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Posts posted by jasonr

  1. ooc: are we allowed to make up wards??? I didn’t know that us Soldiers were trusted with complicated weaves like Wardings. Hope no one minds me using a little Spirit to strengthen my weaves. This might be a little odd because I had to edit after I had posted, no biggy though :D


    IC: Noy woke up right around sunrise, a little late for him. Noy had been told that he was to have a class on Saidin today, so he would not have to wake up early for physical training. Noy stretched a hand over his head and felt how messy his jet-black hair was. He grimaced and grasped Saidin and wove with Water. No matter how he strained or tried, he could not get the weave to work; he simply was not strong enough in Water. Noy smiled, he would get to try out a new trick he learned. Instead of weaving pure Water, he bent the threads of water strongly around threads of Spirit. Noy chuckled in success as water was dumped onto his head, plastering his hair to his head. “Perhaps I should work on that a little.†Noy grimaced as his hair touched his brown eyes, perhaps he should cut his hair too.


    Noy stretched to his full five feet and eleven inches and walked out the door. Noy loved working with the Power; it was even worth experiencing the Taint just to hold it. Although his strength in Air, Fire, and Spirit was the same, Air was his favorite. Most people did not know that Noy was Amadician. Noy used to be in control of his life, but coming to the Farm changed that. He felt that his life was being steered and learning to control Saidin would help him get control of his life again. Mastering Air was one step closer to controlling Saidin, and Noy had a fascinating with Air. He found himself wondering what they were going to do in the class, and whether it would help him in his goals. With a start Noy realized he was standing in the middle of his room looking into space. He rushed outside and tried to remember where he was supposed to go. After going to the Inn, and a few other places, Noy remembered where he was supposed to go; the class was going to be held in the southwest area of the central part of the Farm.


    After he and all of the other Soldiers had arrived, the Dedicated teaching the class started by telling them to experiment with Wardings and then demonstrated a few for them to try out. After Noy struggled through the few wards that Asfaloth assigned, he decided to try a few of his own. Noy thought of all he knew about Wardings, which was very limited. He knew that his mentor, Isha Talcontar, warded his house against Shadowspawn so Noy decided to try that. He started weaving the threads and found that he could not weave anything close to the size of those weaves. He made his threads much smaller but the Warding was still far to complex for Noy to do and it ended up collapsing and draining his energy. The Dedicated had told him to be creative with the Wardings so Noy decided to experiment with something else, something that he had never seen before, something of his own creation. Noy decided to try the ‘Spirit trick’ again. He bent threads of air around threads of Spirit to create a wall of Air. Noy tried to think of a way to make this into a ward.


    He let the weave of Air dissipate and then wove Air and Fire into a weave that would heat the air. Noy grinned at his accomplishment but soon his grin turned into a grimace when he realized what he had done. He had just created a white flame that was hard to see. Noy tried to think of how to make a ward. Suddenly a thought hit Noy, flames were the byproduct of heat, but you could have heat without a flame. Hmm, but how to make it, obviously Fire, but what else. First Noy wove a net of Fire, but that didn’t seem quite right. Maybe add some Air to the mixture, to give the heat a medium to travel through. With his first attempt, all he succeeded in doing was to sear the grass inside of the ward. Less Fire, more Air, maybe that will work. Noy made the Fire more prominent, to reduce the heat, and increased the amount of Air, so the heat had more places to go and didn’t flair up and sear things, like it had to the grass.


    After making up a semi-complex pattern twining threads of Air and Fire into a net, Noy laid the ward around a large space away from him. The air heated more slowly but still erupted into fire after a while. Noy reduced the amount of Fire in weave and it worked, although he knew that it would create a fire again eventually. Suddenly, an idea hit him, what if he added threads of Water to make the warded space more humid and less dry. Noy wove Water into the mix about as strongly as the threads of Fire, and examined his ward. His face split into a big smile, there would still be the problem of the fires breaking out, but Noy knew it would take much longer for it to burn. Noy cautiously wove the ward around himself and joy swept through him when he felt the heat increasing around him. He kept it up only long enough for Asfaloth to examine it, then he let the ward dissipate. Noy hoped that the rest of the lesson would be found as successful as this part of it.


    ooc: I hope no one minds me tweaking the heating ward a little, and we can always just say that it is just a very basic and primitive form of the ward if there is any problems.

