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Where is Hurin the Sniffer????


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Week 5 Question: Will Hurin the Sniffer return in any of the remaining books? Please? We miss him. Could you share some insight as to why you decided not to use him after The Great Hunt?


Robert Jordan Answers: He'll turn up again. He hasn't reappeared earlier because the part he had to play was a sidelight to the main story. You should be able to glean some of what he was doing, what effect he and the news he brought was having, from the news that came out of the Borderlands in the books following The Dragon Reborn, though.


anyone have any idea what RJ's talking about?


Well let's see, when Hurin left Mat and the Wonder Girls in TDR he was returning Shienar to relay the events at Falme to Lord Algamar and to report that Rand had declared himself The Dragon Reborn. In later books there for some talk of internal conflicts within Shienar, something which if very rare, and finally in WH we are introduced to the Borderland army that ultimaly ends up camped outside of Camyln. So I'd say that these things are probably the effects of Hurin's news. My guess is that Hurin is probably with the Borderland army at the moment.


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