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Posts posted by jasonr

  1. Hey every one, I am the new Child who just sent in my bio. (A day ago) Anywho, I was wondering where everyone was. (at the offsite boards maybe?) Oh and one more thing.


    *turns to Ell* Aprove my bio please (or send it back :D)


    *poke poke*

  2. ooc: mwhahahahahahahahaha! Jason wins again, Noy is going down!!!! Misery and pain, coming right up. :twisted:


    IC: Noy was a little irritated at Ged’s obvious pessimism. He was about to speak when Ged talked again. "But don’t you want to go back to Amadicia...to your home and family before the Last Battle will come upon us? Surely you must miss your family and friends greatly having been taken from them against your will....Don’t you think they would forgive you for whatever they have believed of you after you explained it all?" Noy’s mouth stopped in mid-word. What in the world had given Ged the idea to ask that one question? Any other question, about Amadicia, about who he was, anything but his family, anything but to remind him of what he had done to Mara. Noy snapped his mouth shut, and tilted his head up towards the ceiling. He couldn’t bear to see anyone now. He took in a few deep breaths and tried to think of what to say. How could he possibly answer that question, how could he explain it to Ged? Memory flooded into him, memories Noy had tried to suppress. Memories of his wedding, memories of his parents, of sitting awake at nights lying with Mara while they whispered softly, arguing passively over what they would name their child. Imagined visions of the future, the future of his child, what they would do together, the love he would feel for it.


    When Noy finally opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and rough. “I miss my family more that you could ever imagine, but I will never want to go back there. I couldn’t face what would do, the pain I would inflict on them by trying to explain what I accept. She could never accept me, it would crush her. Light, how could Mara…†Noy clicked his mouth shut, he had already said too much. He couldn’t stop the flood of emotions and memories that were crashing down on him, everything he had tried to suppress before, everything he thought he had taken care of was eating at him. Noy laid his head down on his arm, which was resting on the table and trembled. No tears escaped though, he was right about one thing, he had cried all of his tears. There were no tears left in Noy anymore.


    ooc: hahahahahahahahahahahaha Everything a post needs: pain, suffering, (and tiny :() woohoo!

  3. ooc: I know this one is Estel's, but she looked to be buisy so I transfered this over here


    Written by Estel


    Isha stood in the middle of the training ground, a forbidding pillar in the midst of the barren field. There was no emotion shown on his face, for he felt none. This was just another day in the Tower: training and teaching, training and teaching, training and teaching.


    Early as it was, Isha was schooled to operate at low levels of sleep, needing little even after an entire day's work. He slept only from after the sun set 'til before the sun rose. Then he set his great body to work, lifting his own weight and running the track.


    'If those Soldiers don't arrive soon, they'll get a rude awaking.' thought Isha sternly. People who knew him as well as his closer friend would have seen the shadow of emotion cross his face but to any unschooled Soldier or unfamiliar Asha'man, nothing had changed.


    Just as the giant man was about to start awakening Soldiers, they began to arrive. They straggled to where he waited slowly, chatting amongst themselves. He stopped himself from shaking his head. They were supposed to warriors, they should be ready now.


    Finally, the last one arrived and Isha's deep bass voice cracked like a whip. "ATTENTION! FORM RANK AND REPORT NAME AND RANK! NOW!"


    Written by jasonr


    ooc: thanks for doing this Estel


    IC: Noy was walking up to his first official physical training class; Isha was instructing the class. Some other Soldiers were nervous about the class, but Noy knew what to expect… so he was almost dreading the next class. Training sessions with Isha were hard enough, but Noy knew Isha’s training habits even though he had only been at the Tower for a couple weeks. When you were in private with Isha, he was a friendly man, he was friendly in public too, but Noy was a Soldier and Isha was an Asha’man, they had certain expectations. All friendliness that Isha had would be lost when they arrived, he would not play favorites and he would not go easy on anyone, especially Noy. Isha had probably set standards for Noy to live up to because Noy was his mentee.


