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Hello and hey


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New here (which is obvious otherwise why would I be posting this?). Like everyone else I'm a big fan of the books (I promise this will be the last time I state obvious!) so I thought this site would be a great place to mingle with other people with the same taste in books.


Welcome!!! Yes, DM is a great place to meet other fans of the WoT!!!!


I'm Ryrin, CG of the Green Ajah. The social groups are a great way to meet people. Please feel free to stop by the White Tower and Warders. You can join as many groups as you like. FYI, with some of the groups you are not able to see all of the forums until you are a member.


If you have questions, please ask.


Gday Citeap!!  Im Dice and im an oldie in these parts. I agree with Ryrin   if you wanna meet people check out the Social orgs. They each have their own theme and are based off groups in the books. Im a member of the Band of the Red Hand for example who have a theme of travelling and music. You should come share a drink with us and see what antics we get up too lol



Im also a Wolfkin Elder an Ashaman at the Black Tower and a novice in the White Tower lol so you can see i get around! 



come visit and if you have any questions feel free to pm me if you want to


Welcome Cir,


If you've finished the series then you may enjoy checking out our Discussion Boards where people can start and join in on discussions on the series and its characters. If you are still finishing it up be carefulo of spoilers on the discussion boards.


In addition to this the social groups can be a great way for you to meet and get to know some of the people around the site. Each group has their own draw and all of them have some great members (Many of us are members of multiple groups). If any of the groups appeal to you then feel free to apply for as many of them as you'd like. If you have any questions about The Band of the Red Hand, home of music, travel, drinks & food, I should be able to answer them (I'm the Band's Exececutive Officer). If you have any questions about The Black Tower, home of Spam and Madness, I should also be able to answer those (I'm Logain, leader of the light faction). Other than those two groups I can't help you however just post here or in their general board and I'm sure their members will be more than happy to help answer your questions about their group. From my experiance, many of the groups seem to have a little RP mixed in however do not mainly focus on it.


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