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Still using website?


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  • 7 months later...

Updated the WT website to the latest and greatest version of WordPress.  If it's out of date again please let me know asap.  you can always email me at matalina@gmail.com 



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  • 1 month later...

Why has my character been removed from the website? Even my OP scores are missing! (I DO have them on file, however). I'd like to think I wasn't gone THAT long (actually, a year to be exact, but it's been very rough... I moved countries, began a new job, and had to settle in a new place, so... yea).


I'm talking about my character Jagen Halin. I've been active with her (on and off) since ***2001*** on DM. My other character, Celestine Erebruz, has dropped off my RP radar a while ago, but she IS on the list... I'm pretty sure I mentioned this last year too, and for some reason it was never changed. I messaged Matalina, but she said she doesn't run the website and I need to talk to whoever is in charge of the WT.... but I'd need to talk to whoever owns the WEBSITE, right?

Edited by Jagen Sedai
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We should be able to get your stats back up there. Me and chealca have access to the website to make edits like that.


I'm not sure where the trouble came from but we didn't intentionally remove any characters. Please tell us your stats and we'll get it back up on the website.

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It's not a problem. I think during the period I was inactive, was probably when that website was made, and it just never transferred over :p


I need OP stats for Celestine, but here are my stats for Jagen:


Name Air Earth Fire Spirit Water Strength Skill Potency

Jagen Halin 8 5 5 8 5 31(beginning) (33)(full potential) 35 66


I'd also like to put up her bio at some point, too!

Edited by Jagen Sedai
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