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Welcome! Dragonmount is the home not only for amazing WoT discussions, it also acts as a fantastic theme by which you can discuss everything else in life, socialize, or play games and share things with people who you KNOW like at LEAST one thing you do too. 


The social groups (Aiel Waste, Shayol Ghul, The Black Tower, etc) are also great sub-communities with focusses on different things. The BT for example, my first home here, focuses on playing games, funny and crazy long threads, and general dealing with the voices in your head. The other groups all have their own flavor, but each one at it's core is just a place for people to hang out, connect and have fun. That's what it's all about. 


Feel free to ask any questions, or drop a "hello" wherever you'd like! There's many people here ready and glad to help you out and welcome you to DM. 


Hello and welcome to Dragonmount!


I'm sorry I missed this. DM is a rather large site so if you have any questions please let us know.


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