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Nihao!! no im njot chinese, but eastern culture does fasinate me, if ur from japan or china send me a message i would love to hear from you


Welcome to DM!


Follow Cleo's advise! Your avatar needs to be 80x80 in size.


A couple of years ago, I spent 3 weeks in Japan as part of a school exchange, and had the time of my life! I'd love to go back again one day in the future!


Hello De'jani, welcome :)


Great Avi and Sig... but they both unfortunately will need re-sizing. If you aren't sure about how to do this, post a request on the sig request board. Someone there will be able to help you with it.


Have fun :)


:P Howdy! Welcome to DM!


What?! oh! you're waiting for me to harp on the avy and siggie? :P Well I'm not gonna! Everyone know I have a hard time with rules myself... :roll: :lol:

Guest Emperor

Welcome to DM. They are only going on about your pics because they are jealous!!!! I however, will use it as blackmail. Visit the Seanchan boards or I will tattle on you.


*puts on his tail*


What? Yes, I am in 5th grade... what do you want to make of it. I am rubber, you are glue..... you know the rest.


Hi De'jani, Welcome to DM. Did you make your sigs yourself.


We have a board for all kinds of art if you're into to it. This includes, photography, art (manual and graphic), sig making, web design, crafting, writing, theatrical and really anything else. Just look doen the boards and find The Illuminators and pop in for a chat and join to see all our other boards.


Need any help just ask anyone I'm sure they'll be more than willing to help

Guest Barmacral

WTS [Welcome] U bai? 20g


Sorry, I play wow and that reference was just too irresistable... Welcome!


Thank you for the really warm welcome i love this forum already, where to start...no i dont do my own art tho i wish i did, im just very good at surfing the web for images, and yes ill visit Seachan u couldn't keep me away with a stick, and Barmacra I also play wow on Burning blades server send me msg with ur toons R/C/L (race/class/level if uv never seen that abv)

Guest Barmacral

Kael'thas Horde Shaman 60, currently not playing the game as I can't afford it, will start again once I have the $115 (candian) required to get me BC, a game card, and half of BC for a shared account. (Original player quit, we use his T2 mage as a farmer)


Oh and, Barmacral is the characters name.


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