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2017 Movie Preview


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I loved the anime and I reeaaaaaaaaally hope the movie will be at least half as good :happy:


Ha! Which one; this looks like a retelling of the original movie, with some of the magna (the majors origin story) and S.A.C. in it...so good story points, and I have high hopes but...

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There's a French beauty and the beast movie and of course the Disney cartoon (?)


Ghost in the shell ... in a movie...before ? Didn't see that !


I wanted to post some pics of the iconic scenes but then I thought oops... no can do here ... ^.^


So I'll just drop the wiki link

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Anyone else geeked for Ghost in the Shell?


Based on the two trailers I saw, looks like trash - the original film was smart, artistic, and questioned what it meant to be human or conscience in a world that increasingly doesn't know, but based on one of the trailers, looks like they turned it into a generic "I need to go find out who I am because I have amnesia" B.S. Those were just from the trailers though - I will wait until it comes out and read someone's plot summary to find out if that what it actually is. 

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Anyone else geeked for Ghost in the Shell?


Based on the two trailers I saw, looks like trash - the original film was smart, artistic, and questioned what it meant to be human or conscience in a world that increasingly doesn't know, but based on one of the trailers, looks like they turned it into a generic "I need to go find out who I am because I have amnesia" B.S. Those were just from the trailers though - I will wait until it comes out and read someone's plot summary to find out if that what it actually is. 



I agree. I've seen the previews.

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