn. Pots and pans were scattered everywhere, but the Inn was intact. A falling pot became the head of his child. "You always kill me, father. Do you hate me that much, or are you just a coward?"


    Fury swept through Noy, and he wove threads of Saidin. Fire melted the "head" and flows of Air crumpled the molten remains into a ball. The head became the pot once more, or rather, a ball of metal. Looking upon what had once seemed to be the head of his child, Noy wanted to cry. Sadness was everywhere, but crying seemed just out of reach, like his shadow. Noy picked up the ball of metal, and it felt cool to his skin. He wove flows of fire, and melted it into a small, perfectly round, globe, about the size of a gem that might be found on a lady's necklace. Noy picked it up and it was still hot. Pain lanced through his hand and he dropped the ball.


    Noy observed the burn on his palm, white and shimmering, then picked up the cooled metal. He pocketed it, and went off to kill some more. Noy was terrified an disoriented, what could bring such distruction? Noy came to the traitor's tree, and there was the real confusion. The heads were alive, attacking people. As Noy atempted to stop them he thought about his dream, about his child, about everything, and he felt as if a part of his soul had just died.


    ooc: EDIT: *snort* next time I will try reading about the thread before posting, then I won't have to edit it, like, four times.

  6. I have heard that one... I used to have a handle on life, it broke


    Have you ever stopped to think and forgot to start again?


    It's only a game when you are winning.


    Hangovers are the wrath of grapes.


    I could go on and on with these. :D

  7. Ok everybody, this is a delayed little arrival notice, seeing as I have been "here" for a while... Anyway, I am here, and so is my twinny, Faile. We are twin characters, one named Dorian and one named Danian. Ok, just wanted to say WE ARE HERE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, WE WILL OWN YOU WITH OUR SWORDS OF ICE AND FIRE MWHAHAHA!!!!! Bob, shut up, sorry everybody, he gets a little over-exentric at times... did I mention that I have a split personality?


    No we don't!


    Bob, I told you to GO AWAY.


    You don't tell me what to do.




    I control the right arm!


    *is hit countless times by right arm* owch!


    ...errr... so... anyway... we are here... and in a very... interesting... way... :D

  8. ooc: getting off my lazy arse and starting... finally. *shrugs* Forgive me if I mess up my name, my brain isn't working today. :wink: *tries to think of reason to magicly turn up at the Fortress*... *fails* oh well.


    IC: Thurin was in a rage. He had arrived at the Fortress about a week ago driven by his thurst for revenge. The object of his hate was his brother-in-law, Noy. The goat-kissing fool who had ruined his sister. Worst of all, the man could channel. It had not taken Thurin long to come to that conclusion, and he didn't dare tell anyone that.


    It was in the morning and Thurin had come to the mess hall to break his evening fast. When he bit down his rage and opened the doors, he was once again shocked at the number of people in the Fortress. Thurin was a mercant before becoming a Child, so he had seen cities, but it was hard to believe so many people were in one place, all eating together. In the merchant buisness, Toran was reasonably succesful, and had grown a little chubby from his profits, although he liked to think of himself as "pleasently plump". Thurin remembered when was atacked because he was seen as week. Of course, the fools had completely over-looked his guards. Even so, becuase of that experiance, Thurin decided to learn how to use knives.


    When he looked around for a table, he saw only one open. Sitting at it were four people, two men and two women. A man and women were chatting, and one woman was simply eating her meal. The last person, a man, was clearly ignoring them all. Once Thurin had gotten his plate, he sat down next to the woman. Thurin still had rage in his eyes, and when he looked at them, he would not blame them if they thought that he was mad at them. Thurin simply sat and ate, not in a mood to talk. He would talk if someone was talking to him, but he was not about to start a conversation. Mess halls were for eating, and what was the point of chatting, he had revenge to take.


    ooc: forgive me if it is dinner, but the thread does say breakfast *points to title*

  9. ooc: *pokes* doubt that there is much I can do with this...


    IC: Danian was thrilled. Yet, he could clearly see that Dorian was doubtful. That doubt turned into dreading, and although others might not see it on his face, Danian had grown up with Dorian. They had always been inseperable, these things were as clear as daylight to Danian. Danian steered his horse closer to Dorian and whispered, "Don't worry Danian, everything will turn out alright. You can manage, you always do." Danian wondered how well he could do, after all, he could barely hold a sword. How could they manage, they were both in bad shape? How could they ever become weapons in the state they were in now?


    ooc: *kicks himself* I thought that this would be a longer one... :(

  10. IC: "Marvelous! Welcome to the Yards where you will learn to become some of the best warriors in the world. I'll show you to the Mistress of Trainees. She'll write you down as official trainees, assign you a mentor and a bunk, and then your training begins. Actually, how would you two like to come to an inn with me later for a drink?" Upon hearing this, Danian laughed. He was cracking up with laughter. Danian was laughing so hard he was brought to tears. Light, they were worried about not being accepted, and this man was practicly shoving them into the Warder's Yards. He even asked for them to have a drink with him.


    "Thank you for the offer, Rodrik, I would love to have a drink with you. Although, I don't drink very often, (ooc: seeing as he is only 16) but why not. That is, if Dorian wants to come too." Danian wondered how he could possibly be so happy and so sad at the same time, it was terrible. He was as happy as he had ever been because of being accepted into the Warders, yet Danian had never been sadder. He and his brother were exiled from their homeland, had lost all of their family, and their entire life had changed completely in one foul swoop.


    Danian was amazed at the whirl of emotions that were swirling inside of his body. He had never felt so many emotions at one time: happiness, sadness, exitement, anger, eagerness... Every emotion that he could put a name to, Danian felt at that moment. Even in his uncertainty and insecurity, Danian was sure that his life had just gotten a little better.


    ooc: like I was saying before, they are only 16, so they probibly aren't going to be downing hard ale... :D

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