  2. ooc: NPC means non player character, to NPC someone is to take control of their character. No more problems with the labtop because I am home now, hurray! :D


    IC: Noy was surprised by Ged’s question, he had not expected more questions about Amadicia. He knew they would come eventually but not so soon. “You said the Whitecloaks told you how to think about the One Power and that all people in your land believe that way, but do you yourself as well? I mean, it sounds more than weird to me, a Soldier of the Black Tower speaking about the One Power in human hands being jesting and denying of the Creator…Surely you must have changed your opinion about that or why are you still here then?†Ged said. Noy could hear the curiosity in Ged’s voice although Ged tried to hide it. Noy smiled, to his surprise. He had not expected the question and decided that to understand, perhaps Ged would have to know a little more about himself.


    “You have a miserable past full of pain and suffering, but it was still your choice to come here.†Noy had a distant look and was hiding his raging emotions bottled up inside of him. Noy felt many things and pain was only one of the many. “I did not. I was dragged through a Gateway on flows of Air, and it was not because of anything I had done. To answer your question, no, I do not believe in that stupidity, but I used to hate the Power with a passion. My entire life and everything I believed was turned on head. Still, that was the past, and like I said, I no longer believe in the White Cloak's… teachings.†Noy closed his eyes and turned his head to the ceiling. He grasped the Void and once he was sure that he had his emotions firmly under control, Noy continued. “Even if I did still believe that, do you really think they would just let me go. If we keep women captive why let a valuable weapon out of our grasp?â€


    With a start, Noy realized how this all must sound to Ged. “Everything I said is true, but I don’t want to go, I don’t believe in the White Cloaks beliefs. Besides, I could never go home now, and I would never want to go there again.â€


    ooc: hmmm, don’t know what else to say. Perhaps some reassurances, or whatever… I’ll think about what to do next more in-depth… sometime. :D

  3. ooc: I don't think that Meria is over her parents' deaths enough to be all wide-eyed and stuff, but whatever. :D


    IC: Meria had risen from bed reluctantly, she didn't want to get up and face sorrow again. All Meria wanted to do was sleep forever, escape the pain of her loss. She had been told to meet her mentor, a Yellow Aes' Sedai called Nynaeve, in the infermery. She walked to the infermery wallowing in her sorry when she saw a young man run out of it. Once she would have smiled at the man and had a chat, but now all she could think of was her sorrow.


    As she approached the Infermary, she collided into someone. Meria gasped and staired wide eyed at the woman she had bumped into. No one simply collided with an Aes' Sedai, no matter what their exuse. When the Aes' Sedai asked her if she could help Meria, she lost control. "I am sorry, Aes' Sedai. I didn't mean to bump into you, it's just that I was sent to find my mentor Nynaeve Sedai and I wasn't looking her and I bumped into you and I hope you not mad and... and..." Meria curtsied and hoped that the Aes' Sedai wasn't mad. In fact, she would be supprised if the Aes' Sedai even got what she was trying to say.


    ooc: you can do whatever with this. Don't really mind how you treat Meria, I enjoy making my BT char misrable but I don't have the same fixation for Meria. :D I need to get back to my arrival, I was waiting for you to post but since we did this I will go on without you with Taei.

  4. ooc: I finished posting TWICE then the stupid labtop messed up and deleted it. No Word on this labtop so excuse any spelling errors. This will be a short one due to the fact that I am pissed off.