    As they approached the pre-selected training grounds, Noy caught his first glimpse of Isha, and he definitely did not look friendly. Noy saw something change about his face for an instant, but could not determine what it was; he could barely tell that it had even existed. Noy was beginning to see these things, and last night he had determined that it must have been something. Noy had also determined that after he had spent months with Isha and became Asha’man; he would be able to tell what they were. Once everyone had arrived Isha said loudly in a voice that sounded like a whip cracking, “ATTENTION, FORM RANK AND REPORT NAME AND RANK! NOW!†Isha knew his name and his rank, Noy had no need to tell him, but he was not a fool, and would tell him anyway. Some of the others had seen Isha and knew he was a friendly man, they would think he was joking. Noy had seen this transformation every time Isha trained him, so Noy knew better that to play around.


    “I am Soldier Noy Lugay, Asha’man Isha Talcontar sir!†Noy said in a loud voice after had saluted, fist to heart. Noy was tall but not anywhere near Isha’s seven feet. He himself was only six feet tall. Noy snapped to attention when he replied to Isha, his dark black hair swaying as him brown eyes met Isha’s, passing over his scarred face. Noy had gotten used to that, and did not shudder anymore as he used to. It was not easy to stand strait for long with your fist held to your chest, or look up to someone a foot taller than you, but Noy had learned the hard way to stand at attention until Isha said he could relax. He hated having to do this to a friend, but he respected Isha, and would not disobey him. Noy smiled inwardly, he was turning as stiff and focused as Vykor. It was not that he disliked Vykor, but when they met they were complete opposites. Another thing he hated was waiting, but another thing he had learned was that to learn something here, you had to wait for your superiors most of the time. Noy took a deep breath while remaining in his stance, and waited for the others to follow his lead, because only then would Isha start.


    ooc: Hope you don’t mind Noy noticing your little irritation thing, figured that after 2-3 weeks of looking at that scarred face of yours every time he woke up, he might notice something. I wasn’t sure what you meant about forming ranks, aren’t all Soldiers equal?


    Written by Faile (AKA Faile1987)


    OOC: Hope it´s ok if I join, needing still my first physical training and having finally found an open thread to sneak in


    IC: Once in what seemed to be ages, Ged had actually managed to sleep tight and deep as a rock, without having any of those gruesome nightmares about burning inns and screeaming people pleading for him to spare their lives. Only on awaking to the sunlight already tickling his face, Ged realized that he had been laying sound asleep the entire night, not even bothering to undress or take his boots off when he dropped into his bed, too weary to even think clearly of sheer physical and mental exhaustion after his first One Power class.

    But Light, he was late now! He thouht, giving a start and practically jumping out of his bed, quickly shrugging into his long black coat, futilely trying to get all the wrinkles he had made in it out again.


    Knowing that his teachers wouldn´t be pleased at his rather shaggy appearance, Ged still knew that they would even less tolerate him being late to class and so he only quickly washed his face and tied his long curly brown hair back with a leather cord untill rushing down the corridors of the Farm hurrying to his class which would be due any moment.


    As Ged arrived at the place he had been told his first physical training lesson was about to take place, his heart and good spirits this morning suddenly sank again back to his usual rather gloomy mood when he spotted the Asha´man who was described to him as Isha Talcontar - a real giant of a man who even Ged with his 6 feet 2 had to look up to. Instantly Ged had to swallow as he heard the huge man bellow:




    Giving a start, Ged leapt in line with the other Soldier present whom he immediately recognized as Noy who he had been taught together with the other day during their intro to Saidin. Shooting a quick uncertain grin, his green eyes rather looking wildly around, nervous and insecure on how to behave properly, Ged just straightened and imitated Noy. "I am Soldier Ged Maevere, Asha´man Isha Talcontar, Sir!", he said with a loud voice, fighting not to let it tremble giving away his tension and sudden nervousness.

