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Hehehehehe...they are all just trying to make up for their uninteresting names by making fun of ours! *nods*




Well...I have lost count the number of times the word 'cork' and wine associated jokes have been used to take the mickey out of my surname...


Ahhh, calm down, dont go blowing your Cork now, its not worth it :P

Ive never recieved and koes about my surname...its not interesting enough...


I know its french sheli

I know your name, and its french, so I took a guess

ok, this is my another guess and to clear thigns up for Byod

Lusure, should be pronouced (or I intended it to be):



Luu: is kinda like 'loo', but its soft and more of a 'u 'sound

suher: 's' and 'uh' are strung together and pronouced as one, with the 's' drawn out like in 'ssssssssssnake', but not that long, fairly brief, and the 'uh', its a very breif, almost non exsistant making a very light 'u' sound with the 'h' kinda breathed out, remeber its very very short, and er is like air, but proncouced the 'ai' part more like 'e'


Its really hard how to decribe french pronouciation


*eyes Rai speculatively*


So, to what do we owe this dubious honour? :lol: Contemplating recruit training? :wink:


Good guess :D


Lu as you described it to sound...and the simplest way I know to pronounce it is Lu, Z as in the way you say the letter, and A the way you pronounce the letter....though it flows together very well and softly when you say it properly...not as good as rai at explaining pronunciations.


*grins* so you were close.


IM here cause I really have nothing better to do at the moment

PLus I wanted to see how long it would take Sheli to notice me


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