    IC: Noy gazed down at Ged and grew happy when he heard Ged's responce. "Yes....manybe you are right. I´m sorry for forgetting myself like that." Noy felt his serios face turn into a grin and listened happily as Ged also said, "You are right by saying that I have to work for it if I want to have the pain go away and even if I don´t know and don´t really believe I´ll succeed in that, I will try. Thank you for reminding me of that and giving me that shake-off" Noy laughed and clasped Ged's hand.


    "We are at a loss of what to do now. We are done with our meals and dealt with what we needed to deal with." Noy's grin slid off when he thought of what to do. "I suppose fair is fair, I told you about Amadicia but you obviosly have no idea the signifigance of it. Amadicia is the land of the White Cloaks. We think what they tell us to think and the country is firmly in their grasp. We are raised to hate Aes' Sedai and to kill them on sight."


    Noy changed his voice to pure sarcasm. "The One Power is not fit to be used by any mortal. The Breaking only occured because we were punished by the Creator because we were not fit to weild His Power." Noy sighed, "I suppose you can't immagine why we beleive it, but it's hard to just ignore everything you have been raised by. The White Cloaks only allow one influence and proudly stop us from beleiving anything else."


    Noy smiled, "I asked you what you wanted to do then spouted out more words." His smile transformed into a grin, "So what do you want to do?"


    ooc: Lacks insperation, but I didn't know what to do. You can do what ever, even NPC Noy a little. If you do NPC Noy, try not to NPC any conversations. :D

  5. Hey, I have a question about all the old bios on the temp site. Do we just let our bios sit there and be forgotten, or did Dali archive them? (personally I have mine saved on my home computer)

  6. lol, I know that it costs me a lot the way I went, I regretted it a little but it's cool when I thought of the other things. (Like being the only Ashie with the strength in Air to make a tornatoe. :twisted:)


    Really my point is that you should just go the way you want, and do what's cool to you. Kinda pointing out that strength is not the only thing to go for. :D

  7. Exactly Faile, glad to see that you're back. Noy is going to get a rude awakening when he has to work with water and Earth :twisted:


    And just as a reminder, you don't have to make your OP scores super strong, I could have been one of the strongest Ashies in the BT but I chose to be uber-powerful in Spirit and Air instead, and I have the highest Air score in the BT.


    (note: could've been strength=33, not much alone but with the 31 skill it's a good combo.)

  8. Well, to argue my point, right now as a Soldier, my Air is 3 and Earth is 1. I know that I could, in fact, go around making arms of air, but I should not be gifted in using caltrops. It's good to know these things that way I don't make a mistake when RPing my classes.


    But to end the arguement, as a Soldier we are pritty bad anyways, and we don't have to worry about these things because Dali is good about getting us our scores. :D

  9. ooc: Exuse any spelling mistakes, no Word on this darn labtop.


    IC: Noy was walking around the Farm when a Dedicated called him over. He had other things to do, but the bloody man out-ranked Noy, and that was that. Noy made a dozen men, but the Dedicated ignored that. Suddenly, a few men entered the clearing Noy and the other 'guards' were in. Noy entered the Void, and prepaired himself to grasp Saidin. In the Black Tower, you could never tell who would come to you. The Dedicated suddenly asked, "Who comes before the Black Tower?"


    One man lowered his cowl and replied, "Do you need Healing for your sight then, young Dedicated?" Appairantly, the Dedicated knew the man as an Asha'man, even though Noy had no idea who the man was. Noy watched as the Asha'man introduced the Soldier-to-be. The Asha'man led his horse away and the Dedicated called to Noy. "Lead this man to M'Hael Haran Dashiva." Noy blinked, he didn't want to have to lead around the new people, but he did so anyways.


    Noy turned to Jae'sa "Comeon, I have other stuff to do today." Noy sighed, it wasn't this man's fault that Noy was grumpy. "Sorry, I was dragged into this job, and I really do have other things to do today." They walked over to the Inn, and up to the kitchen door. Noy knocked on the door, and entered. Noy introduced the new man to Dash, and was told to stay with him outside. Burn me, I have other things to do.


