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Welcome Csarmi !


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2 already, i'm a difficult recruit :tongue:


You've already got 2 SPOTFINES? 


I only have one, and it was part of a task...


I have no clue how I've been this well behaved. Very unlike me...


well there's still plenty of time for u to spend in the band .... that will bring you a lot of opportunity to be spotfined :tongue:


Oooh! I would love, love, love to issue you, anyone - everyone! with more fines - Challenge Accepted!*



*Takes a deep breath and puts on a disclaimer voice*
*The-choice-to-commit-a-(heinous)-crime-by-breaking-Band-Law-lies-solely-with-the-active-perpetrator/s-at-the-time-of-the-offence-and-no-RA-takes-responsibility-for-the-commitment-of-a-future-crime-(or-the-following-through-with-any-acts-in-violation-of-Band-Law)-despite-any-potentially-existent-encouragement-of-such-delinquent-behaviour-at-any-point-prior-to-such-an-offence-being-committed.  :tongue:  Each-of-the-Band-rules/laws-exists-for-a-very-good-reason-(and-that-reason-is-not-for-any-of-them-to-be-broken, nor-is-it-for-the-spotfining-pleasure-of-the-serving-RAs). Breaking-Band-Laws-is-prohibited-by-well,-Band-Law-and-is-bad-and-should-not-be-done-at-any-point. Spot-fines-will-most-definitely-inevitably-be-issued-to-the-perpetrators-when-caught-and-punishments-must-be-adhered-to-as-per-normal-or-...-or else.



In short, I don't know about it being an official monthly challenge, you'd have to talk about it with DJ and the other important, higher-up folks. But otherwise, if you/anyone else simply wants to try and get away with breaking Band Law at regular intervals...



Go ahead - make my our day  :baalzamon:  


Oooh! I would love, love, love to issue you, anyone - everyone! with more fines - Challenge Accepted!*



*Takes a deep breath and puts on a disclaimer voice*

*The-choice-to-commit-a-(heinous)-crime-by-breaking-Band-Law-lies-solely-with-the-active-perpetrator/s-at-the-time-of-the-offence-and-no-RA-takes-responsibility-for-the-commitment-of-a-future-crime-(or-the-following-through-with-any-acts-in-violation-of-Band-Law)-despite-any-potentially-existent-encouragement-of-such-delinquent-behaviour-at-any-point-prior-to-such-an-offence-being-committed.  :tongue:  Each-of-the-Band-rules/laws-exists-for-a-very-good-reason-(and-that-reason-is-not-for-any-of-them-to-be-broken, nor-is-it-for-the-spotfining-pleasure-of-the-serving-RAs). Breaking-Band-Laws-is-prohibited-by-well,-Band-Law-and-is-bad-and-should-not-be-done-at-any-point. Spot-fines-will-most-definitely-inevitably-be-issued-to-the-perpetrators-when-caught-and-punishments-must-be-adhered-to-as-per-normal-or-...-or else.



In short, I don't know about it being an official monthly challenge, you'd have to talk about it with DJ and the other important, higher-up folks. But otherwise, if you/anyone else simply wants to try and get away with breaking Band Law at regular intervals...



Go ahead - make my our day  :baalzamon:  

well, you at least seem up for it :wink:


i'll see if i can talk DJ into it :biggrin:


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