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Audiobook Giveaway: The Fires of Heaven


It's time for another audiobook giveaway! Here are the rules again for those who aren't familiar with our giveaways:




Macmillan Audio has partnered with us to bring you an amazing opportunity once again. We are going to give away free copies of each audiobook in the Wheel of Time series between now and when the final book is published.


On the first Wednesday of each month (and on the first and third Wednesdays of the month once we get to the final few books), I will post an audio clip for one of the audiobooks. The book featured in the clip will be the one we're giving away at the time.


As each clip is posted online, I will randomly select three winners to receive either a free digital audiobook download or a free CD. This contest is open to anybody world-wide, but non-US residents can only receive the digital download.


Entering to win is simple. Every time I post an audio clip, I will post a topic for discussion. Just post a response to the discussion question in the comments section of each news article. The winners will be randomly selected from the comments section exactly one week after I post the article.


There can be only one entry per person each time I put up an article. You cannot win more than once for this audiobook promotion.


If you are selected as a winner, I will PM you to notify you and request your contact information. Make sure to check your PMs, because if I still cannot reach you after two weeks from the date of my first PM, your prize will be given to another randomly drawn winner.


This month, we will be giving away a copy of The Fires of Heaven. Click here for a clip from the audiobook.


This month's question is: How many times have you read the Wheel of Time series? You have until Wednesday, July 11th to answer in the comments section. Note that even though I will not be back here until a few days after the 11th, I still will only count comments that were posted either before or on that date when I do the drawing. Good luck!

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I've re-read the series 3 times altogether, except for towers of midnight I've read it only once, as I lent it to my brother who is reading it now. But I've read bits and parts of all of them multiple times.

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I've read the series about 10 times. I've done a reread before each release, and sometimes in between.

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I start the series over each time I get the next book in the series. I've read the entire series at least 12 times. Have started my reread to be ready for the last book in the series.

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I read the first 5 books probably about 5 times and the next books somewhere between 1 (the most recent ones) and 3.

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have read each book at least once. Eye of the World has been read 3 times. The Rest of the series up until Crown of Swords has been read twice. From that point forward I switched to Audiobook so that I could listen at work. Been getting the audiobooks from the library and want to add them to my collection.

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Just two times, all on audiobook, but ill listen to it again before the new book!

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I am currently on my 4th re-read of WoT. The first three were through the furthest book released at the time.

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I have read the series about 7-8 times. I have also listened to the audio books about 4 times now...5th will be starting in the fall.

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I have read the series through about 1-2 times per year for the last 15 years. I have read through 3 times since ToM came out. I will read through once again starting around November to time it just right for AMoL.... *excitedly dry-washes hands*

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I have gone through cover to cover 5 times and have listened on audio at least 7 times . A few of the books , like book 6 with its who killed asmodien ect. Best all time epic fantasy .

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I have read the series at least 10 times, and every read through, I find something I missed or may have forgotten. I enjoyed them so much, I "encouraged" (okay, forcefully prodded) my wife and other family members to read them.

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I've read the series 1 time so far. I am hoping to find time to read it again once the last book is released.

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I have done a re-reading of the entire series about 4-5 times. Each time I always find new things that I never picked up from my previous read throughs. That's one of the unique things about WoT and I love it!

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I have read the entire series 2ice through & the last 2 books 3x

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I can only estimate so here goes:


I re-read the entire series every time a new book comes out so that's a start at 14. I've included New Spring in this which I've read at least 5 times.


Every time a new book comes out, I read it twice. First at light speed, usually an all nighter and the next day. Then I have a sleep and read it again more slowly. So that's another 30.


Then there were the times when the wait was just too long and I read the series again anyway, at least 5 times since 2001 when production slowed down.


So I make that 49 times. It's amazing that I can't quote it from start to finish - too much fun when I was young :-}

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I have read this series 7 times. I started reading them in 2001 and every time a new book comes out I find that I need to reread just to stay on top of most of the side stories that are going on. When I went to Navy boot camp in 2003, my father would mail pages of this book to me (that was the book i was reading at the time). I think I've read the prologue to this particular book about 100 times ;)

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a great question, and ive honestly lost count... i generally have one at least one read through before each new book was released... so yea, we're talking 10+

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i have read the whole set at least 8 times, and parts of it more offten then that. i try to re read it at least every two years

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i have read the entire series 5 or 6 times and have listened to most of it several more times. it only takes ablut a week to get through one book when you can listened to tjem 8 hrs a day at work

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Twice. The first time for the first eight or nine books, then I re-read everything right before the ninth or tenth (I forget now which it was). I'll be re-reading everything starting in October/November in preparation for AMOL.

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As a lot of others have stated, really tough to say how many times I've read it. If we count re-reads of what was out at the time I was re-reading it, It's been at least 20 times.

And on the other hand, now and then when I've just completed some other book and I'm not sure what I want to pick up next, I'll come across one of the WoT books sitting somewhere where one of my friends had left it when they last finished reading it and I'll decide I just have to re-read that particular book right now, not starting from the beginning this time but just relishing a particular plot arc or twist that I really enjoyed--though of course once I've started I can't stop at just that book and I usually wind up reading at least the next 2, or the rest of the series, before being able to put it all back down again and read something else.

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I have read it 8 times. Some of those times include portions of the series in audiobook, and the rest in hard copy or e-book.

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so many times they all blur together. who really cares where one book ends and another begins because as long as the wheel turns im not putting these things down!!!!!

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