    Sighing, Noy took a seat with the man. "So, where are you from?"


    ooc: Sorry for the little bit of NPCing Dash, but I knew that you are buisy so I didn't want to drag you into this one. :D

  10. Everyone keeps saying that Op scores aren't essential, but if you are planning on doing a really high score in one area, or have unusual scores, it's good to have you OP scores a a reference. IE, I have an amazing Air score for a guy, but my Earth is terrible. I wouldn't go to class and be good in Earth and horrid in Air. But it's all relivant.

  11. Yes, I know how fat I would be, but Demi is fatter. He has eaten Isha soooooo many times! :D


    *eats Dash so he doesn't feel left out* :D haha



    *balefires himself when he is in where ever you go once you get balefired* hahaha. Now I can join in on your drinking parade!!!!!!!!!! I'm so lonely. :(



  12. Ok, anyone that was a little over the edge and thought I was quitting or something, I am not. I just wanted to put it up on these boards that I will be leaving in about 10hrs and 45mins for my delayed spring break. (Hurray!)




    PS, obviosly I put the yes, for it's my break :D

  13. ooc: sorry I missed this. Dern it, I hadn’t given Harron too much thought because I was so involved with Noy. K, I have really been looking forward to Rping this rascal. Well, notice the place I put Harron in, the Infantry. The bloody, gory, frontline battle place. Oh boy, can’t wait to RP after his first battle. Hope no one minds a little NPC with the Parents. Ahh, it’s hard not to switch from idiotic and naïve to just plain stuck-up.


    IC: Harron al’Tennon was doing his usual farm work. That is, he was lofting around on a bale of hay, wishing that his parents would just realize that he was not going to do degrading farm work. He might have been inside stealing a few rolls, but his parents were extremely mad at him. So what? All he had done was try to use his sling to hit a boy. It was an accident that he had knocked Old Lady al’Seen’s walking stick out of her hands and made her fall. He wasn’t trying to do anything wrong…this time. But his fool parents were still convinced he had done it on purpose, said he could have seriously hurt her. Harron sighed, if only those fools would just realize that he didn’t need to know any values, or good manners, after all, he was going to become a great hero from out of the stories. Then everyone would respect him and no one would berate him, or think he was doing anything wrong. Harron was just envisioning his beautiful wife-to-be and all of his followers when a shout awakened him from his daydreaming.


    “Hey boy, do you have a colt for sale?†Harron instantly disliked the man who spoke to him this way. He decided to be rude right back towards him. “Perhaps, what’s it to you?†It was then that his no good father decided to rush out and berate him. “Boy! What are you doing lying around? How many times do we have to tell you-“ he cut off as soon as he saw the two men dismounted and looking fearsome; at least to a farmer. “Hello, what did you say again? I am sorry, I had to deal with my ungrateful son right here.†Harron stiffened at the insult, no one ever gave him the respect he deserved! When his father found out that they were interested in buying horses, he rushed them right inside the house. “Yes, we do happen to have a colt that we are willing to sell. We were lucky enough to get a good few colts and now we are up on horses.â€


    While they were bargaining, Harron was extremely bored. After a while of painstaking moments of nothing to do and forced to do nothing with other people, Harron finally noticed something that his father seemed to have missed. These men had outlander written all over them! He was not just going to sit back and watch an outlander be rude to him, and probably mock him with his father. “Well, since you are so obviously and outlander, tell us where you are from.†Harron’s father was now glaring at him, and looked absolutely furious that Harron had butted into the conversation in mid-word. “Please sir, you will have to excuse him, he is a foolish boy. All he does is sit around all day and pick daisies. And daydream, of course.†Harron’s father added the last part as an afterthought, like he was ashamed to admit that he disliked Harron. “It’s not important, what’s wrong with daisies? Anyway, anyone can tell that you are not from around here, so where are you from?


    ooc: dern, we gotta think of a way to dump harron on you guys. :D

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