By popular demand, we've re-opened our online store!
Dragonmount's online store primarily contains WoT jewelry items for both men and women. Items such as Aes Sedai rings, Foxhead medallions, and even coursouvas, are available in a variety of forms. These items are crafted by Badali Jewelry, and are available at the lowest prices anywhere right here on DM.
To celebrate the launch of our jewelry store, we'll be giving an extra discount for everyone for the next 10 days. Use the coupon code heartstone to gain an additional 10% off all jewelry items. It expires after April 19th.
The other significant item in our store is the return of the Dragonmount Premium Accounts! By purchasing one of these annual subscriptions, you will gain access to the exclusive chat room on DM, as well as gained increased account space for both your Personal Messages (PM's) and online gallery. You'll also get an additional 5% discount on all other store items. If you are a frequent contributor to the social scene here at DM, then this is a must-have. Also, we have a lot of cool plans for the premium account holders coming down the line. New features will be added soon.
In celebration of these premium accounts, we're offering a full 40% discount on them for the next few months. Enter the coupon code thechosen to receive this discount. It expires after August 1st.
Why we are offering Premium Accounts
Some people have questioned why we are offering this. (Fair question!) The reason is that we are regularly asked by people how they can support Dragonmount. Instead of just accepting donations, we felt that we wanted to give something back in return for your kindness. While anybody can buy one of these, they are primarily aimed at the thousands of fans who spend a considerable amount of time on our forums.
To visit our online store, click the link in our main menu above, or" rel="external nofollow">http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/store/">or just click here.
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