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Secret Santa Black & White Towers Christmas!


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Season's Greetings, everyone!





Santa has been around for a while but what I have not witnessed is a joined Secret Santa event between the membes of the White and the Black Tower, so the White Tower would like to invite you to the

Secret Santa Black & White Christmas this year!



Everyone is invited to join: from the Initiate, to the Asha'man, both Factions!


Please visit the thread in Tar Valon:





Post your name and titles in Santa's list and you will receive a PM with you Santa Buddie. Everyone will be both a Secret Santa and a Santa buddie. Get to know your Santa Buddie - from his profile, ask mutual friends or them - the idea is to get to know people from other SGs as well!


We will give out the presents on the main thread on 25th Dec and in order to get your gift you have to guess your Secret Santa (there will be clue cards)  :tongue:

   Thanks to the Green Ajah, The Amyrlin of the White Tower, and the Leader of the Black Tower SG - TinaHel         



Hey Black Tower!


So, I have been designated one you lovely people as my Secret Santa, so instead of just noseying about for one person I thought I'd pop in and ask questions to a whole bunch of you.


So, right, HI!


I'm Blank - I'm Adele in the real worlds and I'm 24 and I work in a bakery. I like reading and sparkly things. My favourite colour is red but I am a Brown Aes Sedai over at the WT. My favourite WoT character is Rand. I'm also a big fan of Egwene, even though I know the opinion can be controversial in a few circles  :tongue:


So yes, please tell me about yourself and stuff! Are you looking forward to the holidays? Are you organised for the holidays? Who is your fave WoT character?


Oh and if you feel like it, you can also mention your dream present....that would be handy  :tongue:


lol  Lazy Aes Sedai!


Okay, since it´s Christmas and you are supposed to be nice to each other:


I´m BT SGL. I have been here at DM for (soon) three years. I started in the Aiel but ended up here somehow. I´m also a member of SG. I like to read a lot. The last book I read was Divergent. (Actually the second book but I can´t remember it´s name.) I look forward to Christmas. It´s great to be with family, eat all Christmas food, and see the kids open their presents. I have been fairly organised for Christmas. We made the candy two days ago and then we were finished with all preparations. My favourite WoT character is Min (although a little boring in AMoL), followed by Rand, Moridin, Graendal, Verin, Aviendha.... I could name a lot of the characters. My dream present? World domination? A new laptop? Both are fine. 


lol  Lazy Aes Sedai!


Okay, since it´s Christmas and you are supposed to be nice to each other:


I´m BT SGL. I have been here at DM for (soon) three years. I started in the Aiel but ended up here somehow. I´m also a member of SG. I like to read a lot. The last book I read was Divergent. (Actually the second book but I can´t remember it´s name.) I look forward to Christmas. It´s great to be with family, eat all Christmas food, and see the kids open their presents. I have been fairly organised for Christmas. We made the candy two days ago and then we were finished with all preparations. My favourite WoT character is Min (although a little boring in AMoL), followed by Rand, Moridin, Graendal, Verin, Aviendha.... I could name a lot of the characters. My dream present? World domination? A new laptop? Both are fine. 





Hi blank!


Over here, I am Logain: Faction Leader of the Light.


I am going to be away for better part of my holidays and I have loads of homework to catch up on when I get back.


My rest present would be a big library or a big bed with light that I can switch off while lying on bed.


Lazy or economical Lady Dragon?  :tongue:


Ha, you sound like you have christmas prep well in hand! Also, you make your own candy? That sounds amazing, I love to be able to do that but I'm a complete disaster in the kitchen  :laugh:

I actually finished the Divergent series just a couple of weeks ago - what do you think so far?


And Panchi - just try to enjoy the holiday and block that nasty homework stuff out your mind, it will be waiting on you wether you worry about it or not  :laugh:


Also, clap on lights are the best for not getting out of bed. My friend has one and I remain incredibly jealous of it every time I am reminded about it  :tongue:


Believe me, I´m useless when it comes to cooking. But I like to bake, especially around Christmas. Our candy turned up very good. 


I think the books are good. I like the plot and really want to read the third book. That said, I don´t think the author is the best one. 


Well the third book doesn't really care about feelings. My friend has a theory about how Divergent and Hunger Games are alike.


There is cause enough to be jealous of person who has clap on lights. I don't think I can have it though, my brother would come into my room and clap to annoy me if I had that.


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