    As he stood there next to Noy, Ged kept an eye on Isha, who was scowling at them in a rather displeased way as if they had done something wrong from the start. Irritated and using a quick side glance of Isha, Ged whispered to Noy, careful not to be overheard by the tall Asha´man - displeasing him was the last thing he intended now - "What is going on here? What are we supposed to do?"


    Written by jasonr


    ooc: I will make this a short one ‘cuz we really should wait for everyone before making dialogue. *looks pointedly at someone who has already posted and is not Estel* I’m just kidding, but we should really wait for everyone next time.


    IC: Noy tried his best to keep his eyes from widening when Ged spoke. When Isha is standing right in front of you, irritated and in his ‘instructor mode’ you just do not start talking. Noy gulped, and knew that Ged would get in trouble if Noy just ignored him, because he would probably say something else. Noy met Isha’s eyes once more and looked at him; he looked very displeased, but he was like this when he was instructing anything. Perhaps he was a little tense; it was very hard to tell these things about Isha. Noy very much doubted that they would be standing there in their full skins if Isha were truly angry. They had probably gotten of to a bad start by being slow about coming here. Whispering so that Ged would just barely hear him, Isha had ears like a cat’s, Noy said, “Isha is like this when he teaches, just stay like this until he tells you to relax.†There was no need to tell Ged that Isha was perhaps a little tense, or that they might have had taken to long. He was not sure of anything and it would take up time and make Isha more likely to hear if he explained in full.


    Written by Faile (AKA Faile1987)


    OOC: Ok, sorry for that, just couldn´t resist....so I´ll keep this one rather short too not to put anyone off


    IC:Ged swallowed immediately having the feeling of having something done totally wrong when he had adressed Noy even though he had tried to keep as silent as possible not to draw Isha´s attention onto him and Noy both. He really didn´t want to get anyone in trouble just because of his own inexperiencedness. Still he caught Noy´s almost inaudible whisper, the other Soldier´s voice sounding rather vexed and anxious at avoiding Isha overhearing him.


    “Isha is like this when he teaches, just stay like this until he tells you to relax.â€


    Ged nodded slightly at this not wanting to make it too apparent to Isha´s wary eyes. The man indeed seemed more than only tense and for one moment Ged wondered if his being late might have contributed to the man´s mood. Light he really didn´t want to know how Isha would be when he was really angry and he silently resolved to try his best not to give him any reason for directing his anger at him. So Ged just remained standing straight, his muscles already tight and knotting since he was unfamiliar to be left standing like that, but he would hold on as long as it would take for now.


    Written by Lord Kalthandrix (now it's just Kalthandrix)


    "ATTENTION! FORM RANK AND REPORT NAME AND RANK! NOW!" , was the booming command that sailed through the air and caused Vykor to start running. ' Blood and ashes; I am going to be late!' was his only thought as he began to furiously pump his legs and opened up his stride. He had been getting up early every morning since he had begun training with the sword and had quickly decided that he loved the practicing with the deadly instrument. Even now, with the three feet of steel encased in its plain brown leather scabbard threatening to trip his in his head long dash across the Farm, the thought never occurred to him that he should stop and stash the weapon somewhere so he could run faster. His black coat was undone at the neck and a light sheet of sweat had already matted his brow before he had even begun to run. He had a great place to practice in private that also afforded him a great view of one of the Ash’aman who came out every morning to practice the forms as well, allowing the young Soldier the opportunity to watch him and mimic the movements of the other man.


    Shaking the errant thoughts from his head, Vykor stopped thinking and tried to run harder. With his left arm swinging at the same blinding pace as his legs and the right one pinning his satchel to his side to keep it from flopping around and his right hand clenched around the leather wrapped hilt of his weapon, Vykor came tearing into view of the rest of the Soldiers, whom were already formed up and barking out their names.


    Skidding to a stop and panting for breath, Vykor held himself as straight as possible as he fell into the back rank of the gathered formation. When it came his turn, he was still out of breath but managed to shout out, "Soldier Vykor Temmer reporting sir!" as he thumped his clenched fist to his breast and remained at attention as he tried to get his breathing fully back under his control.



