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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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So, I wasn't even excited for this game.

Mostly because I don't have a 3DS but also...I am legitimately bored with the Pokemon story.

As much as I love the franchise I can only beat 8 gym leaders and an elite 4 so many times.


That said...they hooked me.





Not specifically Vulpix, although it's cool I guess, but just the prospect of certain pokemon being retyped as some kind of local variation has me intrigued. I don't even really know why since rom hackers have been doing this sort of thing for years but just thinking about the possibilities has me really excited to check this game out.


Anyone else looking forward to this?


Me!  The whole island trial part is what interests me most... there are 5 islands in the region, but nothing has even been mentioned about gyms or an e4 or Champion.  I just wonder if these challenges will replace that system, or are simply extra?  Honestly, the Z power moves are a bit ridiculous, but whatevs.  Overall, I'm excited for these.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Ok so I've beat the games main storyline. My take is that it's the best set of games since Diamond & Pearl.

I played Black and X (didn't play Black 2) and both were...kind of meh for me. Not really sure what it was but I just kind of rushed through those games and after beating them never picked them up again. I think this one is different and I highly recommend it.


I don't want to spoil the story for those who want to be surprised so beware of opening this spoiler



I just want to say that the final battle you have for the Champion title with the Professor was one of the most exhilarating battles I've had in the entire series. The Island Challenge stuff was a cake walk and the Elite 4 were push overs but the Professor and I went pokemon for pokemon and I ended the battle with a Pulverizing Pancake Z Move from my Snorlax. I can't remember the last time the game really sucked me in and made me feel part of the story and not just like someone playing a 20 year old game franchise but seriously that battle was great. Definitely turn the volume up for that one.



Anyway if anyone has any questions about the game or if you want to battle or trade let me know.

I got Sun by the way.


I just picked up Sun since my roommate is gonna get moon, since I got a small bonus from a competition.


First pokemon since Sapphire and Ruby and I have to say im enjoying it. Games changed alot since my last experience with it, but it looks pretty now. Only gotten through the first island though so far.


If you want any specific pokemon on your team I can breed you an egg and trade it to you. Let me know.


Also who'd you choose as your starter?


If you want any specific pokemon on your team I can breed you an egg and trade it to you. Let me know.


Also who'd you choose as your starter?

Fire starter, cause I like cats and theres no way im picking a circus clown.



If you want any specific pokemon on your team I can breed you an egg and trade it to you. Let me know.


Also who'd you choose as your starter?

Fire starter, cause I like cats and theres no way im picking a circus clown.


Lol I chose Litten too. I would have chosen the Owl but I didn't like it's final evolution and yeah you hit the nail on the head with that seal thing.


I have been playing on and off when I have time since it came out (through 1st 2 islands).


Have not played since original red game. But, this has been fun.


I picked the terrible seal though and just benched it after its 1st evolution. I could not look at it anymore.


I just beat the main storyline of Moon. Haven't gotten to the post-game plot though due to finals coming soon. Got some spoilerific reviews for yall 



The sequence where Cosmoem evolves into Lunala was the most beautiful and intense cut scene I'd ever seen. And then we got to go to the Ultra dimension! That was a seriously amazing bit, reminded me a lot of the Distortion world in Platinum but of course with sick graphics. 


I was very sad when my girlfriend left me to go to Kanto though. 





Ok so I've beat the games main storyline. My take is that it's the best set of games since Diamond & Pearl.

I played Black and X (didn't play Black 2) and both were...kind of meh for me. Not really sure what it was but I just kind of rushed through those games and after beating them never picked them up again. I think this one is different and I highly recommend it.


I don't want to spoil the story for those who want to be surprised so beware of opening this spoiler



I just want to say that the final battle you have for the Champion title with the Professor was one of the most exhilarating battles I've had in the entire series. The Island Challenge stuff was a cake walk and the Elite 4 were push overs but the Professor and I went pokemon for pokemon and I ended the battle with a Pulverizing Pancake Z Move from my Snorlax. I can't remember the last time the game really sucked me in and made me feel part of the story and not just like someone playing a 20 year old game franchise but seriously that battle was great. Definitely turn the volume up for that one.



Anyway if anyone has any questions about the game or if you want to battle or trade let me know.

I got Sun by the way.

Definitely agree with you on the spoilered stuff. 



That was the most difficult battle of the game. The Professor's Braviary reminded me very forcefully that I didn't have any flying type answers on my team by KOing half of it with successive brave birds. I only beat the thing by toxic stalling, and even that was inordinately difficult because the freaking Professor used a full heal! I totally would have lost that battle were it not for the fact that his Magnezone was passive enough for me to set up 6 calm minds with Lunala and sweep the rest of his team with Moongiest Beam.




By the way, Powersaves updates next month, and so does Pokebank. So when that happens I'll be able to transfer my mythical and legendary pokemon from Omega and clone them, so if anyone missed the 20th anniversary distributions just PM me! Actually, if you have any Gen 6 games I can clone right now and trade with you via GTS. Just ask! 


I have been playing on and off when I have time since it came out (through 1st 2 islands).


Have not played since original red game. But, this has been fun.


I picked the terrible seal though and just benched it after its 1st evolution. I could not look at it anymore.

Best decision you could have made imo.



By the way, Powersaves updates next month, and so does Pokebank. So when that happens I'll be able to transfer my mythical and legendary pokemon from Omega and clone them, so if anyone missed the 20th anniversary distributions just PM me! Actually, if you have any Gen 6 games I can clone right now and trade with you via GTS. Just ask! 

What do you have?


Also the event for Mageara is live. 

You just have to scan the QR code with your 3DS.




You can only get it if you've beat the game but the code is good for forever so no rush.


Damn that stupid Seal. I liked the Wingull pokemon that turns into the Pelican. So at least I didnt need 2 water pokemon.

I like Wingull but Peliper has a fat mouth. I prefer Ducklett and Swanna. Same type (water/flying) but much better looking. They aren't in Sun/Moon though unfortunately.


Well I have a powersave so I can make literally anything. I try not to abuse it

Oh I see, that's pretty cool. I have some cloned and hacked stuff on my Black version. I don't mind that kind of stuff as long as I know what I'm getting you know?


Actually I also have what is probably now somewhat rare event pokemon from Diamond/Pearl era. I have Shaymin, Regigigas, and Arceus as well as a few other things iirc.


Shaymin and Arceus are pretty rare. They did a givaway for both this year but you had to get it within the time limit. So not every body made it. I missed the Victini distribution and was very sad about it. 


Yeah I remember walking to TRU and farming Shaymin with my friends since we had an extra game we just kept resetting lol.

I did get Victini I think that or the shiny dog giveaway (Entei, etc) were the last events I got.

They're all just sitting on my Black version since I can't trade to X or Sun.


Which sucks because I've been bringing my Pokemon forward since Emerald and LeafGreen could go to DP/HGSS.

Really bitter towards Nintendo for extorting me to transfer my Pokemon when it's always been free before. 

I refuse to pay.

  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

UltraSun and UltraMoon were not what I thought they were going to be. I was so disappointed I didn't even buy it.


I thought it was going to be more like B2W2 not like Emerald, Platinum, etc.


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