  4. ooc: dis be a short one due to lack of time. Forgive any spelling mistakes, I'm to lazy to open up Word. :D


    IC: "We are to be made into weapons...killing machines... men whose only purpose is to kill..."Ged murmered this and Noy was not sure whether he knew that he was speaking aloud. "Do you think it´s coming soon...the last battle I mean?" Noy studied him for a moment and collected his thoughts then he spoke.


    "Ged, I don't know much about the Last Battle. Owning a copy of the Prophesies of the Dragon, or even knowing them, can get you killed in Amadicia. The only thing I do know is that the Dragon being reborn is a sure sign of the Last Battle." Noy turned his head to the ceiling as though asking for divine help. He knew that nothing of the sort would happen and once Noy was ready, he turned and faced Ged again.


    "I don't know if we have 10 years, or 2, or even days or months, but I do know that we have to win it, we channelers are the only ones who can really help in the Battle. The Dark One cannot win." Noy didn't know much about the Prophesies, or the Dragon, but he did know enough to be sure that the Dark One could not win, he just could not.


    ooc: dun worry about your posts, I like big posts.

  5. Just two things, 1: Failes mentor is Covai, that's why she (:D) said that her mentor shouldn't scare you away. 2: *gets down on hands and knees while kissing the hem of Muir's dress err... pants, i guess* I beg you, please post on the BEM lesson. :cry:


    :D oh wait, I'm supposed to be sad... :cry: there we go, sorry

  6. ooc: no problem, I am looking forward to getting into that, and I am assuming that the last bit of your monologue in italics was said aloud and by Ged.


    IC: “Although I had been convinced I would hate everything linked to the One Power because it would remind me of what I have done, I somehow even like working with it a lot and although I only came here because I had no other choice and nowhere else to go, I hope to be able to do something good with the One Power one day. Even though it is tainted by the Dark One, I can’t deny loving the flow of Saidin going through me. I….I just feel so much more alive when I’m in touch with it and for a moment I sometimes even forge what happened on my first channeling. There must be some way to use this curse to be damned with the Power and the certainty to go eventually mad for something good, don’t you think so, too?â€


    For a while, Noy had no idea what to say to Ged. It seemed that the man needed reassurances that there was good in using Saidin, that he was able to still do good. “Ged… There is so much we can do with the Power, Heal someone even when death seems to be inevitable, turn aside an earthquake, or a huge storm. There is so much good we can do with the Power and learning how to use it is the only way to access the good that we can do. We should always remember one thing though, we aren’t evil because we use the One Power, with it we can perform miracles. The Taint is evil, the Taint damns us, but the One Power is a gift, a blessing, and if we use it right, then we can help countless people. The Last Battle is coming, and we will be there with the Dragon Reborn to save everyone.†Light, how long ago had he thought the Dragon was evil, that the Power was evil? A month ago had someone told him this, he would have spat in their face. Noy had no idea where the words came from, they just came out of his mouth of their own bidding.


    “Ged, no one here can deny loving the flow of the Power coursing through them. There is so much good that we can do, we have to find it first.†Light, what good could he do that could possibly make up for the bad that he had done to his family. There was always hope though, he had already gone through these words before, Noy knew the truth in the words. He had to believe they were true else they would do no good at all. There was good that they could do, he could make up for the bad things he had done. Noy would be there for the Last Battle, he would be there to fight the Dark One and to help save the world. Maybe after all the dust had settled, and the Last Battle had been won, they could be accepted back into their homes, and be able to help people more than they had. Maybe there was a way to even cleanse the Taint. A tear welled up in his eye; there was a way to be good again.


    ooc: ahhhhh, I can’t do any big posts!!! In case you didn’t get it from the couple of posts regarding Noy’s idea of the Source, he feels that they can make up for it, and that the Power is not evil, the Dark One is evil and because of that the Taint is evil yada yada yada, and that they can make up for all the bad stuff about Saidin, ext. ext. :D

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